from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division) from .. import version from ..exceptions import InvalidCredentials, HttpException, ProtocolException from .layer import Layer from libmproxy import utils from libmproxy.protocol2.layer import Kill from libmproxy.protocol import KILL from libmproxy.protocol.http import HTTPFlow from libmproxy.protocol.http_wrappers import HTTPResponse, HTTPRequest from netlib import tcp from netlib.http import status_codes, http1, http2, HttpErrorConnClosed, HttpError from netlib.http.semantics import CONTENT_MISSING from netlib import odict from netlib.tcp import NetLibError, Address from netlib.http.http1 import HTTP1Protocol from netlib.http.http2 import HTTP2Protocol # TODO: The HTTP2 layer is missing multiplexing, which requires a major rewrite. class Http1Layer(Layer): def __init__(self, ctx, mode): super(Http1Layer, self).__init__(ctx) self.mode = mode self.client_protocol = HTTP1Protocol(self.client_conn) self.server_protocol = HTTP1Protocol(self.server_conn) def read_from_client(self): return HTTPRequest.from_protocol( self.client_protocol, body_size_limit=self.config.body_size_limit ) def read_from_server(self, method): return HTTPResponse.from_protocol( self.server_protocol, method, body_size_limit=self.config.body_size_limit, include_body=False, ) def send_to_client(self, message): self.client_conn.send(self.client_protocol.assemble(message)) def send_to_server(self, message): self.server_conn.send(self.server_protocol.assemble(message)) def connect(self): self.ctx.connect() self.server_protocol = HTTP1Protocol(self.server_conn) def reconnect(self): self.ctx.reconnect() self.server_protocol = HTTP1Protocol(self.server_conn) def set_server(self, *args, **kwargs): self.ctx.set_server(*args, **kwargs) self.server_protocol = HTTP1Protocol(self.server_conn) def __call__(self): layer = HttpLayer(self, self.mode) layer() class Http2Layer(Layer): def __init__(self, ctx, mode): super(Http2Layer, self).__init__(ctx) self.mode = mode self.client_protocol = HTTP2Protocol(self.client_conn, is_server=True) self.server_protocol = HTTP2Protocol(self.server_conn, is_server=False) def read_from_client(self): return HTTPRequest.from_protocol( self.client_protocol, body_size_limit=self.config.body_size_limit ) def read_from_server(self, method): return HTTPResponse.from_protocol( self.server_protocol, method, body_size_limit=self.config.body_size_limit, include_body=False, ) def send_to_client(self, message): # TODO: implement flow control and WINDOW_UPDATE frames self.client_conn.send(self.client_protocol.assemble(message)) def send_to_server(self, message): # TODO: implement flow control and WINDOW_UPDATE frames self.server_conn.send(self.server_protocol.assemble(message)) def connect(self): self.ctx.connect() self.server_protocol = HTTP2Protocol(self.server_conn, is_server=False) self.server_protocol.perform_connection_preface() def reconnect(self): self.ctx.reconnect() self.server_protocol = HTTP2Protocol(self.server_conn, is_server=False) self.server_protocol.perform_connection_preface() def set_server(self, *args, **kwargs): self.ctx.set_server(*args, **kwargs) self.server_protocol = HTTP2Protocol(self.server_conn, is_server=False) self.server_protocol.perform_connection_preface() def __call__(self): self.server_protocol.perform_connection_preface() layer = HttpLayer(self, self.mode) layer() def make_error_response(status_code, message, headers=None): response = status_codes.RESPONSES.get(status_code, "Unknown") body = """ %d %s %s """.strip() % (status_code, response, message) if not headers: headers = odict.ODictCaseless() headers["Server"] = [version.NAMEVERSION] headers["Connection"] = ["close"] headers["Content-Length"] = [len(body)] headers["Content-Type"] = ["text/html"] return HTTPResponse( (1, 1), # FIXME: Should be a string. status_code, response, headers, body, ) def make_connect_request(address): address = Address.wrap(address) return HTTPRequest( "authority", "CONNECT", None,, address.port, None, (1, 1), odict.ODictCaseless(), "" ) def make_connect_response(httpversion): headers = odict.ODictCaseless([ ["Content-Length", "0"], ["Proxy-Agent", version.NAMEVERSION] ]) return HTTPResponse( httpversion, 200, "Connection established", headers, "", ) class ConnectServerConnection(object): """ "Fake" ServerConnection to represent state after a CONNECT request to an upstream proxy. """ def __init__(self, address, ctx): self.address = tcp.Address.wrap(address) self._ctx = ctx @property def via(self): return self._ctx.server_conn def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(self.via, item) class UpstreamConnectLayer(Layer): def __init__(self, ctx, connect_request): super(UpstreamConnectLayer, self).