mirror of
synced 2025-01-31 07:18:58 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into tcp_proxy
This commit is contained in:
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def dummy_cert(ca, commonname, sans):
key = OpenSSL.crypto.load_privatekey(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, raw)
cert = OpenSSL.crypto.X509()
cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(60 * 60 * 24 * 30)
cert.get_subject().CN = commonname
@ -95,14 +95,17 @@ def read_headers(fp):
return odict.ODictCaseless(ret)
def read_chunked(code, fp, limit):
def read_chunked(fp, headers, limit, is_request):
Read a chunked HTTP body.
May raise HttpError.
# FIXME: Should check if chunked is the final encoding in the headers
# http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p1-messaging-16#section-3.3 3.3 2.
content = ""
total = 0
code = 400 if is_request else 502
while 1:
line = fp.readline(128)
if line == "":
@ -151,35 +154,6 @@ def has_chunked_encoding(headers):
return "chunked" in [i.lower() for i in get_header_tokens(headers, "transfer-encoding")]
def read_http_body(code, rfile, headers, all, limit):
Read an HTTP body:
code: The HTTP error code to be used when raising HttpError
rfile: A file descriptor to read from
headers: An ODictCaseless object
all: Should we read all data?
limit: Size limit.
if has_chunked_encoding(headers):
content = read_chunked(code, rfile, limit)
elif "content-length" in headers:
l = int(headers["content-length"][0])
except ValueError:
# FIXME: Not strictly correct - this could be from the server, in which
# case we should send a 502.
raise HttpError(code, "Invalid content-length header: %s"%headers["content-length"])
if limit is not None and l > limit:
raise HttpError(code, "HTTP Body too large. Limit is %s, content-length was %s"%(limit, l))
content = rfile.read(l)
elif all:
content = rfile.read(limit if limit else -1)
content = ""
return content
def parse_http_protocol(s):
Parse an HTTP protocol declaration. Returns a (major, minor) tuple, or
@ -304,28 +278,6 @@ def connection_close(httpversion, headers):
return True
def read_http_body_request(rfile, wfile, headers, httpversion, limit):
Read the HTTP body from a client request.
if "expect" in headers:
# FIXME: Should be forwarded upstream
if "100-continue" in headers['expect'] and httpversion >= (1, 1):
wfile.write('HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n')
del headers['expect']
return read_http_body(400, rfile, headers, False, limit)
def read_http_body_response(rfile, headers, limit):
Read the HTTP body from a server response.
all = "close" in get_header_tokens(headers, "connection")
return read_http_body(500, rfile, headers, all, limit)
def parse_response_line(line):
parts = line.strip().split(" ", 2)
if len(parts) == 2: # handle missing message gracefully
@ -359,10 +311,41 @@ def read_response(rfile, method, body_size_limit):
headers = read_headers(rfile)
if headers is None:
raise HttpError(502, "Invalid headers.")
if code >= 100 and code <= 199:
return read_response(rfile, method, body_size_limit)
if method == "HEAD" or code == 204 or code == 304:
# Parse response body according to http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p1-messaging-16#section-3.3
if method == "HEAD" or (code in [204, 304]) or 100 <= code <= 199:
content = ""
content = read_http_body_response(rfile, headers, body_size_limit)
content = read_http_body(rfile, headers, body_size_limit, False)
return httpversion, code, msg, headers, content
def read_http_body(rfile, headers, limit, is_request):
Read an HTTP message body:
rfile: A file descriptor to read from
headers: An ODictCaseless object
limit: Size limit.
