update for 3.5.5x (and above?)

This commit is contained in:
RELOADED 2023-03-10 23:13:40 -05:00
parent b37ca12cbc
commit 20b5513cb3

View File

@ -42,8 +42,27 @@ public:
class String
void* klass;
void* monitor;
uint32_t length;
wchar_t chars[];
wchar_t* c_str() {
return chars;
size_t size() {
return length;
PVOID oGetPublicKey = nullptr;
PVOID oGetPrivateKey = nullptr;
PVOID oReadToEnd = nullptr;
LPCSTR gcpb = "<RSAKeyValue><Modulus>xbbx2m1feHyrQ7jP+8mtDF/pyYLrJWKWAdEv3wZrOtjOZzeLGPzsmkcgncgoRhX4dT+1itSMR9j9m0/OwsH2UoF6U32LxCOQWQD1AMgIZjAkJeJvFTrtn8fMQ1701CkbaLTVIjRMlTw8kNXvNA/A9UatoiDmi4TFG6mrxTKZpIcTInvPEpkK2A7Qsp1E4skFK8jmysy7uRhMaYHtPTsBvxP0zn3lhKB3W+HTqpneewXWHjCDfL7Nbby91jbz5EKPZXWLuhXIvR1Cu4tiruorwXJxmXaP1HQZonytECNU/UOzP6GNLdq0eFDE4b04Wjp396551G99YiFP2nqHVJ5OMQ==</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent></RSAKeyValue>";
PVOID Detour(PVOID func, PVOID jmp, bool attach)
@ -130,6 +149,58 @@ Array<BYTE>* __fastcall hkGetRSAKey()
return data;
String* __fastcall hkReadToEnd(void* rcx, void* rdx)
auto result = decltype(&hkReadToEnd)(oReadToEnd)(rcx, rdx);
if (!result)
return result;
if (!wcsstr(result->c_str(), L"<RSAKeyValue>"))
return result;
bool isPrivate = wcsstr(result->c_str(), L"<InverseQ>");
std::string customKey{};
if (isPrivate)
customKey = ReadFile("PrivateKey.txt");
customKey = ReadFile("PublicKey.txt");
if (customKey.empty())
Utils::ConsolePrint("%S\n\n", result->c_str());
Utils::ConsolePrint("using grasscutter public key\n");
customKey = gcpb;
if (!customKey.empty())
if (customKey.size() <= result->size())
ZeroMemory(result->chars, result->size() * 2);
std::wstring wstr = std::wstring(customKey.begin(), customKey.end()); // idc
memcpy_s(result->chars, result->size() * 2, wstr.data(), wstr.size() * 2);
Utils::ConsolePrint("custom key longer than original\n");
for (int i = 0; i < result->size(); i++)
Utils::ConsolePrint("%C", result->chars[i]);
return result;
void DisableVMP()
// restore hook at NtProtectVirtualMemory
@ -177,6 +248,30 @@ uintptr_t FindEntry(uintptr_t addr)
return 0;
void OldVersion() // <= 3.5.0
auto GetPublicKey = Utils::PatternScan("UserAssembly.dll", "48 BA 45 78 70 6F 6E 65 6E 74 48 89 90 ? ? ? ? 48 BA 3E 3C 2F 52 53 41 4B 65"); // 'Exponent></RSAKe'
auto GetPrivateKey = Utils::PatternScan("UserAssembly.dll", "2F 49 6E 76 65 72 73 65"); // '/Inverse'
GetPublicKey = FindEntry(GetPublicKey);
GetPrivateKey = FindEntry(GetPrivateKey);
Utils::ConsolePrint("GetPublicKey: %p\n", GetPublicKey);
Utils::ConsolePrint("GetPrivateKey: %p\n", GetPrivateKey);
// check for null and alignment
if (!GetPublicKey || GetPublicKey % 16 > 0)
Utils::ConsolePrint("Failed to find GetPublicKey - Need to update\n");
if (!GetPrivateKey || GetPrivateKey % 16 > 0)
Utils::ConsolePrint("Failed to find GetPrivateKey - Need to update\n");
oGetPublicKey = Detour((PVOID)GetPublicKey, hkGetRSAKey, true);
oGetPrivateKey = Detour((PVOID)GetPrivateKey, hkGetRSAKey, true);
Utils::ConsolePrint("Hooked GetPublicKey - Original at: %p\n", oGetPublicKey);
Utils::ConsolePrint("Hooked GetPrivateKey - Original at: %p\n", oGetPrivateKey);
DWORD __stdcall Thread(LPVOID p)
@ -211,26 +306,26 @@ DWORD __stdcall Thread(LPVOID p)
auto GetPublicKey = Utils::PatternScan("UserAssembly.dll", "48 BA 45 78 70 6F 6E 65 6E 74 48 89 90 ? ? ? ? 48 BA 3E 3C 2F 52 53 41 4B 65"); // 'Exponent></RSAKe'
auto GetPrivateKey = Utils::PatternScan("UserAssembly.dll", "2F 49 6E 76 65 72 73 65"); // '/Inverse'
auto UserAssembly = (uintptr_t)GetModuleHandleA("UserAssembly.dll");
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS nt = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(UserAssembly + dos->e_lfanew);
DWORD timestamp = nt->FileHeader.TimeDateStamp;
GetPublicKey = FindEntry(GetPublicKey);
GetPrivateKey = FindEntry(GetPrivateKey);
if (timestamp <= 0x63ECA960)
return 0;
Utils::ConsolePrint("GetPublicKey: %p\n", GetPublicKey);
Utils::ConsolePrint("GetPrivateKey: %p\n", GetPrivateKey);
auto ReadToEnd = Utils::PatternScan("UserAssembly.dll", "48 89 5C 24 ? 48 89 74 24 ? 48 89 7C 24 ? 41 56 48 83 EC 20 48 83 79 ? ? 48 8B D9 75 05");
Utils::ConsolePrint("ReadToEnd: %p\n", ReadToEnd);
// check for null and alignment
if (!GetPublicKey || GetPublicKey % 8 > 0)
Utils::ConsolePrint("Failed to find GetPublicKey - Need to update\n");
if (!GetPrivateKey || GetPrivateKey % 8 > 0)
Utils::ConsolePrint("Failed to find GetPrivateKey - Need to update\n");
if (!ReadToEnd || ReadToEnd % 16 > 0)
Utils::ConsolePrint("Failed to find ReadToEnd - Need to update\n");
oGetPublicKey = Detour((PVOID)GetPublicKey, hkGetRSAKey, true);
oGetPrivateKey = Detour((PVOID)GetPrivateKey, hkGetRSAKey, true);
Utils::ConsolePrint("Hooked GetPublicKey - Original at: %p\n", oGetPublicKey);
Utils::ConsolePrint("Hooked GetPrivateKey - Original at: %p\n", oGetPrivateKey);
oReadToEnd = Detour((PVOID)ReadToEnd, hkReadToEnd, true);
Utils::ConsolePrint("Hooked ReadToEnd - Original at: %p\n", oReadToEnd);
return 0;