@echo off set KEYSTORE_URL=%1 set ARTIFACT_URL=%2 set BRANCH=%3 set FOLDER_NAME=".\gc-%BRANCH%" if not exist %FOLDER_NAME% mkdir %FOLDER_NAME% if not exist ".\temp" mkdir ".\temp" echo Downloading Grasscutter prebuilt jar... :: Download the jar powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Uri %KEYSTORE_URL% -OutFile "./temp/gcjar.zip" echo Extracting... powershell Expand-Archive -Path "./temp/gcjar.zip" -DestinationPath %FOLDER_NAME% -Force :: Download the keystore.p12 file echo Downloading keystore.p12... powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Uri %ARTIFACT_URL% -OutFile "./%FOLDER_NAME%/keystore.p12" :: Remove temp stuff del /s /q "./temp" echo Done, latest Grasscutter %BRANCH% now downloaded in %FOLDER_NAME% pause exit /b