from mitmproxy.test import tflow, tutils from examples.complex.webscanner_helper.urldict import URLDict url = "" new_content_body = "New Body" new_content_title = "New Title" content = f'{{"body": "{new_content_body}", "title": "{new_content_title}"}}' url_error = "i~nvalid" input_file_content = f'{{"{url}": {content}}}' input_file_content_error = f'{{"{url_error}": {content}}}' class TestUrlDict: def test_urldict_empty(self): urldict = URLDict() dump = urldict.dumps() assert dump == '{}' def test_urldict_loads(self): urldict = URLDict.loads(input_file_content) dump = urldict.dumps() assert dump == input_file_content def test_urldict_set_error(self, tmpdir): tmpfile = tmpdir.join("tmpfile") with open(tmpfile, "w") as tfile: tfile.write(input_file_content_error) with open(tmpfile, "r") as tfile: try: URLDict.load(tfile) except ValueError: assert True else: assert False def test_urldict_get(self, tmpdir): tmpfile = tmpdir.join("tmpfile") with open(tmpfile, "w") as tfile: tfile.write(input_file_content) with open(tmpfile, "r") as tfile: urldict = URLDict.load(tfile) f = tflow.tflow(resp=tutils.tresp()) f.request.url = url selection = urldict[f] assert "body" in selection[0] assert new_content_body in selection[0]["body"] assert "title" in selection[0] assert new_content_title in selection[0]["title"] selection_get = urldict.get(f) assert "body" in selection_get[0] assert new_content_body in selection_get[0]["body"] assert "title" in selection_get[0] assert new_content_title in selection_get[0]["title"] try: urldict["body"] except KeyError: assert True else: assert False assert urldict.get("body", default="default") == "default" def test_urldict_dumps(self, tmpdir): tmpfile = tmpdir.join("tmpfile") with open(tmpfile, "w") as tfile: tfile.write(input_file_content) with open(tmpfile, "r") as tfile: urldict = URLDict.load(tfile) dump = urldict.dumps() assert dump == input_file_content def test_urldict_dump(self, tmpdir): tmpfile = tmpdir.join("tmpfile") outfile = tmpdir.join("outfile") with open(tmpfile, "w") as tfile: tfile.write(input_file_content) with open(tmpfile, "r") as tfile: urldict = URLDict.load(tfile) with open(outfile, "w") as ofile: urldict.dump(ofile) with open(outfile, "r") as ofile: output = assert output == input_file_content