
574 lines
17 KiB

NL_CWD = NL_CWD.replace(/\//g, '\\')
let localeObj
const filesystem = Neutralino.filesystem
const createCmdWindow = async (command) => {
debug.log('Running command in new window: ' + command)
Neutralino.os.execCommand(`cmd.exe /c start "" ${command}`, { background: true })
const openInExplorer = async (path) => {
debug.log('Opening path in explorer: ' + path)
createCmdWindow(`explorer.exe "${path}"`)
* Enable play buttons
async function enableButtons() {
const offBtn = document.querySelector('#playOfficial')
const privBtn = document.querySelector('#playPrivate')
debug.log('Enabling buttons')
offBtn.disabled = false
// Check if the proxy server is installed
if (await proxyIsInstalled()) {
privBtn.disabled = false
* Enable server launch button
async function enableServerButton() {
const serverBtn = document.querySelector('#serverLaunch')
debug.log('Enabling server button')
serverBtn.disabled = false
* Disable buttons when the game folder is not set
async function handleGameNotSet() {
// Set buttons to greyed out and disable
document.querySelector('#gamePath').innerHTML = localeObj.folderNotSet || 'Not set'
debug.log('Handling game not set')
// Set official server background to default
document.querySelector('#firstPanel').style.backgroundImage = 'url("../bg/private/default.png")'
const offBtn = document.querySelector('#playOfficial')
const privBtn = document.querySelector('#playPrivate')
offBtn.disabled = true
privBtn.disabled = true
// TODO show a dialog of sorts
async function handleServerNotSet() {
// Set buttons to greyed out and disable
document.querySelector('#serverPath').innerHTML = localeObj.folderNotSet || 'Not set'
debug.log('Handling server not set')
// Set official server background to default
// document.querySelector('#firstPanel').style.backgroundImage = `url("../bg/private/default.png")`
const privBtn = document.querySelector('#serverLaunch')
privBtn.disabled = true
* Show the game folder under the select button
async function displayGameFolder() {
const elm = document.querySelector('#gamePath')
const config = await getCfg()
debug.log('Displaying game exe')
elm.innerHTML = config.gameexe
* Show the server folder under the select button
async function displayServerFolder() {
const elm = document.querySelector('#serverPath')
const config = await getCfg()
debug.log('Displaying server folder')
elm.innerHTML = config.serverFolder
* Set the background images of both the private and public sections
async function setBackgroundImage() {
const config = await getCfg()
const privImages = (await filesystem.readDirectory(NL_CWD + '/resources/bg/private')).filter(file => file.type === 'FILE' && !file.entry.includes('default'))
const privImage = privImages[Math.floor(Math.random() * privImages.length)].entry
const servImages = (await filesystem.readDirectory(NL_CWD + '/resources/bg/server')).filter(file => file.type === 'FILE' && !file.entry.includes('default'))
const servImage = servImages[Math.floor(Math.random() * servImages.length)].entry
// Set default image, it will change if the bg folder exists
document.querySelector('#firstPanel').style.backgroundImage = 'url("")'
debug.log('Setting second panel to: ' + privImage)
// Set the private background image
document.querySelector('#secondPanel').style.backgroundImage = `url("../bg/private/${privImage}")`
debug.log('Setting third panel to: ' + servImage)
// Set the server background image
document.querySelector('#thirdPanel').style.backgroundImage = `url("../bg/server/${servImage}")`
// Check if resources folder exists
const mainDir = await filesystem.readDirectory(NL_CWD)
if (!mainDir.find(dir => dir.entry === 'resources')) {
await filesystem.createDirectory(NL_CWD + '/resources')
// Ensure bg folder exists
const bgDir = await filesystem.readDirectory(NL_CWD + '/resources')
if (!bgDir.find(dir => dir.entry === 'bg')) {
await filesystem.createDirectory(NL_CWD + '/resources/bg')
// Ensure official folder exists
const officialDir = await filesystem.readDirectory(NL_CWD + '/resources/bg')
if (!officialDir.find(dir => dir.entry === 'official')) {
await filesystem.createDirectory(NL_CWD + '/resources/bg/official')
if (config.gameexe) {
// See if bg folder exists in parent dir
const parentDir = await filesystem.readDirectory(config.gameexe + '/..')
