# GrassClipper Grasscutter launcher for easily switching between Official and Private servers [Download Here!](https://github.com/Grasscutters/GrassClipper/releases/) # Setup 0. Clone the repository 1. Ensure you have [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) installed. 2. Install the `neu` CLI tool: `npm install -g @neutralinojs/neu` 3. Install the dependencies: `npm install` AND `neu update` 4. Compile and run: * For testing: `npm run dev` * For production: `npm run build` # TODO * Interface * UI * Official and Private options * Server IP input * Fun fancy CSS styling n stuff (CoD: MW 2019-style vertical menu for choosing between official and private servers? [See this](https://charlieintel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/MW-new-menu.png)) * Proxy service * Local proxy server * Intercept and modify GI requests like with Fiddler, allow anything else to pass through