from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division) import os import select import socket import sys import threading import time import traceback import certifi import OpenSSL from OpenSSL import SSL from . import certutils, version_check # This is a rather hackish way to make sure that # the latest version of pyOpenSSL is actually installed. version_check.check_pyopenssl_version() EINTR = 4 # To enable all SSL methods use: SSLv23 # then add options to disable certain methods # # Use ONLY for parsing of CLI arguments! # All code internals should use OpenSSL constants directly! SSL_VERSIONS = { 'TLSv1.2': SSL.TLSv1_2_METHOD, 'TLSv1.1': SSL.TLSv1_1_METHOD, 'TLSv1': SSL.TLSv1_METHOD, 'SSLv3': SSL.SSLv3_METHOD, 'SSLv2': SSL.SSLv2_METHOD, 'SSLv23': SSL.SSLv23_METHOD, } SSL_DEFAULT_VERSION = 'SSLv23' SSL_DEFAULT_METHOD = SSL_VERSIONS[SSL_DEFAULT_VERSION] SSL_DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ( SSL.OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL.OP_NO_SSLv3 | SSL.OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE ) if hasattr(SSL, "OP_NO_COMPRESSION"): SSL_DEFAULT_OPTIONS |= SSL.OP_NO_COMPRESSION class NetLibError(Exception): pass class NetLibDisconnect(NetLibError): pass class NetLibIncomplete(NetLibError): pass class NetLibTimeout(NetLibError): pass class NetLibSSLError(NetLibError): pass class NetLibInvalidCertificateError(NetLibSSLError): pass class SSLKeyLogger(object): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.f = None self.lock = threading.Lock() # required for functools.wraps, which pyOpenSSL uses. __name__ = "SSLKeyLogger" def __call__(self, connection, where, ret): if where == SSL.SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE and ret == 1: with self.lock: if not self.f: d = os.path.dirname(self.filename) if not os.path.isdir(d): os.makedirs(d) self.f = open(self.filename, "ab") self.f.write("\r\n") client_random = connection.client_random().encode("hex") masterkey = connection.master_key().encode("hex") self.f.write( "CLIENT_RANDOM {} {}\r\n".format( client_random, masterkey)) self.f.flush() def close(self): with self.lock: if self.f: self.f.close() @staticmethod def create_logfun(filename): if filename: return SSLKeyLogger(filename) return False log_ssl_key = SSLKeyLogger.create_logfun( os.getenv("MITMPROXY_SSLKEYLOGFILE") or os.getenv("SSLKEYLOGFILE")) class _FileLike(object): BLOCKSIZE = 1024 * 32 def __init__(self, o): self.o = o self._log = None self.first_byte_timestamp = None def set_descriptor(self, o): self.o = o def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.o, attr) def start_log(self): """ Starts or resets the log. This will store all bytes read or written. """ self._log = [] def stop_log(self): """ Stops the log. """ self._log = None def is_logging(self): return self._log is not None def get_log(self): """ Returns the log as a string. """ if not self.is_logging(): raise ValueError("Not logging!") return "".join(self._log) def add_log(self, v): if self.is_logging(): self._log.append(v) def reset_timestamps(self): self.first_byte_timestamp = None class Writer(_FileLike): def flush(self): """ May raise NetLibDisconnect """ if hasattr(self.o, "flush"): try: self.o.flush() except (socket.error, IOError) as v: raise NetLibDisconnect(str(v)) def write(self, v): """ May raise NetLibDisconnect """ if v: self.first_byte_timestamp = self.first_byte_timestamp or time.time() try: if hasattr(self.o, "sendall"): self.add_log(v) return self.o.sendall(v) else: r = self.o.write(v) self.add_log(v[:r]) return r except (SSL.Error, socket.error) as e: raise NetLibDisconnect(str(e)) class Reader(_FileLike): def read(self, length): """ If length is -1, we read until connection closes. """ result = '' start = time.time() while length == -1 or length > 0: if length == -1 or length > self.BLOCKSIZE: rlen = self.BLOCKSIZE else: rlen = length try: data = except SSL.ZeroReturnError: break except SSL.WantReadError: if (time.time() - start) < self.o.gettimeout(): time.sleep(0.1) continue else: raise NetLibTimeout except socket.timeout: raise NetLibTimeout except socket.error: raise NetLibDisconnect except SSL.SysCallError as e: if e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'): break raise NetLibSSLError(e.message) except SSL.Error as e: raise