2022-05-11 02:49:25 +00:00
package emu.grasscutter;
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import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
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import emu.grasscutter.Grasscutter.*;
import emu.grasscutter.game.mail.Mail.*;
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import java.io.FileReader;
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import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Arrays;
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import java.util.Locale;
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import static emu.grasscutter.Grasscutter.config;
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* A data container for the server's configuration.
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* Use `import static emu.grasscutter.Configuration.*;`
* to import all configuration constants.
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public final class Configuration {
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private static int version() {
return 1;
* Attempts to update the server's existing configuration to the latest configuration.
public static void updateConfig() {
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try { // Check if the server is using a legacy config.
JsonObject configObject = Grasscutter.getGsonFactory()
.fromJson(new FileReader(Grasscutter.configFile), JsonObject.class);
if(!configObject.has("version")) {
Grasscutter.getLogger().info("Updating legacy configuration...");
} catch (Exception ignored) { }
var existing = config.version;
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var latest = version();
if(existing == latest)
// Create a new configuration instance.
Configuration updated = new Configuration();
// Update all configuration fields.
Field[] fields = Configuration.class.getDeclaredFields();
Arrays.stream(fields).forEach(field -> {
try {
field.set(updated, field.get(config));
} catch (Exception exception) {
Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Failed to update a configuration field.", exception);
try { // Save configuration & reload.
} catch (Exception exception) {
Grasscutter.getLogger().warn("Failed to inject the updated configuration.", exception);
* Constants
// 'c' is short for 'config' and makes code look 'cleaner'.
public static final Configuration c = config;
public static final Locale LANGUAGE = config.language.language;
public static final Locale FALLBACK_LANGUAGE = config.language.fallback;
public static final String DATA_FOLDER = config.folderStructure.data;
public static final String RESOURCES_FOLDER = config.folderStructure.resources;
public static final String KEYS_FOLDER = config.folderStructure.keys;
public static final String PLUGINS_FOLDER = config.folderStructure.plugins;
public static final String SCRIPTS_FOLDER = config.folderStructure.scripts;
public static final String PACKETS_FOLDER = config.folderStructure.packets;
public static final Server SERVER = config.server;
public static final Database DATABASE = config.databaseInfo;
public static final Account ACCOUNT = config.account;
public static final Dispatch DISPATCH_INFO = config.server.dispatch;
public static final Game GAME_INFO = config.server.game;
public static final Encryption DISPATCH_ENCRYPTION = config.server.dispatch.encryption;
public static final Policies DISPATCH_POLICIES = config.server.dispatch.policies;
public static final GameOptions GAME_OPTIONS = config.server.game.gameOptions;
public static final GameOptions.InventoryLimits INVENTORY_LIMITS = config.server.game.gameOptions.inventoryLimits;
* Utilities
public static String DATA(String path) {
return DATA_FOLDER + "/" + path;
public static String RESOURCE(String path) {
return RESOURCES_FOLDER + "/" + path;
public static String SCRIPT(String path) {
return SCRIPTS_FOLDER + "/" + path;
* Fallback method.
* @param left Attempt to use.
* @param right Use if left is undefined.
* @return Left or right.
public static <T> T lr(T left, T right) {
return left == null ? right : left;
* {@link Configuration#lr(Object, Object)} for {@link String}s.
* @param left Attempt to use.
* @param right Use if left is empty.
* @return Left or right.
public static String lr(String left, String right) {
return left.isEmpty() ? right : left;
* {@link Configuration#lr(Object, Object)} for {@link Integer}s.
* @param left Attempt to use.
* @param right Use if left is 0.
* @return Left or right.
public static int lr(int left, int right) {
return left == 0 ? right : left;
* Configuration data.
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public Structure folderStructure;
public Database databaseInfo;
public Language language;
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public Account account;
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public Server server;
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public int version = version();
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/* Option containers. */
public static class Database {
public String connectionUri = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
public String collection = "grasscutter";
public static class Structure {
public String resources = "./resources/";
public String data = "./data/";
public String packets = "./packets/";
public String keys = "./keys/";
public String scripts = "./resources/scripts/";
public String plugins = "./plugins/";
// UNUSED (potentially added later?)
// public String dumps = "./dumps/";
public static class Server {
public ServerDebugMode debugLevel = ServerDebugMode.NONE;
public ServerRunMode runMode = ServerRunMode.HYBRID;
public Dispatch dispatch = new Dispatch();
public Game game = new Game();
public static class Language {
public Locale language = Locale.getDefault();
public Locale fallback = Locale.US;
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public static class Account {
public boolean autoCreate = false;
public String[] defaultPermissions = {};
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/* Server options. */
public static class Dispatch {
public String bindAddress = "";
/* This is the address used in URLs. */
public String accessAddress = "";
public int bindPort = 443;
/* This is the port used in URLs. */
public int accessPort = 443;
public Encryption encryption = new Encryption();
public Policies policies = new Policies();
public Region[] regions = {};
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public String defaultName = "Grasscutter";
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public static class Game {
public String bindAddress = "";
/* This is the address used in the default region. */
public String accessAddress = "";
public int bindPort = 443;
/* This is the port used in the default region. */
public int accessPort = 443;
public GameOptions gameOptions = new GameOptions();
public JoinOptions joinOptions = new JoinOptions();
public ConsoleAccount serverAccount = new ConsoleAccount();
/* Data containers. */
public static class Encryption {
public boolean useEncryption = true;
/* Should 'https' be appended to URLs? */
public boolean useInRouting = true;
public String keystore = "./keystore.p12";
public String keystorePassword = "123456";
public static class Policies {
public CORS cors = new CORS();
public static class CORS {
public boolean enabled = false;
public String[] allowedOrigins = new String[]{"*"};
public static class GameOptions {
public InventoryLimits inventoryLimits = new InventoryLimits();
public AvatarLimits avatarLimits = new AvatarLimits();
public int worldEntityLimit = 1000; // Unenforced. TODO: Implement.
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public boolean watchGachaConfig = false;
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public boolean enableShopItems = true;
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public boolean staminaUsage = true;
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public Rates rates = new Rates();
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public Database databaseInfo = new Database();
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public static class InventoryLimits {
public int weapons = 2000;
public int relics = 2000;
public int materials = 2000;
public int furniture = 2000;
public int all = 30000;
public static class AvatarLimits {
public int singlePlayerTeam = 4;
public int multiplayerTeam = 4;
public static class Rates {
public float adventureExp = 1.0f;
public float mora = 1.0f;
public float leyLines = 1.0f;
public static class JoinOptions {
public int[] welcomeEmotes = {2007, 1002, 4010};
public String welcomeMessage = "Welcome to a Grasscutter server.";
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public Mail welcomeMail = new Mail();
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public static class Mail {
public String title = "Welcome to Grasscutter!";
public String content = """
Hi there!\r
First of all, welcome to Grasscutter. If you have any issues, please let us know so that Lawnmower can help you! \r
Check out our:\r
<type="browser" text="Discord" href="https://discord.gg/T5vZU6UyeG"/>
public String sender = "Lawnmower";
public MailItem[] items = {
new MailItem(13509, 1, 1),
new MailItem(201, 99999, 1)
public static class ConsoleAccount {
public int avatarId = 10000007;
public int nameCardId = 210001;
public int adventureRank = 1;
public int worldLevel = 0;
public String nickName = "Server";
public String signature = "Welcome to Grasscutter!";
/* Objects. */
public static class Region {
public String Name = "os_usa";
public String Title = "Grasscutter";
public String Ip = "";
public int Port = 22102;