from __future__ import absolute_import import Cookie, urllib, urlparse, time, copy from email.utils import parsedate_tz, formatdate, mktime_tz import threading from netlib import http, tcp, http_status import netlib.utils from netlib.odict import ODict, ODictCaseless from .tcp import TCPHandler from .primitives import KILL, ProtocolHandler, Flow, Error from ..proxy.connection import ServerConnection from .. import encoding, utils, controller, stateobject, proxy HDR_FORM_URLENCODED = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" CONTENT_MISSING = 0 def get_line(fp): """ Get a line, possibly preceded by a blank. """ line = fp.readline() if line == "\r\n" or line == "\n": # Possible leftover from previous message line = fp.readline() if line == "": raise tcp.NetLibDisconnect() return line def send_connect_request(conn, host, port): upstream_request = HTTPRequest("authority", "CONNECT", None, host, port, None, (1, 1), ODictCaseless(), "") conn.send(upstream_request._assemble()) resp = HTTPResponse.from_stream(conn.rfile, upstream_request.method) if resp.code != 200: raise proxy.ProxyError(resp.code, "Cannot establish SSL " + "connection with upstream proxy: \r\n" + str(resp._assemble())) return resp class decoded(object): """ A context manager that decodes a request or response, and then re-encodes it with the same encoding after execution of the block. Example: with decoded(request): request.content = request.content.replace("foo", "bar") """ def __init__(self, o): self.o = o ce = o.headers.get_first("content-encoding") if ce in encoding.ENCODINGS: self.ce = ce else: self.ce = None def __enter__(self): if self.ce: self.o.decode() def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): if self.ce: self.o.encode(self.ce) class HTTPMessage(stateobject.SimpleStateObject): def __init__(self, httpversion, headers, content, timestamp_start=None, timestamp_end=None): self.httpversion = httpversion self.headers = headers """@type: ODictCaseless""" self.content = content self.timestamp_start = timestamp_start if timestamp_start is not None else utils.timestamp() self.timestamp_end = timestamp_end if timestamp_end is not None else utils.timestamp() self.flow = None # will usually be set by the flow backref mixin """@type: HTTPFlow""" _stateobject_attributes = dict( httpversion=tuple, headers=ODictCaseless, content=str, timestamp_start=float, timestamp_end=float ) def get_decoded_content(self): """ Returns the decoded content based on the current Content-Encoding header. Doesn't change the message iteself or its headers. """ ce = self.headers.get_first("content-encoding") if not self.content or ce not in encoding.ENCODINGS: return self.content return encoding.decode(ce, self.content) def decode(self): """ Decodes content based on the current Content-Encoding header, then removes the header. If there is no Content-Encoding header, no action is taken. Returns True if decoding succeeded, False otherwise. """ ce = self.headers.get_first("content-encoding") if not self.content or ce not in encoding.ENCODINGS: return False data = encoding.decode(ce, self.content) if data is None: return False self.content = data del self.headers["content-encoding"] return True def encode(self, e): """ Encodes content with the encoding e, where e is "gzip", "deflate" or "identity". """ # FIXME: Error if there's an existing encoding header? self.content = encoding.encode(e, self.content) self.headers["content-encoding"] = [e] def size(self, **kwargs): """ Size in bytes of a fully rendered message, including headers and HTTP lead-in. """ hl = len(self._assemble_head(**kwargs)) if self.content: return hl + len(self.content) else: return hl def copy(self): c = copy.copy(self) c.headers = self.headers.copy() return c def replace(self, pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs): """ Replaces a regular expression pattern with repl in both the headers and the body of the message. Encoded content will be decoded before replacement, and re-encoded afterwards. Returns the number of replacements made. """ with decoded(self): self.content, c = utils.safe_subn(pattern, repl, self.content, *args, **kwargs) c += self.headers.replace(pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs) return c @classmethod def from_stream(cls, rfile, include_body=True, body_size_limit=None): """ Parse an HTTP message from a file stream """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: nocover def _assemble_first_line(self): """ Returns the assembled request/response line """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: nocover def _assemble_headers(self): """ Returns the assembled headers """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: nocover def _assemble_head(self): """ Returns the assembled request/response line plus headers """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: nocover def _assemble(self): """ Returns the assembled request/response """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: nocover class HTTPRequest(HTTPMessage): """ An HTTP request. Exposes the following attributes: flow: Flow object the request belongs to headers: ODictCaseless object content: Content of the request, None, or CONTENT_MISSING if there is content associated, but not present. CONTENT_MISSING evaluates to False to make checking for the presence of content natural. form_in: The request form which mitmproxy has received. The following values are possible: - relative (GET /index.html, OPTIONS *) (covers origin form and asterisk form) - absolute (GET - authority-form (CONNECT Details: form_out: The request form which mitmproxy has send out to the destination method: HTTP method scheme: URL scheme (http/https) (absolute-form only) host: Host portion of the URL (absolute-form and authority-form only) port: Destination port (absolute-form and authority-form only) path: Path portion of the URL (not present in authority-form) httpversion: HTTP version tuple timestamp_start: Timestamp indicating when request transmission started timestamp_end: Timestamp indicating when request transmission ended """ def __init__(self, form_in, method, scheme, host, port, path, httpversion, headers, content, timestamp_start=None, timestamp_end=None, form_out=None): assert isinstance(headers, ODictCaseless) or not headers HTTPMessage.__init__(self, httpversion, headers, content, timestamp_start, timestamp_end) self.form_in = form_in self.method = method self.scheme = scheme = host self.port = port self.path = path self.httpversion = httpversion self.form_out = form_out or form_in # Have this request's cookies been modified by sticky cookies or auth? self.stickycookie = False self.stickyauth = False # Is this request replayed? self.is_replay = False _stateobject_attributes = HTTPMessage._stateobject_attributes.copy() _stateobject_attributes.update( form_in=str, method=str, scheme=str, host=str, port=int, path=str, form_out=str ) @classmethod def _from_state(cls, state): f = cls(None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) f._load_state(state) return f def __repr__(self): return "".format(self._assemble_first_line(self.form_in)[:-9]) @classmethod def from_stream(cls, rfile, include_body=True, body_size_limit=None): """ Parse an HTTP request from a file stream """ httpversion, host, port, scheme, method, path, headers, content, timestamp_start, timestamp_end = ( None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) timestamp_start = utils.timestamp() if hasattr(rfile, "reset_timestamps"): rfile.reset_timestamps() request_line = get_line(rfile) if hasattr(rfile, "first_byte_timestamp"): # more accurate timestamp_start timestamp_start = rfile.first_byte_timestamp request_line_parts = http.parse_init(request_line) if not request_line_parts: raise http.HttpError(400, "Bad HTTP request line: %s" % repr(request_line)) method, path, httpversion = request_line_parts if path == '*' or path.startswith("/"): form_in = "relative" if not netlib.utils.isascii(path): raise http.HttpError(400, "Bad HTTP request line: %s" % repr(request_line)) elif method.upper() == 'CONNECT': form_in = "authority" r = http.parse_init_connect(request_line) if not r: raise http.HttpError(400, "Bad HTTP request line: %s" % repr(request_line)) host, port, _ = r path = None else: form_in = "absolute" r = http.parse_init_proxy(request_line) if not r: raise http.HttpError(400, "Bad HTTP request line: %s" % repr(request_line)) _, scheme, host, port, path, _ = r headers = http.read_headers(rfile) if headers is None: raise http.HttpError(400, "Invalid headers") if include_body: content = http.read_http_body(rfile, headers, body_size_limit, method, None, True) timestamp_end = utils.timestamp() return HTTPRequest(form_in, method, scheme, host, port, path, httpversion, headers, content, timestamp_start, timestamp_end) def _assemble_first_line(self, form=None): form = form or self.form_out if form == "relative": path = self.path if self.method != "OPTIONS" else "*" request_line = '%s %s HTTP/%s.%s' % \ (self.method, path, self.httpversion[0], self.httpversion[1]) elif form == "authority": request_line = '%s %s:%s HTTP/%s.%s' % (self.method,, self.port, self.httpversion[0], self.httpversion[1]) elif form == "absolute": request_line = '%s %s://%s:%s%s HTTP/%s.