from __future__ import absolute_import import mailcap import mimetypes import tempfile import os import os.path import shlex import signal import stat import subprocess import sys import traceback import urwid import weakref from .. import controller, flow, script from . import flowlist, flowview, help, window, signals, options from . import grideditor, palettes, contentview, statusbar EVENTLOG_SIZE = 500 class ConsoleState(flow.State): def __init__(self): flow.State.__init__(self) self.focus = None self.follow_focus = None self.default_body_view = contentview.get("Auto") self.flowsettings = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() self.last_search = None def __setattr__(self, name, value): self.__dict__[name] = value signals.update_settings.send(self) def add_flow_setting(self, flow, key, value): d = self.flowsettings.setdefault(flow, {}) d[key] = value def get_flow_setting(self, flow, key, default=None): d = self.flowsettings.get(flow, {}) return d.get(key, default) def add_flow(self, f): super(ConsoleState, self).add_flow(f) if self.focus is None: self.set_focus(0) elif self.follow_focus: self.set_focus(len(self.view) - 1) return f def update_flow(self, f): super(ConsoleState, self).update_flow(f) if self.focus is None: self.set_focus(0) return f def set_limit(self, limit): ret = flow.State.set_limit(self, limit) self.set_focus(self.focus) return ret def get_focus(self): if not self.view or self.focus is None: return None, None return self.view[self.focus], self.focus def set_focus(self, idx): if self.view: if idx >= len(self.view): idx = len(self.view) - 1 elif idx < 0: idx = 0 self.focus = idx else: self.focus = None def set_focus_flow(self, f): self.set_focus(self.view.index(f)) def get_from_pos(self, pos): if len(self.view) <= pos or pos < 0: return None, None return self.view[pos], pos def get_next(self, pos): return self.get_from_pos(pos+1) def get_prev(self, pos): return self.get_from_pos(pos-1) def delete_flow(self, f): if f in self.view and self.view.index(f) <= self.focus: self.focus -= 1 if self.focus < 0: self.focus = None ret = flow.State.delete_flow(self, f) self.set_focus(self.focus) return ret def clear(self): self.focus = None super(ConsoleState, self).clear() class Options(object): attributes = [ "app", "app_domain", "app_ip", "anticache", "anticomp", "client_replay", "eventlog", "keepserving", "kill", "intercept", "no_server", "refresh_server_playback", "rfile", "scripts", "showhost", "replacements", "rheaders", "setheaders", "server_replay", "stickycookie", "stickyauth", "stream_large_bodies", "verbosity", "wfile", "nopop", "palette", ] def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) for i in self.attributes: if not hasattr(self, i): setattr(self, i, None) class ConsoleMaster(flow.FlowMaster): palette = [] def __init__(self, server, options): flow.FlowMaster.__init__(self, server, ConsoleState()) self.stream_path = None self.options = options for i in options.replacements: self.replacehooks.add(*i) for i in options.setheaders: self.setheaders.add(*i) self.flow_list_walker = None self.set_palette(options.palette) r = self.set_intercept(options.intercept) if r: print >> sys.stderr, "Intercept error:", r sys.exit(1) r = self.set_stickycookie(options.stickycookie) if r: print >> sys.stderr, "Sticky cookies error:", r sys.exit(1) r = self.set_stickyauth(options.stickyauth) if r: print >> sys.stderr, "Sticky auth error:", r sys.exit(1) self.set_stream_large_bodies(options.stream_large_bodies) self.refresh_server_playback = options.refresh_server_playback self.anticache = options.anticache self.anticomp = options.anticomp self.killextra = options.kill self.rheaders = options.rheaders self.nopop = options.nopop self.showhost = options.showhost self.eventlog = options.eventlog self.eventlist = urwid.SimpleListWalker([]) if options.client_replay: self.client_playback_path(options.client_replay) if options.server_replay: self.server_playback_path(options.server_replay) if options.scripts: for i in options.scripts: err = self.load_script(i) if err: print >> sys.stderr, "Script load error:", err sys.exit(1) if options.outfile: err = self.start_stream_to_path( options.outfile[0], options.outfile[1] ) if err: print >> sys.stderr, "Stream file error:", err sys.exit(1) self.view_stack = [] if self.start_app(self.options.app_host, self.options.app_port) signals.call_in.connect(self.sig_call_in) signals.pop_view_state.connect(self.sig_pop_view_state) signals.push_view_state.connect(self.sig_push_view_state) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self.