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$!nav("install.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("mitmproxy.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("mitmdump.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("howmitmproxy.html", this, state)!$
$!nav("faq.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("mitmproxy.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("mitmdump.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("anticache.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("clientreplay.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("filters.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("proxyauth.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("replacements.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("serverreplay.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("setheaders.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("sticky.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("reverseproxy.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("upstreamcerts.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("anticache.html", this, state)!$
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+ $!nav("serverreplay.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("setheaders.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("sticky.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("reverseproxy.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("upstreamcerts.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("ssl.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("certinstall/firefox.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("certinstall/osx.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("certinstall/windows7.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("certinstall/ios.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("certinstall/android.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("ssl.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("certinstall/firefox.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("certinstall/osx.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("certinstall/windows7.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("certinstall/ios.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("certinstall/android.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("transparent.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("transparent/linux.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("transparent/osx.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("transparent.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("transparent/linux.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("transparent/osx.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("tutorials/30second.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("tutorials/gamecenter.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("tutorials/30second.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("tutorials/gamecenter.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("scripting/inlinescripts.html", this, state)!$
- $!nav("scripting/libmproxy.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("scripting/inlinescripts.html", this, state)!$
+ $!nav("scripting/libmproxy.html", this, state)!$
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diff --git a/doc-src/howmitmproxy.html b/doc-src/howmitmproxy.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ea723cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc-src/howmitmproxy.html
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+- Clarify terminology: SSL vs TLS
+Mitmproxy is an enormously flexible tool. Knowing exactly how the proxying
+process works will help you deploy it more creatively, and let you understand
+its fundamental assumptions and how to work around them. This document explains
+mitmproxy's proxy mechanism by example, starting with the simplest explicit
+proxy configuration, and working up to the most complicated interaction -
+transparent proxying of SSL-protected traffic in the presence of SNI.
+Configuring the client to use mitmproxy as an explicit proxy is the simplest
+and most reliable way to intercept traffic. The proxy protocol is codified in
+the [HTTP RFC](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2068.txt), so the behaviour of both
+the client and the server is well defined, and usually reliable. In the
+simplest possible interaction with mitmproxy, a client connects directly to the
+proxy, and makes a request that looks like this:
+GET http://example.com/index.html HTTP/1.1
+This is a proxy GET request - an extended form of the vanilla HTTP GET request
+that includes a schema and host specification, and it includes all the
+information mitmproxy needs to proceed.
+ 1 |
+ The client connects to the proxy and makes a request. |
+ 2 |
+ Mitmproxy connects to the upstream server and simply forwards
+ the request on. |
+The process for an explicitly proxied HTTPS connection is quite different. The
+client connects to the proxy and makes a request that looks like this:
+CONNECT example.com:443 HTTP/1.1
+A conventional proxy can neither view nor manipulate an SSL-encrypted data
+stream, so a CONNECT request simply asks the proxy to open a pipe between the
+client and server. The proxy here is just a facilitator - it blindly forwards
+data in both directions without knowing anything about the contents. The
+negotiation of the SSL connection happens over this pipe, and the subsequent
+flow of requests and responses are completely opaque to the proxy.
+## The MITM in mitmproxy
+This is where mitmproxy's fundamental trick comes in to play. The MITM in its
+name stands for Man-In-The-Middle - a reference to the process we use to
+intercept and interfere with these theoretially opaque data streams. The basic
+idea is to pretend to be the server to the client, and pretend to be the client
+to the server. The tricky part is that the Certificate Authority system is
+designed to prevent exactly this attack, by allowing a trusted third-party to
+cryptographically sign a server's SSL certificates to verify that the certs are
+legit. If this signature is from a non-trusted party, a secure client will
+simply drop the connection and refuse to proceed. Despite the many shortcomings
+of the CA system as it exists today, this is usually fatal to attempts to MITM
+an SSL connection for analysis.
+Our answer to this conundrum is to become a trusted Certificate Authority
+ourselves. Mitmproxy includes a full CA implementation that generates
+interception certificates on the fly. To get the client to trust these
+certificates, we register mitmproxy as a CA with the device manually.