%s' % \ (self.method, self.scheme,, self.port, self.path, self.httpversion[0], self.httpversion[1]) else: raise http.HttpError(400, "Invalid request form") return request_line def _assemble_headers(self): headers = self.headers.copy() for k in ['Proxy-Connection', 'Keep-Alive', 'Connection', 'Transfer-Encoding']: del headers[k] if headers["Upgrade"] == ["h2c"]: # Suppress HTTP2 del headers["Upgrade"] if not 'host' in headers: headers["Host"] = [utils.hostport(self.scheme, or, self.port or self.flow.server_conn.address.port)] if self.content: headers["Content-Length"] = [str(len(self.content))] elif 'Transfer-Encoding' in self.headers: # content-length for e.g. chuncked transfer-encoding with no content headers["Content-Length"] = ["0"] return str(headers) def _assemble_head(self, form=None): return "%s\r\n%s\r\n" % (self._assemble_first_line(form), self._assemble_headers()) def _assemble(self, form=None): """ Assembles the request for transmission to the server. We make some modifications to make sure interception works properly. Raises an Exception if the request cannot be assembled. """ if self.content == CONTENT_MISSING: raise proxy.ProxyError(502, "Cannot assemble flow with CONTENT_MISSING") head = self._assemble_head(form) if self.content: return head + self.content else: return head def __hash__(self): return id(self) def anticache(self): """ Modifies this request to remove headers that might produce a cached response. That is, we remove ETags and If-Modified-Since headers. """ delheaders = [ "if-modified-since", "if-none-match", ] for i in delheaders: del self.headers[i] def anticomp(self): """ Modifies this request to remove headers that will compress the resource's data. """ self.headers["accept-encoding"] = ["identity"] def constrain_encoding(self): """ Limits the permissible Accept-Encoding values, based on what we can decode appropriately. """ if self.headers["accept-encoding"]: self.headers["accept-encoding"] = [', '.join( e for e in encoding.ENCODINGS if e in self.headers["accept-encoding"][0] )] def get_form_urlencoded(self): """ Retrieves the URL-encoded form data, returning an ODict object. Returns an empty ODict if there is no data or the content-type indicates non-form data. """ if self.content and self.headers.in_any("content-type", HDR_FORM_URLENCODED, True): return ODict(utils.urldecode(self.content)) return ODict([]) def set_form_urlencoded(self, odict): """ Sets the body to the URL-encoded form data, and adds the appropriate content-type header. Note that this will destory the existing body if there is one. """ # FIXME: If there's an existing content-type header indicating a # url-encoded form, leave it alone. self.headers["Content-Type"] = [HDR_FORM_URLENCODED] self.content = utils.urlencode(odict.lst) def get_path_components(self): """ Returns the path components of the URL as a list of strings. Components are unquoted. """ _, _, path, _, _, _ = urlparse.urlparse(self.get_url()) return [urllib.unquote(i) for i in path.split("/") if i] def set_path_components(self, lst): """ Takes a list of strings, and sets the path component of the URL. Components are quoted. """ lst = [urllib.quote(i, safe="") for i in lst] path = "/" + "/".join(lst) scheme, netloc, _, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.get_url()) self.set_url(urlparse.urlunparse([scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment])) def get_query(self): """ Gets the request query string. Returns an ODict object. """ _, _, _, _, query, _ = urlparse.urlparse(self.get_url()) if query: return ODict(utils.urldecode(query)) return ODict([]) def set_query(self, odict): """ Takes an ODict object, and sets the request query string. """ scheme, netloc, path, params, _, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.get_url()) query = utils.urlencode(odict.lst) self.set_url(urlparse.urlunparse([scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment])) def get_host(self, hostheader=False): """ Heuristic to get the host of the request. Note that get_host() does not always return the TCP destination of the request, e.g. on a transparently intercepted request to an unrelated HTTP proxy. If hostheader is set to True, the Host: header will be used as additional (and preferred) data source. This is handy in transparent mode, where only the ip of the destination is known, but not the resolved name. This is disabled by default, as an attacker may spoof the host header to confuse an analyst. """ host = None if hostheader: host = self.headers.get_first("host") if not host: if host = else: for s in self.flow.server_conn.state: if s[0] == "http" and s[1]["state"] == "connect": host = s[1]["host"] break if not host: host = host = host.encode("idna") return host def get_scheme(self): """ Returns the request port, either from the request itself or from the flow's server connection """ if self.scheme: return self.scheme if self.form_out == "authority": # On SSLed connections, the original CONNECT request is still unencrypted. return "http" return "https" if self.flow.server_conn.ssl_established else "http" def get_port(self): """ Returns the request port, either from the request itself or from the flow's server connection """ if self.port: return self.port for s in self.flow.server_conn.state: if s[0] == "http" and s[1].get("state") == "connect": return s[1]["port"] return self.flow.server_conn.address.port def get_url(self, hostheader=False): """ Returns a URL string, constructed from the Request's URL components. If hostheader is True, we use the value specified in the request Host header to construct the URL. """ if self.form_out == "authority": # upstream proxy mode return "%s:%s" % (self.get_host(hostheader), self.get_port()) return utils.unparse_url(self.get_scheme(), self.get_host(hostheader), self.get_port(), self.path).encode('ascii') def set_url(self, url): """ Parses a URL specification, and updates the Request's information accordingly. Returns False if the URL was invalid, True if the request succeeded. """ parts = http.parse_url(url) if not parts: return False scheme, host, port, path = parts is_ssl = (True if scheme == "https" else False) self.path = path if host != self.get_host() or port != self.get_port(): if, port), ssl=is_ssl) else: # There's not live server connection, we're just changing the attributes here. self.flow.server_conn = ServerConnection((host, port), proxy.AddressPriority.MANUALLY_CHANGED) self.flow.server_conn.ssl_established = is_ssl # If this is an absolute request, replace the attributes on the request object as well. if = host if self.port: self.port = port if self.scheme: self.scheme = scheme return True def get_cookies(self): cookie_headers = self.headers.get("cookie") if not cookie_headers: return None cookies = [] for header in cookie_headers: pairs = [pair.partition("=") for pair in header.split(';')] cookies.extend((pair[0], (pair[2], {})) for pair in pairs) return dict(cookies) def replace(self, pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs): """ Replaces a regular expression pattern with repl in the headers, the request path and the body of the request. Encoded content will be decoded before replacement, and re-encoded afterwards. Returns the number of replacements made. """ c = HTTPMessage.replace(self, pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs) self.path, pc = utils.safe_subn(pattern, repl, self.path, *args, **kwargs) c += pc return c class HTTPResponse(HTTPMessage): """ An HTTP response. Exposes the following attributes: flow: Flow object the request belongs to code: HTTP response code msg: HTTP response message headers: ODict object content: Content of the request, None, or CONTENT_MISSING if there is content associated, but not present. CONTENT_MISSING evaluates to False to make checking for the presence of content natural. httpversion: HTTP version tuple timestamp_start: Timestamp indicating when request transmission started timestamp_end: Timestamp indicating when request transmission ended """ def __init__(self, httpversion, code, msg, headers, content, timestamp_start=None, timestamp_end=None): assert isinstance(headers, ODictCaseless) or headers is None HTTPMessage.__init__(self, httpversion, headers, content, timestamp_start, timestamp_end) self.code = code self.msg = msg # Is this request replayed? self.is_replay = False = False _stateobject_attributes = HTTPMessage._stateobject_attributes.copy() _stateobject_attributes.update( code=int, msg=str ) @classmethod def _from_state(cls, state): f = cls(None, None, None, None, None) f._load_state(state) return f def __repr__(self): size = utils.pretty_size(len(self.content)) if self.content else "content missing" return "".format( code=self.code, msg=self.msg, contenttype=self.headers.get_first("content-type", "unknown content type"), size=size ) @classmethod def from_stream(cls, rfile, request_method, include_body=True, body_size_limit=None): """ Parse an HTTP response from a file stream """ timestamp_start = utils.timestamp() if hasattr(rfile, "reset_timestamps"): rfile.reset_timestamps() httpversion, code, msg, headers, content = http.read_response( rfile, request_method, body_size_limit, include_body=include_body) if hasattr(rfile, "first_byte_timestamp"): # more accurate timestamp_start timestamp_start = rfile.first_byte_timestamp timestamp_end = utils.timestamp() return HTTPResponse(httpversion, code, msg, headers, content, timestamp_start, timestamp_end) def _assemble_first_line(self): return 'HTTP/%s.