__dict__[name] = value signals.update_settings.send(self) def sig_call_in(self, sender, seconds, callback, args=()): def cb(*_): return callback(*args) self.loop.set_alarm_in(seconds, cb) def sig_pop_view_state(self, sender): if self.view_stack: self.loop.widget = self.view_stack.pop() else: signals.status_prompt_onekey.send( self, prompt = "Quit", keys = ( ("yes", "y"), ("no", "n"), ), callback = self.quit, ) def sig_push_view_state(self, sender): self.view_stack.append(self.loop.widget) def start_stream_to_path(self, path, mode="wb"): path = os.path.expanduser(path) try: f = file(path, mode) self.start_stream(f, None) except IOError, v: return str(v) self.stream_path = path def _run_script_method(self, method, s, f): status, val =, f) if val: if status: self.add_event("Method %s return: %s"%(method, val), "debug") else: self.add_event("Method %s error: %s"%(method, val[1]), "error") def run_script_once(self, command, f): if not command: return self.add_event("Running script on flow: %s"%command, "debug") try: s = script.Script(command, self) except script.ScriptError, v: signals.status_message.send( message = "Error loading script." ) self.add_event("Error loading script:\n%s"%v.args[0], "error") return if f.request: self._run_script_method("request", s, f) if f.response: self._run_script_method("response", s, f) if f.error: self._run_script_method("error", s, f) s.unload() signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = f) def set_script(self, command): if not command: return ret = self.load_script(command) if ret: signals.status_message.send(message=ret) def toggle_eventlog(self): self.eventlog = not self.eventlog self.view_flowlist() def _readflows(self, path): """ Utitility function that reads a list of flows or prints an error to the UI if that fails. Returns - None, if there was an error. - a list of flows, otherwise. """ try: return flow.read_flows_from_paths(path) except flow.FlowReadError as e: signals.status_message.send(message=e.strerror) def client_playback_path(self, path): if not isinstance(path, list): path = [path] flows = self._readflows(path) if flows: self.start_client_playback(flows, False) def server_playback_path(self, path): if not isinstance(path, list): path = [path] flows = self._readflows(path) if flows: self.start_server_playback( flows, self.killextra, self.rheaders, False, self.nopop, self.options.replay_ignore_params, self.options.replay_ignore_content, self.options.replay_ignore_payload_params, self.options.replay_ignore_host ) def spawn_editor(self, data): fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp('', "mproxy") os.write(fd, data) os.close(fd) c = os.environ.get("EDITOR") # if no EDITOR is set, assume 'vi' if not c: c = "vi" cmd = shlex.split(c) cmd.append(name) self.ui.stop() try: except: signals.status_message.send( message = "Can't start editor: %s" % " ".join(c) ) else: data = open(name, "rb").read() self.ui.start() os.unlink(name) return data def spawn_external_viewer(self, data, contenttype): if contenttype: contenttype = contenttype.split(";")[0] ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(contenttype) or "" else: ext = "" fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(ext, "mproxy") os.write(fd, data) os.close(fd) # read-only to remind the user that this is a view function os.chmod(name, stat.S_IREAD) cmd = None shell = False if contenttype: c = mailcap.getcaps() cmd, _ = mailcap.findmatch(c, contenttype, filename=name) if cmd: shell = True if not cmd: # hm which one should get priority? c = os.environ.get("PAGER") or os.environ.get("EDITOR") if not c: c = "less" cmd = shlex.split(c) cmd.append(name) self.ui.stop() try:, shell=shell) except: signals.status_message.send( message="Can't start external viewer: %s" % " ".join(c) ) self.ui.start() os.unlink(name) def set_palette(self, name): self.palette = palettes.palettes[name] def ticker(self, *userdata): changed = self.tick(self.masterq, timeout=0) if changed: self.loop.draw_screen() signals.update_settings.send() self.loop.set_alarm_in(0.01, self.ticker) def run(self): self.ui = urwid.raw_display.Screen() self.ui.set_terminal_properties(256) self.ui.register_palette(self.palette.palette()) self.flow_list_walker = flowlist.FlowListWalker(self, self.state) self.loop = urwid.MainLoop( urwid.SolidFill("x"), screen = self.ui, ) self.server.start_slave( controller.Slave, controller.Channel(self.masterq, self.should_exit) ) if self.options.rfile: ret = self.load_flows_path(self.options.rfile) if ret and self.state.flow_count(): self.add_event( "File truncated or corrupted. " "Loaded as many flows as possible.", "error" ) elif ret and not self.state.flow_count(): self.shutdown() print >> sys.stderr, "Could not load file:", ret sys.exit(1) self.loop.set_alarm_in(0.01, self.ticker) # It's not clear why we need to handle this explicitly - without this, # mitmproxy hangs on keyboard interrupt. Remove if we ever figure it # out. def exit(s, f): raise urwid.ExitMainLoop signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exit) self.loop.set_alarm_in( 