2022-04-20 16:28:18 -07:00

37 lines
1.1 KiB

@echo off
echo Downloading proxy server...
if not exist "./ext" mkdir "ext"
if not exist "./temp" mkdir "temp"
:: Begin by retrieving mitmproxy 8.0.0
powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile "./temp/"
echo Extracting...
:: Extract from temp/ to ext/ with powershell
powershell Expand-Archive -Path "./temp/" -DestinationPath "./ext/" -Force
del /s /q "./temp"
echo Running proxy server in order to generate certificates...
:: Start proxy server
start "Proxy Server" ./ext/mitmdump.exe --ssl-insecure --set ip=%ip%
:: Allow the proxy server to create the certificates
ping -n 6 > nul
:: Kill the process
taskkill /f /im mitmdump.exe
:: Ensure we are elevated for certs
>nul 2>&1 certutil -addstore root %USERPROFILE%\.mitmproxy\mitmproxy-ca-cert.cer || (
echo Certificate install failed, ensure the script is running as Administrator and that the path "%USERPROFILE%\.mitmproxy" exists,
echo Done! You can now open GrassClipper.exe!