__init__(ctx) self.connect_request = connect_request self.server_conn = ConnectServerConnection((, connect_request.port), self.ctx) def __call__(self): layer = self.ctx.next_layer(self) layer() def connect(self): if not self.server_conn: self.ctx.connect() self.send_to_server(self.connect_request) else: pass # swallow the message def reconnect(self): self.ctx.reconnect() self.send_to_server(self.connect_request) def set_server(self, address, server_tls, sni, depth=1): if depth == 1: if self.ctx.server_conn: self.ctx.reconnect() = self.connect_request.port = address.port self.server_conn.address = address else: self.ctx.set_server(address, server_tls, sni, depth-1) class HttpLayer(Layer): def __init__(self, ctx, mode): super(HttpLayer, self).__init__(ctx) self.mode = mode def __call__(self): while True: try: flow = HTTPFlow(self.client_conn, self.server_conn, live=True) try: request = self.read_from_client() except tcp.NetLibError: # don't throw an error for disconnects that happen # before/between requests. return self.log("request", "debug", [repr(request)]) # Handle Proxy Authentication self.authenticate(request) # Regular Proxy Mode: Handle CONNECT if self.mode == "regular" and request.form_in == "authority": self.handle_regular_mode_connect(request) return # Make sure that the incoming request matches our expectations self.validate_request(request) flow.request = request self.process_request_hook(flow) if not flow.response: self.establish_server_connection(flow) self.get_response_from_server(flow) self.send_response_to_client(flow) if self.check_close_connection(flow): return # TODO: Implement HTTP Upgrade # Upstream Proxy Mode: Handle CONNECT if flow.request.form_in == "authority" and flow.response.code == 200: self.handle_upstream_mode_connect(flow.request.copy()) return except (HttpErrorConnClosed, NetLibError, HttpError) as e: self.send_to_client(make_error_response( getattr(e, "code", 502), repr(e) )) raise ProtocolException(repr(e), e) finally: = False def handle_regular_mode_connect(self, request): self.set_server((, request.port), False, None) self.send_to_client(make_connect_response(request.httpversion)) layer = self.ctx.next_layer(self) layer() def handle_upstream_mode_connect(self, connect_request): layer = UpstreamConnectLayer(self, connect_request) layer() def check_close_connection(self, flow): """ Checks if the connection should be closed depending on the HTTP semantics. Returns True, if so. """ # TODO: add logic for HTTP/2 close_connection = ( http1.HTTP1Protocol.connection_close( flow.request.httpversion, flow.request.headers ) or http1.HTTP1Protocol.connection_close( flow.response.httpversion, flow.response.headers ) or http1.HTTP1Protocol.expected_http_body_size( flow.response.headers, False, flow.request.method, flow.response.code) == -1 ) if flow.request.form_in == "authority" and flow.response.code == 200: # Workaround for # Some # proxies (e.g. Charles) send a CONNECT response with HTTP/1.0 # and no Content-Length header return False return close_connection def send_response_to_client(self, flow): if not # no streaming: # we already received the full response from the server and can # send it to the client straight away. self.send_to_client(flow.response) else: # streaming: # First send the headers and then transfer the response # incrementally: h = self.client_protocol._assemble_response_first_line(flow.response) self.send_to_client(h + "\r\n") h = self.client_protocol._assemble_response_headers(flow.response, preserve_transfer_encoding=True) self.send_to_client(h + "\r\n") chunks = self.client_protocol.read_http_body_chunked( flow.response.headers, self.config.body_size_limit, flow.request.method, flow.response.code, False, 4096 ) if callable( chunks = for chunk in chunks: for part in chunk: # TODO: That's going to fail. self.send_to_client(part) self.client_conn.wfile.flush() flow.response.timestamp_end = utils.timestamp() def get_response_from_server(self, flow): def get_response(): self.send_to_server(flow.request) flow.response = self.read_from_server(flow.request.method) try: get_response() except (tcp.NetLibError, HttpErrorConnClosed) as v: self.log( "server communication error: %s" % repr(v), level="debug" ) # In any case, we try to reconnect at least once. This is # necessary because it might be possible that we already # initiated an upstream connection after clientconnect that # has already been expired, e.g consider the following event # log: # > clientconnect (transparent mode destination known) # > serverconnect (required for client tls handshake) # > read n% of large request # > server detects timeout, disconnects # > read (100-n)% of large request # > send large request upstream self.reconnect() get_response() if isinstance(self.server_protocol, http2.HTTP2Protocol): flow.response.stream_id = flow.request.stream_id # call the appropriate script hook - this is an opportunity for an # inline script to set = True flow ="responseheaders", flow) if flow is None or flow == KILL: raise Kill() if flow.response.content = CONTENT_MISSING elif isinstance(self.server_protocol, http1.HTTP1Protocol): flow.response.content = self.server_protocol.read_http_body( flow.response.headers, self.config.body_size_limit, flow.request.method, flow.response.code, False ) flow.response.timestamp_end = utils.timestamp() # no further manipulation of self.server_conn beyond this point # we can safely set it as the final attribute value here. flow.server_conn = self.server_conn self.log( "response", "debug", [repr(flow.response)] ) response_reply ="response", flow) if response_reply is None or response_reply == KILL: raise Kill() def process_request_hook(self, flow): # Determine .scheme, .host and .port attributes for inline scripts. # For absolute-form requests, they are directly given in the request. # For authority-form requests, we only need to determine the request scheme. # For relative-form requests, we need to determine host and port as # well. if self.mode == "regular": pass # only absolute-form at this point, nothing to do here. elif self.mode == "upstream": if flow.request.form_in == "authority": flow.request.scheme = "http" # pseudo value else: = flow.request.port = self.ctx.server_conn.address.port flow.request.scheme = "https" if self.server_conn.tls_established else "http" # TODO: Expose .set_server functionality to inline scripts request_reply ="request", flow) if request_reply is None or request_reply == KILL: raise Kill() if isinstance(request_reply, HTTPResponse): flow.response = request_reply return def establish_server_connection(self, flow): address = tcp.Address((, flow.request.port)) tls = (flow.request.scheme == "https") if self.mode == "regular" or self.mode == "transparent": # If there's an existing connection that doesn't match our expectations, kill it. if address != self.server_conn.address or tls != self.server_conn.ssl_established: self.set_server(address, tls, # Establish connection is neccessary. if not self.server_conn: self.connect() # SetServer is not guaranteed to work with TLS: # If there's not TlsLayer below which could catch the exception, # TLS will not be established. if tls and not self.server_conn.tls_established: raise ProtocolException("Cannot upgrade to SSL, no TLS layer on the protocol stack.") else: if not self.server_conn: self.connect() if tls: raise HttpException("Cannot change scheme in upstream proxy mode.") """ # This is a very ugly (untested) workaround to solve a very ugly problem. if self.server_conn and self.server_conn.tls_established and not ssl: self.reconnect() elif ssl and not hasattr(self, "connected_to") or self.connected_to != address: if self.server_conn.tls_established: self.reconnect() self.send_to_server(make_connect_request(address)) tls_layer = TlsLayer(self, False, True) tls_layer._establish_tls_with_server() """ def validate_request(self, request): if request.form_in == "absolute" and request.scheme != "http": self.send_resplonse(make_error_response(400, "Invalid request scheme: %s" % request.scheme)) raise HttpException("Invalid request scheme: %s" % request.scheme) expected_request_forms = { "regular": ("absolute",), # an authority request would already be handled. "upstream": ("authority", "absolute"), "transparent": ("relative",) } allowed_request_forms = expected_request_forms[self.mode] if request.form_in not in allowed_request_forms: err_message = "Invalid HTTP request form (expected: %s, got: %s)" % ( " or ".join(allowed_request_forms), request.form_in ) self.send_to_client(make_error_response(400, err_message)) raise HttpException(err_message) if self.mode == "regular": request.form_out = "relative" def authenticate(self, request): if self.config.authenticator: if self.config.authenticator.authenticate(request.headers): self.config.authenticator.clean(request.headers) else: self.send_to_client(make_error_response( 407, "Proxy Authentication Required", odict.ODictCaseless([[k,v] for k, v in self.config.authenticator.auth_challenge_headers().items()]) )) raise InvalidCredentials("Proxy Authentication Required")