![Group 148.jpg](https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/03/5ZPG2neTlrMW6Az.jpg) # MeaMailPlus - Grasscutter Mail enhancements MeaMailPlus is a plugin of [Grasscutter](https://github.com/Grasscutters/Grasscutter), you can use this plugin to send your mail conveniently. English | 简体中文 (正在写) ## 💡Feature - [x] **Birthday Mail** - Send birthday emails to players on their birthdays. - [X] **Daily Bonus** - Players will receive rewards when they join the server. - [X] **Newbie Gift Mail** - Players will receive rewards when they first joined. - [X] **Scheduled Mail push** - You can limit the level threshold of players to receive the mail. - [X] **Command support** - Support sending Mails by command. - [ ] **RESTful API** - Send Mail via third-party API. - [ ] **MORE** - Comming soon... ## 🍗Setup ### Install 1. [Download Plugin Jar](https://github.com/Coooookies/Grasscutter-MeaMailPlus/releases) 2. Put plugins into `plugins` folder of your grasscutter server. 3. Start your server, then the plugin will create `MeaMailPlus` folder in your server plugin folder. ``` Root │ lib │ keys │ resources │ ... └───plugins │ ... └───MeaMailPlus │ template // template files └───config.json // plugin config file ``` ### How to use? 🤔 Comming soon... ### Command & Permission Command: ``` Send Mail: /meamail send /meamail sendall /meamail sendallonline Other: /meamail reload /meamail help ``` Permission: ``` meo.mail | Control plugin functions ```