%s %s %s' % \ (self.httpversion[0], self.httpversion[1], self.code, self.msg) def _assemble_headers(self, preserve_transfer_encoding=False): headers = self.headers.copy() for k in ['Proxy-Connection', 'Alternate-Protocol', 'Alt-Svc']: del headers[k] if not preserve_transfer_encoding: del headers['Transfer-Encoding'] if self.content: headers["Content-Length"] = [str(len(self.content))] elif not preserve_transfer_encoding and 'Transfer-Encoding' in self.headers: # add content-length for chuncked transfer-encoding with no content headers["Content-Length"] = ["0"] return str(headers) def _assemble_head(self, preserve_transfer_encoding=False): return '%s\r\n%s\r\n' % ( self._assemble_first_line(), self._assemble_headers(preserve_transfer_encoding=preserve_transfer_encoding)) def _assemble(self): """ Assembles the response for transmission to the client. We make some modifications to make sure interception works properly. Raises an Exception if the request cannot be assembled. """ if self.content == CONTENT_MISSING: raise proxy.ProxyError(502, "Cannot assemble flow with CONTENT_MISSING") head = self._assemble_head() if self.content: return head + self.content else: return head def _refresh_cookie(self, c, delta): """ Takes a cookie string c and a time delta in seconds, and returns a refreshed cookie string. """ c = Cookie.SimpleCookie(str(c)) for i in c.values(): if "expires" in i: d = parsedate_tz(i["expires"]) if d: d = mktime_tz(d) + delta i["expires"] = formatdate(d) else: # This can happen when the expires tag is invalid. # sends a an expires tag like this: "Thu, 31 Dec # 2037 23:59:59 GMT", which is valid RFC 1123, but not # strictly correct according to the cookie spec. Browsers # appear to parse this tolerantly - maybe we should too. # For now, we just ignore this. del i["expires"] return c.output(header="").strip() def refresh(self, now=None): """ This fairly complex and heuristic function refreshes a server response for replay. - It adjusts date, expires and last-modified headers. - It adjusts cookie expiration. """ if not now: now = time.time() delta = now - self.timestamp_start refresh_headers = [ "date", "expires", "last-modified", ] for i in refresh_headers: if i in self.headers: d = parsedate_tz(self.headers[i][0]) if d: new = mktime_tz(d) + delta self.headers[i] = [formatdate(new)] c = [] for i in self.headers["set-cookie"]: c.append(self._refresh_cookie(i, delta)) if c: self.headers["set-cookie"] = c def get_cookies(self): cookie_headers = self.headers.get("set-cookie") if not cookie_headers: return None cookies = [] for header in cookie_headers: pairs = [pair.partition("=") for pair in header.split(';')] cookie_name = pairs[0][0] # the key of the first key/value pairs cookie_value = pairs[0][2] # the value of the first key/value pairs cookie_parameters = {key.strip().lower(): value.strip() for key, sep, value in pairs[1:]} cookies.append((cookie_name, (cookie_value, cookie_parameters))) return dict(cookies) class HTTPFlow(Flow): """ A Flow is a collection of objects representing a single HTTP transaction. The main attributes are: request: HTTPRequest object response: HTTPResponse object error: Error object Note that it's possible for a Flow to have both a response and an error object. This might happen, for instance, when a response was received from the server, but there was an error sending it back to the client. The following additional attributes are exposed: intercepting: Is this flow currently being intercepted? live: Does this flow have a live client connection? """ def __init__(self, client_conn, server_conn, live=None): super(HTTPFlow, self).__init__("http", client_conn, server_conn, live) self.request = None """@type: HTTPRequest""" self.response = None """@type: HTTPResponse""" self.intercepting = False # FIXME: Should that rather be an attribute of Flow? _backrefattr = Flow._backrefattr + ("request", "response") _stateobject_attributes = Flow._stateobject_attributes.copy() _stateobject_attributes.update( request=HTTPRequest, response=HTTPResponse ) @classmethod def _from_state(cls, state): f = cls(None, None) f._load_state(state) return f def __repr__(self): s = " clientconnect (transparent mode destination known) # > serverconnect # > read n% of large request # > server detects timeout, disconnects # > read (100-n)% of large request # > send large request upstream self.c.server_reconnect() else: raise def handle_flow(self): flow = HTTPFlow(self.c.client_conn, self.c.server_conn, try: try: req = HTTPRequest.from_stream(self.c.client_conn.rfile, body_size_limit=self.c.config.body_size_limit) except tcp.NetLibDisconnect: # specifically ignore disconnects that happen before/between requests. return False self.c.log("request", "debug", [req._assemble_first_line(req.form_in)]) ret = self.process_request(flow, req) if ret is not None: return ret # Be careful