* [x] Fun fancy CSS styling n stuff (CoD: MW 2019-style vertical menu for choosing between official and private servers? [See this](https://charlieintel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/MW-new-menu.png))
* [ ] Custom images for private server sections (anyone is welcome to submit a pull request to add some!)
* [ ] Optional username/password creation for servers before entering (not implemented in GrassCutter yet)
Discord/YouTube (plus surely some others) does not seem to be a fan of the proxy server. You may need to disable it by either closing mitmdump or by disabling your proxy in the Windows proxy settings.
### I have no internet after closing everything/restarting my PC!
The launcher most likely did not close correctly, and was unable to clean your proxy settings back to what they were. Disable your proxy in the Windows proxy settings.
### The game will not launch/background launcher images don't load!
Ensure you have selected to correct path to Genshin Impact. This is ***not*** your `Genshin Impact` folder, but instead the `Genshin Impact Game` folder found within the main folder (or just in general, if you do not use the launcher).