
205 lines
9.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

This inline script utilizes harparser.HAR from
to generate a HAR log object.
from harparser import HAR
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
class UTC(tzinfo):
def utcoffset(self, dt):
return timedelta(0)
def dst(self, dt):
return timedelta(0)
def tzname(self, dt):
return "Z"
class _HARLog(HAR.log):
__page_list__ = []
__page_count__ = 0
__page_ref__ = {}
def __init__(self, page_list):
self.__page_list__ = page_list
self.__page_count__ = 0
self.__page_ref__ = {}
HAR.log.__init__(self, {"version": "1.2",
"creator": {"name": "MITMPROXY HARExtractor",
"version": "0.1",
"comment": ""},
"pages": [],
"entries": []})
def reset(self):
def add(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, HAR.pages):
if isinstance(obj, HAR.entries):
def create_page_id(self):
self.__page_count__ += 1
return "autopage_%s" % str(self.__page_count__)
def set_page_ref(self, page, ref):
self.__page_ref__[page] = ref
def get_page_ref(self, page):
return self.__page_ref__.get(page, None)
def get_page_list(self):
return self.__page_list__
def start(context, argv):
On start we create a HARLog instance. You will have to adapt this to suit your actual needs
of HAR generation. As it will probably be necessary to cluster logs by IPs or reset them
from time to time.
context.HARLog = _HARLog([''])
context.seen_server_connect = set()
context.seen_server_ssl = set()
def response(context, flow):
Called when a server response has been received. At the time of this message both
a request and a response are present and completely done.
connect_time = -.001
if flow.server_conn not in context.seen_server_connect:
# Calculate the connect_time for this server_conn. Afterwards add it to seen list, in
# order to avoid the connect_time being present in entries that use an existing connection.
connect_time = flow.server_conn.timestamp_tcp_setup - flow.server_conn.timestamp_start
ssl_time = -.001
if flow.server_conn not in context.seen_server_ssl \
and flow.server_conn.timestamp_ssl_setup is not None:
# Get the ssl_time for this server_conn as the difference between the start of the successful
# tcp setup and the successful ssl setup. Afterwards add it to seen list, in order to avoid
# the ssl_time being present in entries that use an existing connection. If no ssl setup has
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# been made it is also left as -1 since it doesn't apply to this connection.
ssl_time = flow.server_conn.timestamp_ssl_setup - flow.server_conn.timestamp_tcp_setup
# Calculate the raw timings from the different timestamps present in the request and response object.
# For lack of a way to measure it dns timings can not be calculated. The same goes for HAR blocked:
# MITMProxy will open a server connection as soon as it receives the host and port from the client
# connection. So the time spent waiting is actually spent waiting between request.timestamp_end and
# response.timestamp_start thus it correlates to HAR wait instead.
timings_raw = {'send': flow.request.timestamp_end - flow.request.timestamp_start,
'wait': flow.response.timestamp_start - flow.request.timestamp_end,
'receive': flow.response.timestamp_end - flow.response.timestamp_start,
'connect': connect_time,
'ssl': ssl_time}
# HAR timings are integers in ms, so we have to re-encode the raw timings to that format.
timings = dict([(key, int(1000 * value)) for key, value in timings_raw.iteritems()])
# The full_time is the sum of all timings. Timings set to -1 will be ignored as per spec.
full_time = 0
for item in timings.values():
if item > -1:
full_time += item
started_date_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(flow.request.timestamp_start, tz=UTC()).isoformat()
request_query_string = [{"name": k, "value": v} for k, v in flow.request.get_query()]
request_http_version = ".".join([str(v) for v in flow.request.httpversion])
# Cookies are shaped as tuples by MITMProxy.
request_cookies = [{"name": k.strip(), "value": v[0]} for k, v in (flow.request.get_cookies() or {}).iteritems()]
request_headers = [{"name": k, "value": v} for k, v in flow.request.headers]
request_headers_size = len(str(flow.request.headers))
request_body_size = len(flow.request.content)
response_http_version = ".".join([str(v) for v in flow.response.httpversion])
# Cookies are shaped as tuples by MITMProxy.
response_cookies = [{"name": k.strip(), "value": v[0]} for k, v in (flow.response.get_cookies() or {}).iteritems()]
response_headers = [{"name": k, "value": v} for k, v in flow.response.headers]
response_headers_size = len(str(flow.response.headers))
response_body_size = len(flow.response.content)
response_body_decoded_size = len(flow.response.content)
response_body_compression = response_body_decoded_size - response_body_size
response_mime_type = flow.response.headers.get('Content-Type', [''])[0]
response_redirect_url = flow.response.headers.get('Location', [''])[0]
entry = HAR.entries({"startedDateTime": started_date_time,
"time": full_time,
"request": {"method": flow.request.method,
"url": flow.request.url,
"httpVersion": request_http_version,
"cookies": request_cookies,
"headers": request_headers,
"queryString": request_query_string,
"headersSize": request_headers_size,
"bodySize": request_body_size, },
"response": {"status": flow.response.code,
"statusText": flow.response.msg,
"httpVersion": response_http_version,
"cookies": response_cookies,
"headers": response_headers,
"content": {"size": response_body_size,
"compression": response_body_compression,
"mimeType": response_mime_type},
"redirectURL": response_redirect_url,
"headersSize": response_headers_size,
"bodySize": response_body_size, },
"cache": {},
"timings": timings, })
# If the current url is in the page list of context.HARLog or does not have a referrer we add it as a new
# pages object.
if flow.request.url in context.HARLog.get_page_list() or flow.request.headers.get('Referer', None) is None:
page_id = context.HARLog.create_page_id()
context.HARLog.add(HAR.pages({"startedDateTime": entry['startedDateTime'],
"id": page_id,
"title": flow.request.url, }))
context.HARLog.set_page_ref(flow.request.url, page_id)
entry['pageref'] = page_id
# Lookup the referer in the page_ref of context.HARLog to point this entries pageref attribute to the right
# pages object, then set it as a new reference to build a reference tree.
elif context.HARLog.get_page_ref(flow.request.headers.get('Referer', (None, ))[0]) is not None:
entry['pageref'] = context.HARLog.get_page_ref(flow.request.headers['Referer'][0])
context.HARLog.set_page_ref(flow.request.headers['Referer'][0], entry['pageref'])
def done(context):
Called once on script shutdown, after any other events.
from pprint import pprint
import json
json_dump = context.HARLog.json()
compressed_json_dump = context.HARLog.compress()
print "=" * 100
print "=" * 100
print "HAR log finished with %s bytes (%s bytes compressed)" % (len(json_dump), len(compressed_json_dump))
print "Compression rate is %s%%" % str(100. * len(compressed_json_dump) / len(json_dump))
print "=" * 100
2014-11-15 17:41:51 +00:00
def print_attributes(obj, filter_string=None, hide_privates=False):
Useful helper method to quickly get all attributes of an object and its values.
for attr in dir(obj):
2014-11-15 17:41:51 +00:00
if hide_privates and "__" in attr:
if filter_string is not None and filter_string not in attr:
value = getattr(obj, attr)
print "%s.%s" % ('obj', attr), value, type(value)