is_request: True if the body to read belongs to a request, False otherwise
if has_chunked_encoding(headers):
content = read_chunked(rfile, headers, limit, is_request)
elif "content-length" in headers:
l = int(headers["content-length"][0])
if l < 0:
raise ValueError()
except ValueError:
raise HttpError(400 if is_request else 502, "Invalid content-length header: %s"%headers["content-length"])
if limit is not None and l > limit:
raise HttpError(400 if is_request else 509, "HTTP Body too large. Limit is %s, content-length was %s"%(limit, l))
content = rfile.read(l)
elif is_request:
content = ""
content = rfile.read(limit if limit else -1)
not_done = rfile.read(1)
if not_done:
raise HttpError(400 if is_request else 509, "HTTP Body too large. Limit is %s," % limit)
return content
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class ServerTestBase:
handler = None
addr = ("localhost", 0)
use_ipv6 = False
def setupAll(cls):
cls.q = Queue.Queue()
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class WSGIAdaptor:
def __init__(self, app, domain, port, sversion):
self.app, self.domain, self.port, self.sversion = app, domain, port, sversion
def make_environ(self, request, errsoc):
def make_environ(self, request, errsoc, **extra):
if '?' in request.path:
path_info, query = request.path.split('?', 1)
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ class WSGIAdaptor:
# FIXME: We need to pick up the protocol read from the request.
if request.client_conn.address:
environ["REMOTE_ADDR"], environ["REMOTE_PORT"] = request.client_conn.address
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ class WSGIAdaptor:
def serve(self, request, soc):
def serve(self, request, soc, **env):
state = dict(
response_started = False,
headers_sent = False,
@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ class WSGIAdaptor:
errs = cStringIO.StringIO()
dataiter = self.app(self.make_environ(request, errs), start_response)
dataiter = self.app(self.make_environ(request, errs, **env), start_response)
for i in dataiter:
if not state["headers_sent"]:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import cStringIO, textwrap, binascii
from netlib import http, odict
from netlib import http, odict, tcp, test
import tutils
@ -17,25 +17,25 @@ def test_has_chunked_encoding():
def test_read_chunked():
s = cStringIO.StringIO("1\r\na\r\n0\r\n")
tutils.raises("closed prematurely", http.read_chunked, 500, s, None)
tutils.raises("closed prematurely", http.read_chunked, s, None, None, True)
s = cStringIO.StringIO("1\r\na\r\n0\r\n\r\n")
assert http.read_chunked(500, s, None) == "a"
assert http.read_chunked(s, None, None, True) == "a"
s = cStringIO.StringIO("\r\n\r\n1\r\na\r\n0\r\n\r\n")
assert http.read_chunked(500, s, None) == "a"
assert http.read_chunked(s, None, None, True) == "a"
s = cStringIO.StringIO("\r\n")
tutils.raises("closed prematurely", http.read_chunked, 500, s, None)
tutils.raises("closed prematurely", http.read_chunked, s, None, None, True)
s = cStringIO.StringIO("1\r\nfoo")
tutils.raises("malformed chunked body", http.read_chunked, 500, s, None)
tutils.raises("malformed chunked body", http.read_chunked, s, None, None, True)
s = cStringIO.StringIO("foo\r\nfoo")
tutils.raises(http.HttpError, http.read_chunked, 500, s, None)
tutils.raises(http.HttpError, http.read_chunked, s, None, None, True)
s = cStringIO.StringIO("5\r\naaaaa\r\n0\r\n\r\n")
tutils.raises("too large", http.read_chunked, 500, s, 2)
tutils.raises("too large", http.read_chunked, s, None, 2, True)
def test_connection_close():
@ -49,23 +49,6 @@ def test_connection_close():
h["connection"] = ["close"]
assert http.connection_close((1, 1), h)
def test_read_http_body_response():
h = odict.ODictCaseless()
h["content-length"] = [7]
s = cStringIO.StringIO("testing")
assert http.read_http_body_response(s, h, None) == "testing"
h = odict.ODictCaseless()
