#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re from pathlib import Path here = Path(__file__).absolute().parent example_dir = here / ".." / "src" / "examples" / "addons" examples = example_dir.glob('*.py') overview = [] listings = [] for example in examples: code = example.read_text() slug = str(example.with_suffix("").relative_to(example_dir)) slug = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z]", "-", slug) match = re.search(r''' ^ (?:[#][^\n]*\n)? # there might be a shebang """ \s* (.+?) \s* (?:\n\n|""") # stop on empty line or end of comment ''', code, re.VERBOSE) if match: comment = " — " + match.group(1) else: comment = "" overview.append( f" * [{example.name}](#{slug}){comment}" ) listings.append(f""" <h2 id="{slug}">Example: {example.name}</h2> ```python {code} ``` """) print("\n".join(overview)) print(""" ### Community Examples Additional examples contributed by the mitmproxy community can be found [on GitHub](https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/tree/master/examples/contrib). """) print("\n".join(listings))