{ "fullLangName": "English", "appName": "GrassClipper", "playOfficial": "Play Official", "playPrivate": "Play on Grasscutter", "launchLocalServer": "Launch Local Server", "gameExeSet": "Set game executable", "grasscutterFileSet": "Set \"Grasscutter\" .jar file", "folderNotSet": "Not set", "ipPlaceholder": "Server Address...", "portPlaceholder": "Port", "noFavorites": "No favorites set", "settingsTitle": "Settings", "scriptsSectionTitle": "Scripts", "killswitchOption": "Kill Switch", "killswitchSubtitle": "Only for those very paranoid about bans. Kills the game process *and your internet* if something happens to the proxy.", "proxyOption": "Proxy", "proxySubtitle": "Install the proxy server via the install script", "updateOption": "Update", "updateSubtitle": "Auto updating is temporarily disabled. Check GitHub for the newest release.", "languageOption": "Language", "languageSubtitle": "Select your language!", "enableServerLauncherOption": "Enable Server Launcher", "enableServerLauncherSubtitle": "Enable to server launcher tile for launching a local Grasscutter instance.", "httpsOption": "Use HTTPS", "httpsSubtitle": "Choose between using HTTPS or HTTP.", "debugOption": "Debugging", "introSen1": "Looks like this is your first time opening GrassClipper!", "introSen2": "First of all, welcome, happy to see you here! :)", "introSen3": "Would you like to run the proxy installer?", "introSen4": "(required to connect to servers)", "updateBtn": "Update", "proxyInstallBtn": "Install", "proxyInstallDeny": "No thanks", "gameFolderDialog": "Select game exe", "grasscutterFileDialog": "Select Grasscutter server jar file", "loggingInTo": "Logging in to: ", "registeringFor": "Registering for: ", "authUsername": "Username: ", "authPassword": "Password: ", "authConfirmPassword": "Confirm Password: ", "authLoginBtn": "Login", "authRegisterBtn": "Register", "authLoginTitle": "Login", "authRegisterTitle": "Register", "launchWithoutAuth": "Launch without Authentication", "alertInvalid": "Invalid username or password", "alertNoPass": "No password set, please change password", "alertUnknown": "Unknown error, contact server owner", "alertAuthNoLogin": "Authentication is disabled, no need to log in!", "alertLoginSuccess": "Login successful! Token copied to clipboard. Paste this token into the username field of the game to log in.", "alertUserTaken": "Username is taken", "alertPassMismatch": "Password and password confirmation do not match", "alertAuthNoRegister": "Authentication is disabled, no need to register!", "alertRegisterSuccess": "Registration successful!", "downloadTitle": "Downloads", "grassclipperTitle": "GrassClipper", "grasscutterTitle": "Grasscutter", "installerTitle": "Installer", "installerSubtitle": "Installs proxy and other tools. Required for Grasscutter servers.", "downloadStable": "Download Grasscutter Stable Build", "stableSubtitle": "Install Grasscutter stable branch. This build usually has less bugs, but also less features.", "downloadDev": "Download Grasscutter Development Build", "devSubtitle": "Install Grasscutter development branch. This build sometimes has bugs, and is frequently updated. Use at your own risk.", "downloadResources": "Download Grasscutter Resources", "resourceSubtitle": "Downloads Grasscutter resources into the currently set Grasscutter folder. This should be done unless you plan on getting resources externally.", "downloadData": "Download Grasscutter Data", "dataSubtitle": "Downloads Grasscutter data files, such as keys, spawns, and other vital files.", "gcScriptRunning": "Running...", "stableInstall": "Download", "devInstall": "Download", "updateNotifText": "A new update is available! Newest version: ", "foreignCharacterAlert": "The file path set contains foreign characters, this may cause problems!", "dialogOk": "OK", "dialogNo": "NO", "serverEnableDialogTitle": "You found the Grasscutter server launcher!", "serverEnableDialogText": "If you do not have an existing Grasscutter installation to set, would you like to download a build?" }