+## Complication 1: What's the remote hostname?
+To proceed with this plan, we need to know the domain name to use in the
+interception certificate - the client will verify that the certificate is for
+the domain it's connecting to, and abort if this is not the case. At first
+blush, it seems that the CONNECT request above gives us all we need - in this
+example, both of these values are "example.com". But what if the client had
+initiated the connection as follows:
+Using the IP address is perfectly legitimate because it gives us enough
+information to initiate the pipe, even though it doesn't reveal the remote
+Mitmproxy has a cunning mechanism that smooths this over - upstream certificate
+sniffing. As soon as we see the CONNECT request, we pause the client part of
+the conversation, and initiate a simultaneous connection to the server. We
+complete the SSL handshake with the server, and inspect the certificates it
+used. Now, we use the Common Name in the upstream SSL certificates to generate
+the dummy certificate for the client. Voila, we have the correct hostname to
+present to the client, even if it was never specified.
+## Complication 2: Subject Alternate Name
+Enter the next complication. Sometimes, the certificate Common Name is not, in
+fact, the hostname that the client is connecting to. This is because of the
+optional Subject Alternate Name field in the SSL certificate that allows an
+arbitrary number of alternate domains to be specified. If the expected domain
+matches any of these, the client wil proceed, even though the domain doesn't
+match the certificate Common Name. The answer here is simple: when extract the
+CN from the upstream cert, we also extract the SANs, and add them to the
+generated dummy certificate.
+## Complication 3: Server Name Indication
+One of the big limitations of conventional SSL is that each certificate
+requires its own IP address. This means that you couldn't do virtual hosting
+where multiple domains with independent certificates share the same IP address.
+In a world with a rapidly shrinking IPv4 address pool this is a problem, and we
+have a solution in the form of the Server Name Indication extension to the SSL
+and TLS protocols. This lets the client specify the remote server name at the
+start of the SSL handshake, which then lets the server select the right
+certificate to complete the process.
+SNI breaks our upstream certificate sniffing process, because when we connect
+without using SNI, we get served a default certificate that may have nothing to
+do with the certificate expected by the client. The solution is another tricky
+complication to the client connection process. After the client connects, we
+allow the SSL handshake to continue until just _after_ the SNI value has been
+passed to us. Now we can pause the conversation, and initiate an upstream
+connection using the correct SNI value, which then serves us the correct
+upstream certificate, from which we can extract the expected CN and SANs.
+## Putting it all together
+Lets put all of this together into the complete explicitly proxied HTTPS flow.
+ 1 |
+ The client makes a connection to mitmproxy, and issues an HTTP
+ CONNECT request. |
+ 2 |
+ Mitmproxy responds with a 200 Connection Established, as if it
+ has set up the CONNECT pipe. |
+ 3 |
+ The client believes it's talking to the remote server, and
+ initiates the SSL connection. It uses SNI to indicate the hostname
+ it is connecting to. |
+ 4 |
+ Mitmproxy connects to the server, and establishes an SSL
+ connection using the SNI hostname indicated by the client. |
+ 5 |
+ The server responds with the matching SSL certificate, which
+ contains the CN and SAN values needed to generate the interception
+ certificate. |
+ 6 |
+ Mitmproxy generates the interception cert, and continues the
+ client SSL handshake paused in step 3. |
+ 7 |
+ The client sends the request over the established SSL
+ connection. |
+ 7 |
+ Mitmproxy passes the request on to the server over the SSL
+ connection initiated in step 4. |
+When a transparent proxy is used, the HTTP/S connection is redirected into a
+proxy at the network layer, without any client configuration being required.