if (parentDir.find(dir => dir.entry === 'bg')) {
const officialImages = (await filesystem.readDirectory(config.gameexe + '/../bg')).filter(file => file.type === 'FILE')
if (officialImages.length > 0) {
for (const bg of officialImages) {
const path = config.gameexe.replace('\\', '/') + '/../bg/' + bg.entry
// See if the file exists already
const currentBgs = (await filesystem.readDirectory(NL_CWD + '/resources/bg/official/')).filter(file => file.type === 'FILE')
if (!currentBgs.find(file => file.entry === bg.entry)) {
await filesystem.copyFile(path, NL_CWD + '/resources/bg/official/' + bg.entry).catch(e => {
// TODO: Handle error
// Pick one of the images
const localImg = (await filesystem.readDirectory(NL_CWD + '/resources/bg/official')).filter(file => file.type === 'FILE')
const image = localImg[Math.floor(Math.random() * localImg.length)].entry
// Set background image
document.querySelector('#firstPanel').style.backgroundImage = `url("../bg/official/${image}")`
* When an IP is being input, check if it is part of the favorites
async function handleFavoriteInput() {
const ip = document.querySelector('#ip').value
const port = document.querySelector('#port').value || '443'
const ipArr = await getFavIps()
const addr = `${ip}:${port}`
debug.log('Checking if IP is a favorite: ' + addr)
if (!ip || !ipArr.includes(addr)) {
document.querySelector('#star').src = 'icons/star_empty.svg'
} else {
document.querySelector('#star').src = 'icons/star_filled.svg'
* Set the IP input value
* @param {String} ip
async function setIp(ip) {
const ipInput = document.querySelector('#ip')
const portInput = document.querySelector('#port')
const parseIp = ip.split(':')[0]
const parsePort = ip.split(':')[1]
debug.log('Setting IP input elm to: ' + parseIp + ' and port to: ' + parsePort)
// Set star
if (ip) {
document.querySelector('#star').src = 'icons/star_filled.svg'
ipInput.value = parseIp
portInput.value = parsePort
* Create/hide the favorites list
async function handleFavoriteList() {
const ipArr = await getFavIps()
const ipList = document.querySelector('#ipList')
if ( === 'none') {
debug.log('IP list was closed, opening it')
ipList.innerHTML = ''
const list = ipList.appendChild(
if (ipArr.length < 1) {
console.log('No favorites found')
const listItem = list.appendChild(
listItem.innerHTML = localeObj.noFavorites || 'No favorites set'
for (const ip of ipArr) {
const elm = document.createElement('li')
elm.innerHTML = ip
elm.addEventListener('click', () => setIp(ip))
} = 'block'
const transform = window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('#ipList')).transform
const xy = [ transform.split(',')[4], transform.split(',')[5] ]
let newY = (27 * ipArr.length) * window.devicePixelRatio
debug.log('IP list height: 56vh - ' + newY)
if (ipArr.length === 0 || ipArr.length === 1) newY = 0 = `translate(${xy[0]}px, calc(56vh - ${newY}px)`
async function openDownloads() {
const downloads = document.querySelector('#downloadPanel')
const config = await getCfg()
debug.log('Opening downloads panel')
if ( === 'none') {'display')
// Disable the resource download button if a serverFolder path is not set
if (!config.serverFolder) {
debug.log('Server folder not set, disabling resource download button and data download button')
document.querySelector('#resourceInstall').disabled = true
// Disable data installer
document.querySelector('#dataInstall').disabled = true
} else {
debug.log('Server folder is set, enabling resource download button and data download button')
document.querySelector('#resourceInstall').disabled = false
// Enable data installer
document.querySelector('#dataInstall').disabled = false
async function closeDownloads() {
const downloads = document.querySelector('#downloadPanel')
debug.log('Closing downloads panel') = 'none'
async function openSettings() {
const settings = document.querySelector('#settingsPanel')
const config = await getCfg()
debug.log('Opening settings panel')
if ( === 'none') {'display')
// Fill setting options with what is currently set in config
const killSwitch = document.querySelector('#killswitchOption')
const serverLaunch = document.querySelector('#serverLaunchOption')
const httpsCheckbox = document.querySelector('#httpsOption')
killSwitch.checked = config.enableKillswitch
serverLaunch.checked = config.serverLaunchPanel
httpsCheckbox.checked = config.useHttps
debug.log('Set killswitch to: ' + config.enableKillswitch)
debug.log('Set server launch to: ' + config.serverLaunchPanel)
debug.log('Set https to: ' + config.useHttps)
// Load languages
// Check for updates
async function closeSettings() {
const settings = document.querySelector('#settingsPanel')
const config = await getCfg()
debug.log('Closing settings panel') = 'none'
// In case we installed the proxy server
if (await proxyIsInstalled() && config.gameexe) {
debug.log('Proxy has been installed and EXE is set, enabling playPrivate')