NOT to assign the request to the flow before # process_request completes. This is because the call can raise an # exception. If the request object is already attached, this results # in an Error object that has an attached request that has not been # sent through to the Master. flow.request = req request_reply ="request", flow.request) self.determine_server_address(flow, flow.request) # The inline script may have changed flow.server_conn = self.c.server_conn # Update server_conn attribute on the flow if request_reply is None or request_reply == KILL: return False if isinstance(request_reply, HTTPResponse): flow.response = request_reply else: # read initially in "stream" mode, so we can get the headers separately flow.response = self.get_response_from_server(flow.request, include_body=False) # call the appropriate script hook - this is an opportunity for an inline script to set = True"responseheaders", flow.response) # now get the rest of the request body, if body still needs to be read but not streaming this response if flow.response.content = CONTENT_MISSING else: flow.response.content = http.read_http_body(self.c.server_conn.rfile, flow.response.headers, self.c.config.body_size_limit, flow.request.method, flow.response.code, False) # no further manipulation of self.c.server_conn beyond this point # we can safely set it as the final attribute value here. flow.server_conn = self.c.server_conn self.c.log("response", "debug", [flow.response._assemble_first_line()]) response_reply ="response", flow.response) if response_reply is None or response_reply == KILL: return False if not # no streaming: # we already received the full response from the server and can send it to the client straight away. self.c.client_conn.send(flow.response._assemble()) else: # streaming: # First send the body and then transfer the response incrementally: h = flow.response._assemble_head(preserve_transfer_encoding=True) self.c.client_conn.send(h) for chunk in http.read_http_body_chunked(self.c.server_conn.rfile, flow.response.headers, self.c.config.body_size_limit, flow.request.method, flow.response.code, False, 4096): for part in chunk: self.c.client_conn.wfile.write(part) self.c.client_conn.wfile.flush() flow.response.timestamp_end = utils.timestamp() flow.timestamp_end = utils.timestamp() close_connection = ( http.connection_close(flow.request.httpversion, flow.request.headers) or http.connection_close(flow.response.httpversion, flow.response.headers) or http.expected_http_body_size(flow.response.headers, False, flow.request.method, flow.response.code) == -1) if close_connection: if flow.request.form_in == "authority" and flow.response.code == 200: # Workaround for # Some proxies (e.g. Charles) send a CONNECT response with HTTP/1.0 and no Content-Length header pass else: return False # We sent a CONNECT request to an upstream proxy. if flow.request.form_in == "authority" and flow.response.code == 200: # TODO: Eventually add headers (space/usefulness tradeoff) # Make sure to add state info before the actual upgrade happens. # During the upgrade, we may receive an SNI indication from the client, # which resets the upstream connection. If this is the case, we must # already re-issue the CONNECT request at this point. self.c.server_conn.state.append(("http", {"state": "connect", "host":, "port": flow.request.port})) if self.c.check_ignore_address((, flow.request.port)): self.c.log("Ignore host: %s:%s" % self.c.server_conn.address(), "info") TCPHandler(self.c).handle_messages() return False else: if flow.request.port in self.c.config.ssl_ports: self.ssl_upgrade() self.skip_authentication = True # If the user has changed the target server on this connection, # restore the original target server = None return True except (HttpAuthenticationError, http.HttpError, proxy.ProxyError, tcp.NetLibError), e: self.handle_error(e, flow) return False def handle_server_reconnect(self, state): if state["state"] == "connect": send_connect_request(self.c.server_conn, state["host"], state["port"]) else: # pragma: nocover raise RuntimeError("Unknown State: %s" % state["state"]) def handle_error(self, error, flow=None): message = repr(error) if "tlsv1 alert unknown ca" in message: message += " The client does not trust the proxy's certificate." if isinstance(error, tcp.NetLibDisconnect): self.c.log("TCP connection closed unexpectedly.", "debug") else: self.c.log("error: %s" % message, level="info") if flow: # TODO: no flows without request or with both request and response at the moment. if flow.request and not flow.response: flow.error = Error(message)"error", flow.error) try: code = getattr(error, "code", 502) headers = getattr(error, "headers", None) self.send_error(code, message, headers) except: pass def send_error(self, code, message, headers): response = http_status.RESPONSES.get(code, "Unknown") html_content = '\n%d %s\n\n\n%s\n\n' % \ (code, response, message) self.c.client_conn.wfile.write("HTTP/1.1 %s %s\r\n" % (code, response)) self.c.client_conn.wfile.write("Server: %s\r\n" % self.c.server_version) self.c.client_conn.wfile.write("Content-type: text/html\r\n") self.c.client_conn.wfile.write("Content-Length: %d\r\n" % len(html_content)) if headers: for key, value in headers.items(): self.c.client_conn.wfile.write("%s: %s\r\n" % (key, value)) self.c.client_conn.wfile.write("Connection: close\r\n") self.c.client_conn.wfile.write("\r\n") self.c.client_conn.wfile.write(html_content) self.c.client_conn.wfile.flush() def ssl_upgrade(self): """ Upgrade the connection to SSL after an authority (CONNECT) request has been made. """ self.c.log("Received CONNECT request. Upgrading to SSL...", "debug") self.expected_form_in = "relative" self.expected_form_out = "relative" self.c.establish_ssl(server=True, client=True) self.c.log("Upgrade to SSL completed.", "debug") def process_request(self, flow, request): """ @returns: True, if the request should not be sent upstream False, if the connection should be aborted None, if the request should be sent upstream (a status code != None should be returned directly by handle_flow) """ if not self.skip_authentication: self.authenticate(request) if request.form_in == "authority": if self.c.client_conn.ssl_established: raise http.HttpError(400, "Must not CONNECT on already encrypted connection") if self.expected_form_in == "absolute": if not self.c.config.get_upstream_server: self.c.set_server_address((, request.port), proxy.AddressPriority.FROM_PROTOCOL) flow.server_conn = self.c.server_conn # Update server_conn attribute on the flow self.c.establish_server_connection() self.c.client_conn.send( 'HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established\r\n' + 'Content-Length: 0\r\n' + ('Proxy-agent: %s\r\n' % self.c.server_version) + '\r\n' ) if self.c.check_ignore_address(self.c.server_conn.address): self.c.log("Ignore host: %s:%s" % self.c.server_conn.address(), "info") TCPHandler(self.c).handle_messages() return False else: if self.c.server_conn.address.port in self.c.config.ssl_ports: self.ssl_upgrade() self.skip_authentication = True return True else: return None elif request.form_in == self.expected_form_in: if request.form_in == "absolute": if request.scheme != "http": raise http.HttpError(400, "Invalid request scheme: %s" % request.scheme) self.determine_server_address(flow, request) request.form_out = self.expected_form_out return None raise http.HttpError(400, "Invalid HTTP request form (expected: %s, got: %s)" % (self.expected_form_in, request.form_in)) def determine_server_address(self, flow, request): if request.form_in == "absolute": self.c.set_server_address((, request.port), proxy.AddressPriority.FROM_PROTOCOL) flow.server_conn = self.c.server_conn # Update server_conn attribute on the flow def authenticate(self, request): if self.c.config.authenticator: if self.c.config.authenticator.authenticate(request.headers): self.c.config.authenticator.clean(request.headers) else: raise HttpAuthenticationError( self.c.config.authenticator.auth_challenge_headers()) return request.headers class RequestReplayThread(threading.Thread): name = "RequestReplayThread" def __init__(self, config, flow, masterq, should_exit): self.config, self.flow, = config, flow, controller.Channel(masterq, should_exit) threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): try: r = self.flow.request form_out_backup = r.form_out r.form_out = self.config.http_form_out server_address, server_ssl = False, False if self.config.get_upstream_server: try: # this will fail in transparent mode upstream_info = self.config.get_upstream_server(self.flow.client_conn) server_ssl = upstream_info[1] server_address = upstream_info[2:] except proxy.ProxyError: pass if not server_address: server_address = (r.get_host(), r.get_port()) server = ServerConnection(server_address, None) server.connect() if server_ssl or r.get_scheme() == "https": if self.config.http_form_out == "absolute": # form_out == absolute -> forward mode -> send CONNECT send_connect_request(server, r.get_host(), r.get_port()) r.form_out = "relative" server.establish_ssl(self.config.clientcerts, self.flow.server_conn.sni) server.send(r._assemble()) self.flow.response = HTTPResponse.from_stream(server.rfile, r.method, body_size_limit=self.config.body_size_limit)"response", self.flow.response) except (proxy.ProxyError, http.HttpError, tcp.NetLibError), v: self.flow.error = Error(repr(v))"error", self.flow.error) finally: r.form_out = form_out_backup