from netlib import utils, tutils
from netlib.http import Headers

def test_bidi():
    b = utils.BiDi(a=1, b=2)
    assert b.a == 1
    assert b.get_name(1) == "a"
    assert b.get_name(5) is None
    tutils.raises(AttributeError, getattr, b, "c")
    tutils.raises(ValueError, utils.BiDi, one=1, two=1)

def test_hexdump():
    assert list(utils.hexdump(b"one\0" * 10))

def test_clean_bin():
    assert utils.clean_bin(b"one") == b"one"
    assert utils.clean_bin(b"\00ne") == b".ne"
    assert utils.clean_bin(b"\nne") == b"\nne"
    assert utils.clean_bin(b"\nne", False) == b".ne"
    assert utils.clean_bin(u"\u2605".encode("utf8")) == b"..."

    assert utils.clean_bin(u"one") == u"one"
    assert utils.clean_bin(u"\00ne") == u".ne"
    assert utils.clean_bin(u"\nne") == u"\nne"
    assert utils.clean_bin(u"\nne", False) == u".ne"
    assert utils.clean_bin(u"\u2605") == u"\u2605"

def test_pretty_size():
    assert utils.pretty_size(100) == "100B"
    assert utils.pretty_size(1024) == "1kB"
    assert utils.pretty_size(1024 + (1024 / 2.0)) == "1.5kB"
    assert utils.pretty_size(1024 * 1024) == "1MB"

def test_parse_url():
    with tutils.raises(ValueError):

    s, h, po, pa = utils.parse_url(b"")
    assert s == b"http"
    assert h == b""
    assert po == 8888
    assert pa == b"/test"

    s, h, po, pa = utils.parse_url("http://foo/bar")
    assert s == b"http"
    assert h == b"foo"
    assert po == 80
    assert pa == b"/bar"

    s, h, po, pa = utils.parse_url(b"http://user:pass@foo/bar")
    assert s == b"http"
    assert h == b"foo"
    assert po == 80
    assert pa == b"/bar"

    s, h, po, pa = utils.parse_url(b"http://foo")
    assert pa == b"/"

    s, h, po, pa = utils.parse_url(b"https://foo")
    assert po == 443

    with tutils.raises(ValueError):

    # Invalid IDNA
    with tutils.raises(ValueError):
    # Invalid PATH
    with tutils.raises(ValueError):
    # Null byte in host
    with tutils.raises(ValueError):
    # Port out of range
    _, _, port, _ = utils.parse_url("http://foo:999999")
    assert port == 80
    # Invalid IPv6 URL - see
    with tutils.raises(ValueError):

def test_unparse_url():
    assert utils.unparse_url("http", "", 99, "") == ""
    assert utils.unparse_url("http", "", 80, "/bar") == ""
    assert utils.unparse_url("https", "", 80, "") == ""
    assert utils.unparse_url("https", "", 443, "") == ""

def test_urlencode():
    assert utils.urlencode([('foo', 'bar')])

def test_urldecode():
    s = "one=two&three=four"
    assert len(utils.urldecode(s)) == 2

def test_get_header_tokens():
    headers = Headers()
    assert utils.get_header_tokens(headers, "foo") == []
    headers["foo"] = "bar"
    assert utils.get_header_tokens(headers, "foo") == ["bar"]
    headers["foo"] = "bar, voing"
    assert utils.get_header_tokens(headers, "foo") == ["bar", "voing"]
    headers.set_all("foo", ["bar, voing", "oink"])
    assert utils.get_header_tokens(headers, "foo") == ["bar", "voing", "oink"]

def test_multipartdecode():
    boundary = 'somefancyboundary'
    headers = Headers(
        content_type='multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary
    content = (
        "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"field1\"\n\n"
        "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"field2\"\n\n"

    form = utils.multipartdecode(headers, content)

    assert len(form) == 2
    assert form[0] == (b"field1", b"value1")
    assert form[1] == (b"field2", b"value2")

def test_parse_content_type():
    p = utils.parse_content_type
    assert p("text/html") == ("text", "html", {})
    assert p("text") is None

    v = p("text/html; charset=UTF-8")
    assert v == ('text', 'html', {'charset': 'UTF-8'})

class SerializableDummy(utils.Serializable):
    def __init__(self, i):
        self.i = i

    def get_state(self):
        return self.i

    def set_state(self, i):
        self.i = i

    def from_state(self, state):
        return type(self)(state)

class TestSerializable:

    def test_copy(self):
        a = SerializableDummy(42)
        assert a.i == 42
        b = a.copy()
        assert b.i == 42

        assert a.i == 1
        assert b.i == 42

def test_safe_subn():
    assert utils.safe_subn("foo", u"bar", "\xc2foo")