const playPriv = document.querySelector('#playPrivate')
playPriv.disabled = false
async function openLogin() {
const login = document.querySelector('#loginPanel')
const ip = document.querySelector('#ip').value
const port = document.querySelector('#port').value
const loginIpDisplay = document.querySelector('#loginPopupServer')
const registerIpDisplay = document.querySelector('#registerPopupServer')
const config = await getCfg()
const useHttps = config.useHttps
const url = `${useHttps ? 'https' : 'http'}://${ip}:${port}`
debug.log('Opening login panel')
debug.log('Url: ' + url)
// Check if we even need to authenticate
try {
const { data } = await axios.get(url + '/authentication/type')
debug.log('Request successful')
if (!data.includes('GCAuthAuthenticationHandler')) {
debug.log('No authentication required')
} catch(e) {
debug.warn('Request failed')
debug.log('Login panel opening')
loginIpDisplay.innerText = ip
registerIpDisplay.innerText = ip
if ( === 'none') {'display')
async function closeLogin() {
const login = document.querySelector('#loginPanel')
debug.log('Closing login panel') = 'none'
async function closeFirstTimePopup() {
const firstTimePopup = document.querySelector('#firstTimeNotice')
debug.log('Closing first time popup') = 'none'
async function runInstallScript() {
debug.log('Running install script')
createCmdWindow(`.\\scripts\\install.cmd "${NL_CWD}" true`)
// Create an interval that will check for the proxy server installation finish
const interval = setInterval(async () => {
debug.log('Checking if proxy server is installed')
if (await proxyIsInstalled()) {
debug.log('Proxy server installed')
}, 1000)
async function updateResources() {
async function checkForUpdatesAndShow() {
const updateBtn = document.querySelector('#updateBtn')
const subtitle = document.querySelector('#updateSubtitle')
const url = ''
const manifest = await Neutralino.updater.checkForUpdates(url)
// Version mismatch? Update!
if (manifest?.version !== NL_APPVERSION) {
debug.log('New update available')
subtitle.innerHTML = 'New update available!'
} else {
debug.log('New update not available')
subtitle.innerHTML = 'You are on the latest version! :)'
async function displayServerLaunchSection() {
const serverPanel = document.querySelector('#thirdPanel')
const bottomBtnSection = document.querySelector('#serverPath').parentElement
debug.log('Displaying server launch section')
if ( === 'none') {
debug.log('Showing server launch section')'display')'display')
} else {
debug.log('Hiding server launch section') = 'none' = 'none'
* Set the game folder by opening a folder picker
async function setGameExe() {
const gameExe = await Neutralino.os.showOpenDialog(localeObj.gameFolderDialog || 'Select game folder', {
filters: [
{ name: 'Executable files', extensions: ['exe'] }
debug.log('Game exe selected: ' + gameExe[0])
if (!gameExe[0]) return
if (hasForeignChars(gameExe[0])) displayAlert(localeObj.foreignCharacterAlert || 'The file path set contains foreign characters, this may cause problems!')
// Set the folder in our configuration
const config = await getCfg()
// It's an array of selections, so only get the first one
config.gameexe = gameExe[0].replace(/\//g, '\\')
debug.log('Setting game exe to: ' + config.gameexe)'config', JSON.stringify(config))
// Refresh background and path
async function setGrasscutterFolder() {
const folder = await Neutralino.os.showOpenDialog(localeObj.grasscutterFileDialog || 'Select Grasscutter server jar file', {
filters: [
{ name: 'Jar files', extensions: ['jar'] }
debug.log('Grasscutter folder selected: ' + folder[0])
if (!folder[0]) return
if (hasForeignChars(folder[0])) displayAlert(localeObj.foreignCharacterAlert || 'The file path set contains foreign characters, this may cause problems!')
// Set the folder in our configuration
const config = await getCfg()
config.serverFolder = folder[0]
debug.log('Setting grasscutter folder to: ' + config.serverFolder)'config', JSON.stringify(config))
* Launch the game with no modifications nor proxy
async function launchOfficial() {
const config = await getCfg()
debug.log('Launching game at ' + config.gameexe)
* Launch the game with a proxy
async function launchPrivate() {
const ip = document.getElementById('ip').value || ''
const port = document.getElementById('port').value || '443'
const config = await getCfg()
debug.log('Connecting to ' + ip + ':' + port)
// Set the last connect
config.lastConnect = ip'config', JSON.stringify(config))
// Pass IP and game folder to the private server launcher
`.\\scripts\\private_server_launch.cmd ${ip} ${port} ${config.useHttps} "${config.gameexe}" "${NL_CWD}" ${config.enableKillswitch} true`, {
background: true
).catch(e => debug.error(e))
async function launchLocalServer() {
const config = await getCfg()
debug.log('Launching local server')
createCmdWindow(`.\\scripts\\local_server_launch.cmd "${config.serverFolder}"`).catch(e => console.log(e))