+This makes transparent proxying ideal for those situations where you can't
+change client behaviour - proxy-oblivious Android applications being a common
+To achieve this, we need to introduce two extra components. The first new
+component is a router that transparently redirects the TCP connection to the
+proxy. Once the client has initiated the connection, it makes a vanilla HTTP
+request, which might look something like this:
+GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
+Note that this request differs from the explicit proxy variation, in that it
+omits the scheme and hostname. How, then, do we know which upstream host to
+forward the request to? The routing mechanism that has performed the
+redirection keeps track of the original destination. Each different routing
+mechanism has its own ideosyncratic way of exposing this data, so this
+introduces the second component required for working transparent proxying: a
+host module that knows how to retrieve the original destination address from
+the router. Once we have this information, the process is fairly
+ 1 |
+ The client makes a connection to the server. |
+ 2 |
+ The router redirects the connection to mitmproxy, which is
+ typically listening on a local port of the same host. Mitmproxy
+ then consults the routing mechanism to establish what the original
+ destination was. |
+ 3 |
+ Now, we simply read the client's request... |
+ 4 |
+ ... and forward it upstream. |
+The process for transparently proxying an HTTPS request is a merger of the
+methods we've outlined for transparently proxying HTTP, and explicitly proxying
+HTTPS. We use the routing mechanism to establish the upstream server address,
+and then proceed as for explit HTTPS connections to establish the CN and SANs,
+and cope with SNI.
+ 1 |
+ The client makes a connection to the server. |
+ 2 |
+ The router redirects the connection to mitmproxy, which is
+ typically listening on a local port of the same host. Mitmproxy
+ then consults the routing mechanism to establish what the original
+ destination was. |
+ 3 |
+ The client believes it's talking to the remote server, and
+ initiates the SSL connection. It uses SNI to indicate the hostname
+ it is connecting to. |
+ 4 |
+ Mitmproxy connects to the server, and establishes an SSL
+ connection using the SNI hostname indicated by the client. |
+ 5 |
+ The server responds with the matching SSL certificate, which
+ contains the CN and SAN values needed to generate the interception
+ certificate. |
+ 6 |
+ Mitmproxy generates the interception cert, and continues the
+ client SSL handshake paused in step 3. |
+ 7 |
+ The client sends the request over the established SSL
+ connection. |
+ 7 |
+ Mitmproxy passes the request on to the server over the SSL
+ connection initiated in step 4. |
diff --git a/doc-src/index.py b/doc-src/index.py
index 01b9363d2..930037ecd 100644
--- a/doc-src/index.py
+++ b/doc-src/index.py
@@ -65,12 +65,13 @@ pages = [
Page("install.html", "Installation"),
Page("mitmproxy.html", "mitmproxy"),
Page("mitmdump.html", "mitmdump"),
+ Page("howmitmproxy.html", "How mitmproxy works"),
Page("ssl.html", "Overview"),
- Page("transparent.html", "Overview"),
+ Page("transparent.html", "Overview"),
Page("faq.html", "FAQ"),
diff --git a/doc-src/transparent.html b/doc-src/transparent.html
index 9e77d70db..e69de29bb 100644
--- a/doc-src/transparent.html
+++ b/doc-src/transparent.html
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/doc-src/transparent.png b/doc-src/transparent.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3994d6815
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc-src/transparent.png differ
diff --git a/doc-src/transparent_https.png b/doc-src/transparent_https.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..559cddd21
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc-src/transparent_https.png differ
diff --git a/test/tools/getcert b/test/tools/getcert
index 6447ecc71..8fabefb75 100755
--- a/test/tools/getcert
+++ b/test/tools/getcert
@@ -5,5 +5,3 @@ import socket, tempfile, ssl, subprocess
addr = socket.gethostbyname(sys.argv[1])
print ssl.get_server_certificate((addr, 443))
diff --git a/test/tools/getcn b/test/tools/getcn
deleted file mode 100755
index 212977c33..000000000
--- a/test/tools/getcn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-sys.path.insert(0, "../../")
-from libmproxy import certutils
-if len(sys.argv) > 2:
- port = int(sys.argv[2])
- pport = 443
-cn, san = certutils.get_remote_cn(sys.argv[1], port)
-print cn
-if san:
- for i in san:
- print "\t", i