0.0001, lambda *args: self.view_flowlist() ) try: except Exception: self.loop.stop() sys.stdout.flush() print >> sys.stderr, traceback.format_exc() print >> sys.stderr, "mitmproxy has crashed!" print >> sys.stderr, "Please lodge a bug report at:" print >> sys.stderr, "\t" print >> sys.stderr, "Shutting down..." sys.stderr.flush() self.shutdown() def view_help(self, helpctx): signals.push_view_state.send(self) self.loop.widget = window.Window( self, help.HelpView(helpctx), None, statusbar.StatusBar(self, help.footer), None ) def view_options(self): signals.push_view_state.send(self) self.loop.widget = window.Window( self, options.Options(self), None, statusbar.StatusBar(self, options.footer), options.help_context, ) def view_grideditor(self, ge): signals.push_view_state.send(self) self.loop.widget = window.Window( self, ge, None, statusbar.StatusBar(self, grideditor.FOOTER), ge.make_help() ) def view_flowlist(self): if self.ui.started: self.ui.clear() if self.state.follow_focus: self.state.set_focus(self.state.flow_count()) if self.eventlog: body = flowlist.BodyPile(self) else: body = flowlist.FlowListBox(self) self.loop.widget = window.Window( self, body, None, statusbar.StatusBar(self, flowlist.footer), flowlist.help_context ) self.loop.draw_screen() def view_flow(self, flow, tab_offset=0): signals.push_view_state.send(self) self.state.set_focus_flow(flow) self.loop.widget = window.Window( self, flowview.FlowView(self, self.state, flow, tab_offset), flowview.FlowViewHeader(self, flow), statusbar.StatusBar(self, flowview.footer), flowview.help_context ) def _write_flows(self, path, flows): if not path: return path = os.path.expanduser(path) try: f = file(path, "wb") fw = flow.FlowWriter(f) for i in flows: fw.add(i) f.close() except IOError, v: signals.status_message.send(message=v.strerror) def save_one_flow(self, path, flow): return self._write_flows(path, [flow]) def save_flows(self, path): return self._write_flows(path, self.state.view) def load_flows_callback(self, path): if not path: return ret = self.load_flows_path(path) return ret or "Flows loaded from %s"%path def load_flows_path(self, path): reterr = None try: flow.FlowMaster.load_flows_file(self, path) except flow.FlowReadError, v: reterr = str(v) if self.flow_list_walker: self.sync_list_view() return reterr def accept_all(self): self.state.accept_all(self) def set_limit(self, txt): v = self.state.set_limit(txt) self.sync_list_view() return v def set_intercept(self, txt): return self.state.set_intercept(txt) def change_default_display_mode(self, t): v = contentview.get_by_shortcut(t) self.state.default_body_view = v self.refresh_focus() def edit_scripts(self, scripts): commands = [x[0] for x in scripts] # remove outer array if commands == [s.command for s in self.scripts]: return self.unload_scripts() for command in commands: self.load_script(command) signals.update_settings.send(self) def stop_client_playback_prompt(self, a): if a != "n": self.stop_client_playback() def stop_server_playback_prompt(self, a): if a != "n": self.stop_server_playback() def quit(self, a): if a != "n": raise urwid.ExitMainLoop def shutdown(self): self.state.killall(self) flow.FlowMaster.shutdown(self) def sync_list_view(self): self.flow_list_walker._modified() signals.update_settings.send(self) def clear_flows(self): self.state.clear() self.sync_list_view() def toggle_follow_flows(self): # toggle flow follow self.state.follow_focus = not self.state.follow_focus # jump to most recent flow if follow is now on if self.state.follow_focus: self.state.set_focus(self.state.flow_count()) self.sync_list_view() def delete_flow(self, f): self.state.delete_flow(f) self.sync_list_view() def refresh_focus(self): if self.state.view: signals.flow_change.send( self, flow = self.state.view[self.state.focus] ) def process_flow(self, f): if self.state.intercept and f.match(self.state.intercept) and not f.request.is_replay: f.intercept(self) else: f.reply() self.sync_list_view() signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = f) def clear_events(self): self.eventlist[:] = [] def add_event(self, e, level="info"): needed = dict(error=0, info=1, debug=2).get(level, 1) if self.options.verbosity < needed: return if level == "error": e = urwid.Text(("error", str(e))) else: e = urwid.Text(str(e)) self.eventlist.append(e) if len(self.eventlist) > EVENTLOG_SIZE: self.eventlist.pop(0) self.eventlist.set_focus(len(self.eventlist)-1) # Handlers def handle_error(self, f): f = flow.FlowMaster.handle_error(self, f) if f: self.process_flow(f) return f def handle_request(self, f): f = flow.FlowMaster.handle_request(self, f) if f: self.process_flow(f) return f def handle_response(self, f): f = flow.FlowMaster.handle_response(self, f) if f: self.process_flow(f) return f