import threading, Queue import flask import human_curl as hurl import libpathod.test, libpathod.pathoc from libmproxy import proxy, flow, controller import tutils testapp = flask.Flask(__name__) @testapp.route("/") def hello(): return "testapp" @testapp.route("/error") def error(): raise ValueError("An exception...") def errapp(environ, start_response): raise ValueError("errapp") class TestMaster(flow.FlowMaster): def __init__(self, testq, config): s = proxy.ProxyServer(config, 0) s.apps.add(testapp, "testapp", 80) s.apps.add(errapp, "errapp", 80) state = flow.State() flow.FlowMaster.__init__(self, s, state) self.testq = testq def handle(self, m): flow.FlowMaster.handle(self, m) m.reply() class ProxyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, testq, config): self.tmaster = TestMaster(testq, config) controller.should_exit = False threading.Thread.__init__(self) @property def port(self): return self.tmaster.server.port def run(self): def shutdown(self): self.tmaster.shutdown() class ProxTestBase: @classmethod def setupAll(cls): cls.tqueue = Queue.Queue() cls.server = libpathod.test.Daemon(ssl=cls.ssl) pconf = cls.get_proxy_config() config = proxy.ProxyConfig( certfile=tutils.test_data.path("data/testkey.pem"), **pconf ) cls.proxy = ProxyThread(cls.tqueue, config) cls.proxy.start() @property def master(cls): return cls.proxy.tmaster @classmethod def teardownAll(cls): cls.proxy.shutdown() cls.server.shutdown() def setUp(self): self.master.state.clear() @property def scheme(self): return "https" if self.ssl else "http" @property def proxies(self): """ The URL base for the server instance. """ return ( (self.scheme, ("", self.proxy.port)) ) @property def urlbase(self): """ The URL base for the server instance. """ return self.server.urlbase def last_log(self): return self.server.last_log() class HTTPProxTest(ProxTestBase): ssl = None clientcerts = False @classmethod def get_proxy_config(cls): d = dict() if cls.clientcerts: d["clientcerts"] = tutils.test_data.path("data/clientcert") return d def pathoc(self, connect_to = None): p = libpathod.pathoc.Pathoc("localhost", self.proxy.port) p.connect(connect_to) return p def pathod(self, spec): """ Constructs a pathod request, with the appropriate base and proxy. """ return hurl.get( self.urlbase + "/p/" + spec, proxy=self.proxies, validate_cert=False, #debug=hurl.utils.stdout_debug ) class TResolver: def __init__(self, port): self.port = port def original_addr(self, sock): return ("", self.port) class TransparentProxTest(ProxTestBase): ssl = None @classmethod def get_proxy_config(cls): return dict( transparent_proxy = dict( resolver = TResolver(cls.server.port), sslports = [] ) ) def pathod(self, spec): """ Constructs a pathod request, with the appropriate base and proxy. """ r = hurl.get( ""%self.proxy.port + "/p/" + spec, validate_cert=False, #debug=hurl.utils.stdout_debug ) return r class ReverseProxTest(ProxTestBase): ssl = None @classmethod def get_proxy_config(cls): return dict( reverse_proxy = ( "https" if cls.ssl else "http", "", cls.server.port ) ) def pathod(self, spec): """ Constructs a pathod request, with the appropriate base and proxy. """ r = hurl.get( ""%self.proxy.port + "/p/" + spec, validate_cert=False, #debug=hurl.utils.stdout_debug ) return r