from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import os.path import re import string import unicodedata import six from six.moves import urllib def isascii(bytes): try: bytes.decode("ascii") except ValueError: return False return True def clean_bin(s, keep_spacing=True): """ Cleans binary data to make it safe to display. Args: keep_spacing: If False, tabs and newlines will also be replaced. """ if isinstance(s, six.text_type): if keep_spacing: keep = u" \n\r\t" else: keep = u" " return u"".join( ch if (unicodedata.category(ch)[0] not in "CZ" or ch in keep) else u"." for ch in s ) else: if keep_spacing: keep = (9, 10, 13) # \t, \n, \r, else: keep = () return b"".join( six.int2byte(ch) if (31 < ch < 127 or ch in keep) else b"." for ch in six.iterbytes(s) ) def hexdump(s): """ Returns: A generator of (offset, hex, str) tuples """ for i in range(0, len(s), 16): offset = b"%.10x" % i part = s[i:i + 16] x = b" ".join(b"%.2x" % i for i in six.iterbytes(part)) x = x.ljust(47) # 16*2 + 15 yield (offset, x, clean_bin(part, False)) def setbit(byte, offset, value): """ Set a bit in a byte to 1 if value is truthy, 0 if not. """ if value: return byte | (1 << offset) else: return byte & ~(1 << offset) def getbit(byte, offset): mask = 1 << offset return bool(byte & mask) class BiDi(object): """ A wee utility class for keeping bi-directional mappings, like field constants in protocols. Names are attributes on the object, dict-like access maps values to names: CONST = BiDi(a=1, b=2) assert CONST.a == 1 assert CONST.get_name(1) == "a" """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.names = kwargs self.values = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): self.values[v] = k if len(self.names) != len(self.values): raise ValueError("Duplicate values not allowed.") def __getattr__(self, k): if k in self.names: return self.names[k] raise AttributeError("No such attribute: %s", k) def get_name(self, n, default=None): return self.values.get(n, default) def pretty_size(size): suffixes = [ ("B", 2 ** 10), ("kB", 2 ** 20), ("MB", 2 ** 30), ] for suf, lim in suffixes: if size >= lim: continue else: x = round(size / float(lim / 2 ** 10), 2) if x == int(x): x = int(x) return str(x) + suf class Data(object): def __init__(self, name): m = __import__(name) dirname, _ = os.path.split(m.__file__) self.dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname) def path(self, path): """ Returns a path to the package data housed at 'path' under this module.Path can be a path to a file, or to a directory. This function will raise ValueError if the path does not exist. """ fullpath = os.path.join(self.dirname, '../test/', path) if not os.path.exists(fullpath): raise ValueError("dataPath: %s does not exist." % fullpath) return fullpath _label_valid = re.compile(b"(?!-)[A-Z\d-]{1,63}(? 255: return False if host[-1] == b".": host = host[:-1] return all(_label_valid.match(x) for x in host.split(b".")) def is_valid_port(port): return 0 <= port <= 65535 # PY2 workaround def decode_parse_result(result, enc): if hasattr(result, "decode"): return result.decode(enc) else: return urllib.parse.ParseResult(*[x.decode(enc) for x in result]) # PY2 workaround def encode_parse_result(result, enc): if hasattr(result, "encode"): return result.encode(enc) else: return urllib.parse.ParseResult(*[x.encode(enc) for x in result]) def parse_url(url): """ URL-parsing function that checks that - port is an integer 0-65535 - host is a valid IDNA-encoded hostname with no null-bytes - path is valid ASCII Args: A URL (as bytes or as unicode) Returns: A (scheme, host, port, path) tuple Raises: ValueError, if the URL is not properly formatted. """ parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if not parsed.hostname: raise ValueError("No hostname given") if isinstance(url, six.binary_type): host = parsed.hostname # this should not raise a ValueError decode_parse_result(parsed, "ascii") else: host = parsed.hostname.encode("idna") parsed = encode_parse_result(parsed, "ascii") port = parsed.port if not port: port = 443 if parsed.scheme == b"https" else 80 full_path = urllib.parse.urlunparse( (b"", b"", parsed.path, parsed.params, parsed.query, parsed.fragment) ) if not full_path.startswith(b"/"): full_path = b"/" + full_path if not is_valid_host(host): raise ValueError("Invalid Host") if not is_valid_port(port): raise ValueError("Invalid Port") return parsed.scheme, host, port, full_path def get_header_tokens(headers, key): """ Retrieve all tokens for a header key. A number of different headers follow a pattern where each header line can containe comma-separated tokens, and headers can be set multiple times. """ if key not in headers: return [] tokens = headers[key].split(b",") return [token.strip() for token in tokens] def hostport(scheme, host, port): """ Returns the host component, with a port specifcation if needed. """ if (port, scheme) in [(80, b"http"), (443, b"https")]: return host else: return b"%s:%d" % (host, port) def unparse_url(scheme, host, port, path=""): """ Returns a URL string, constructed from the specified compnents. """ return b"%s://%s%s" % (scheme, hostport(scheme, host, port), path) def urlencode(s): """ Takes a list of (key, value) tuples and returns a urlencoded string. """ s = [tuple(i) for i in s] return urllib.parse.urlencode(s, False) def urldecode(s): """ Takes a urlencoded string and returns a list of (key, value) tuples. """ return urllib.parse.parse_qsl(s, keep_blank_values=True) def parse_content_type(c): """ A simple parser for content-type values. Returns a (type, subtype, parameters) tuple, where type and subtype are strings, and parameters is a dict. If the string could not be parsed, return None. E.g. the following string: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Returns: ("text", "html", {"charset": "UTF-8"}) """ parts = c.split(b";", 1) ts = parts[0].split(b"/", 1) if len(ts) != 2: return None d = {} if len(parts) == 2: for i in parts[1].split(b";"): clause = i.split(b"=", 1) if len(clause) == 2: d[clause[0].strip()] = clause[1].strip() return ts[0].lower(), ts[1].lower(), d def multipartdecode(headers, content): """ Takes a multipart boundary encoded string and returns list of (key, value) tuples. """ v = headers.get(b"Content-Type") if v: v = parse_content_type(v) if not v: return [] boundary = v[2].get(b"boundary") if not boundary: return [] rx = re.compile(br'\bname="([^"]+)"') r = [] for i in content.split(b"--" + boundary): parts = i.splitlines() if len(parts) > 1 and parts[0][0:2] != b"--": match =[1]) if match: key = value = b"".join(parts[3 + parts[2:].index(b""):]) r.append((key, value)) return r return [] def always_bytes(unicode_or_bytes, *encode_args): if isinstance(unicode_or_bytes, six.text_type): return unicode_or_bytes.encode(*encode_args) return unicode_or_bytes def always_byte_args(*encode_args): """Decorator that transparently encodes all arguments passed as unicode""" def decorator(fun): def _fun(*args, **kwargs): args = [always_bytes(arg, *encode_args) for arg in args] kwargs = {k: always_bytes(v, *encode_args) for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs)} return fun(*args, **kwargs) return _fun return decorator