Yazawazi 401b80060e feature(widget): simple implementation of widget
Simple implementation of a part of the gadget support, very rough, hard code variables, I am very sorry for that. It can now handle part of the gadget rig. More features and better support await PRs from others. if no one else does, I'll give it a try.
2022-05-12 01:23:16 -07:00

16 lines
315 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "";
import "Vector.proto";
message OneoffGatherPointDetectorData {
uint32 material_id = 1;
bool is_all_collected = 2;
bool is_hint_valid = 3;
Vector hint_center_pos = 4;
uint32 hint_radius = 5;
uint32 group_id = 6;
uint32 config_id = 7;