s = cStringIO.StringIO("testing")
assert not http.read_http_body_response(s, h, None)
h = odict.ODictCaseless()
h["connection"] = ["close"]
s = cStringIO.StringIO("testing")
assert http.read_http_body_response(s, h, None) == "testing"
def test_get_header_tokens():
h = odict.ODictCaseless()
assert http.get_header_tokens(h, "foo") == []
@ -79,38 +62,54 @@ def test_get_header_tokens():
def test_read_http_body_request():
h = odict.ODictCaseless()
h["expect"] = ["100-continue"]
r = cStringIO.StringIO("testing")
w = cStringIO.StringIO()
assert http.read_http_body_request(r, w, h, (1, 1), None) == ""
assert "100 Continue" in w.getvalue()
assert http.read_http_body(r, h, None, True) == ""
def test_read_http_body_response():
h = odict.ODictCaseless()
s = cStringIO.StringIO("testing")
assert http.read_http_body(s, h, None, False) == "testing"
def test_read_http_body():
# test default case
h = odict.ODictCaseless()
h["content-length"] = [7]
s = cStringIO.StringIO("testing")
assert http.read_http_body(500, s, h, False, None) == ""
assert http.read_http_body(s, h, None, False) == "testing"
# test content length: invalid header
h["content-length"] = ["foo"]
s = cStringIO.StringIO("testing")
tutils.raises(http.HttpError, http.read_http_body, 500, s, h, False, None)
tutils.raises(http.HttpError, http.read_http_body, s, h, None, False)
# test content length: invalid header #2
h["content-length"] = [-1]
s = cStringIO.StringIO("testing")
tutils.raises(http.HttpError, http.read_http_body, s, h, None, False)
# test content length: content length > actual content
h["content-length"] = [5]
s = cStringIO.StringIO("testing")
assert len(http.read_http_body(500, s, h, False, None)) == 5
s = cStringIO.StringIO("testing")
tutils.raises(http.HttpError, http.read_http_body, 500, s, h, False, 4)
tutils.raises(http.HttpError, http.read_http_body, s, h, 4, False)
# test content length: content length < actual content
s = cStringIO.StringIO("testing")
assert len(http.read_http_body(s, h, None, False)) == 5
# test no content length: limit > actual content
h = odict.ODictCaseless()
s = cStringIO.StringIO("testing")
assert len(http.read_http_body(500, s, h, True, 4)) == 4
s = cStringIO.StringIO("testing")
assert len(http.read_http_body(500, s, h, True, 100)) == 7
assert len(http.read_http_body(s, h, 100, False)) == 7
# test no content length: limit < actual content
s = cStringIO.StringIO("testing")
tutils.raises(http.HttpError, http.read_http_body, s, h, 4, False)
# test chunked
h = odict.ODictCaseless()
h["transfer-encoding"] = ["chunked"]
s = cStringIO.StringIO("5\r\naaaaa\r\n0\r\n\r\n")
assert http.read_http_body(500, s, h, True, 100) == "aaaaa"
assert http.read_http_body(s, h, 100, False) == "aaaaa"
def test_parse_http_protocol():
@ -214,6 +213,21 @@ class TestReadHeaders:
assert self._read(data) is None
class NoContentLengthHTTPHandler(tcp.BaseHandler):
def handle(self):
self.wfile.write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\nbar\r\n\r\n")
class TestReadResponseNoContentLength(test.ServerTestBase):
handler = NoContentLengthHTTPHandler
def test_no_content_length(self):
c = tcp.TCPClient("", self.port)
httpversion, code, msg, headers, content = http.read_response(c.rfile, "GET", None)
assert content == "bar\r\n\r\n"
def test_read_response():
def tst(data, method, limit):
data = textwrap.dedent(data)
@ -244,7 +258,7 @@ def test_read_response():
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
assert tst(data, "GET", None) == ((1, 1), 200, 'OK', odict.ODictCaseless(), '')
assert tst(data, "GET", None) == ((1, 1), 100, 'CONTINUE', odict.ODictCaseless(), '')
data = """
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ class TestFinishFail(test.ServerTestBase):
class TestDisconnect(test.ServerTestBase):
handler = EchoHandler
def test_echo(self):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user