NetLibSSLError(e.message) self.first_byte_timestamp = self.first_byte_timestamp or time.time() if not data: break result += data if length != -1: length -= len(data) self.add_log(result) return result def readline(self, size=None): result = '' bytes_read = 0 while True: if size is not None and bytes_read >= size: break ch = bytes_read += 1 if not ch: break else: result += ch if ch == '\n': break return result def safe_read(self, length): """ Like .read, but is guaranteed to either return length bytes, or raise an exception. """ result = if length != -1 and len(result) != length: if not result: raise NetLibDisconnect() else: raise NetLibIncomplete( "Expected %s bytes, got %s" % (length, len(result)) ) return result class Address(object): """ This class wraps an IPv4/IPv6 tuple to provide named attributes and ipv6 information. """ def __init__(self, address, use_ipv6=False): self.address = tuple(address) self.use_ipv6 = use_ipv6 @classmethod def wrap(cls, t): if isinstance(t, cls): return t else: return cls(t) def __call__(self): return self.address @property def host(self): return self.address[0] @property def port(self): return self.address[1] @property def use_ipv6(self): return == socket.AF_INET6 @use_ipv6.setter def use_ipv6(self, b): = socket.AF_INET6 if b else socket.AF_INET def __repr__(self): return "{}:{}".format(, self.port) def __str__(self): return str(self.address) def __eq__(self, other): other = Address.wrap(other) return (self.address, == (other.address, def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def close_socket(sock): """ Does a hard close of a socket, without emitting a RST. """ try: # We already indicate that we close our end. # may raise "Transport endpoint is not connected" on Linux sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) # Section of RFC 1122 tells us that a close() with any pending # readable data could lead to an immediate RST being sent (which is the # case on Windows). # # # This in turn results in the following issue: If we send an error page # to the client and then close the socket, the RST may be received by # the client before the error page and the users sees a connection # error rather than the error page. Thus, we try to empty the read # buffer on Windows first. (see # # if == "nt": # pragma: no cover # We cannot rely on the shutdown()-followed-by-read()-eof technique # proposed by the page above: Some remote machines just don't send # a TCP FIN, which would leave us in the unfortunate situation that # recv() would block infinitely. As a workaround, we set a timeout # here even if we are in blocking mode. sock.settimeout(sock.gettimeout() or 20) # limit at a megabyte so that we don't read infinitely for _ in xrange(1024 ** 3 // 4096): # may raise a timeout/disconnect exception. if not sock.recv(4096): break # Now we can close the other half as well. sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RD) except socket.error: pass sock.close() class _Connection(object): def get_current_cipher(self): if not self.ssl_established: return None name = self.connection.get_cipher_name() bits = self.connection.get_cipher_bits() version = self.connection.get_cipher_version() return name, bits, version def finish(self): self.finished = True # If we have an SSL connection, wfile.close == connection.close # (We call _FileLike.set_descriptor(conn)) # Closing the socket is not our task, therefore we don't call close # then. if not isinstance(self.connection, SSL.Connection): if not getattr(self.wfile, "closed", False): try: self.wfile.flush() self.wfile.close() except NetLibDisconnect: pass self.rfile.close() else: try: self.connection.shutdown() except SSL.Error: pass def _create_ssl_context(self, method=SSL_DEFAULT_METHOD, options=SSL_DEFAULT_OPTIONS, verify_options=SSL.VERIFY_NONE, ca_path=None, ca_pemfile=None, cipher_list=None, alpn_protos=None, alpn_select=None, alpn_select_callback=None, ): """ Creates an SSL Context. :param method: One of SSLv2_METHOD, SSLv3_METHOD, SSLv23_METHOD, TLSv1_METHOD, TLSv1_1_METHOD, or TLSv1_2_METHOD :param options: A bit field consisting of OpenSSL.SSL.OP_* values :param verify_options: A bit field consisting of OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_* values :param ca_path: Path to a directory of trusted CA certificates prepared using the c_rehash tool :param ca_pemfile: Path to a PEM formatted trusted CA certificate :param cipher_list: A textual OpenSSL cipher list, see :rtype : SSL.Context """ context = SSL.Context(method) # Options (NO_SSLv2/3) if options is not None: context.set_options(options) # Verify Options (NONE/PEER and trusted CAs) if verify_options is not None: def verify_cert(conn, x509, errno, err_depth, is_cert_verified): if not is_cert_verified: self.ssl_verification_error = dict(errno=errno, depth=err_depth) return is_cert_verified context.set_verify(verify_options, verify_cert) if ca_path is None and ca_pemfile is None: ca_pemfile = certifi.where() context.load_verify_locations(ca_pemfile, ca_path) # Workaround for # # # Options already set before are not cleared. context.set_mode(SSL._lib.SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY) # Cipher List if cipher_list: try: context.set_cipher_list(cipher_list) # TODO: maybe change this to with newer pyOpenSSL APIs context.set_tmp_ecdh(OpenSSL.crypto.get_elliptic_curve('prime256v1')) except SSL.Error as v: raise NetLibError("SSL cipher specification error: %s" % str(v)) # SSLKEYLOGFILE if log_ssl_key: context.set_info_callback(log_ssl_key) if OpenSSL._util.lib.Cryptography_HAS_ALPN: if alpn_protos is not None: # advertise application layer protocols context.set_alpn_protos(alpn_protos) elif alpn_select is not None and alpn_select_callback is None: # select application layer protocol def alpn_select_callback(conn_, options): if alpn_select in options: return bytes(alpn_select) else: # pragma no cover return options[0] context.set_alpn_select_callback(alpn_select_callback) elif alpn_select_callback is not None and alpn_select is None: context.set_alpn_select_callback(alpn_select_callback) elif alpn_select_callback is not None and alpn_select is not None: raise NetLibError("ALPN error: only define alpn_select (string) OR alpn_select_callback (method).") return context class TCPClient(_Connection): rbufsize = -1 wbufsize = -1 def close(self): # Make sure to close the real socket, not the SSL proxy. # OpenSSL is really good at screwing up, i.e. when trying to recv from a failed connection, # it tries to renegotiate... if isinstance(self.connection, SSL.Connection): close_socket(self.connection._socket) else: close_socket(self.connection) def __init__(self, address, source_address=None): self.address = Address.wrap(address) self.source_address = Address.wrap( source_address) if source_address else None self.connection, self.rfile, self.wfile = None, None, None self.cert = None self.ssl_established = False self.ssl_verification_error = None self.sni = None def create_ssl_context(self, cert=None, alpn_protos=None, **sslctx_kwargs): context = self._create_ssl_context( alpn_protos=alpn_protos, **sslctx_kwargs) # Client Certs if cert: try: context.use_privatekey_file(cert) context.use_certificate_file(cert) except SSL.Error as v: raise NetLibError("SSL client certificate error: %s" % str(v)) return context def convert_to_ssl(self, sni=None, alpn_protos=None, **sslctx_kwargs): """ cert: Path to a file containing both client cert and private key. options: A bit field consisting of OpenSSL.SSL.OP_* values verify_options: A bit field consisting of OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_* values ca_path: Path to a directory of trusted CA certificates prepared using the c_rehash tool ca_pemfile: Path to a PEM formatted trusted CA certificate """ context = self.create_ssl_context( alpn_protos=alpn_protos, **sslctx_kwargs) self.connection = SSL.Connection(context, self.connection) if sni: self.sni = sni self.connection.set_tlsext_host_name(sni) self.connection.set_connect_state() try: self.connection.do_handshake() except SSL.Error as v: if self.ssl_verification_error: raise NetLibInvalidCertificateError("SSL handshake error: %s" % repr(v)) else: raise NetLibError("SSL handshake error: %s" % repr(v)) # Fix for pre v1.0 OpenSSL, which doesn't throw an exception on # certificate validation failure verification_mode = sslctx_kwargs.get('verify_options', None) if self.ssl_verification_error is not None and verification_mode == SSL.VERIFY_PEER: raise NetLibInvalidCertificateError("SSL handshake error: certificate verify failed") self.ssl_established = True self.cert = certutils.SSLCert(self.connection.get_peer_certificate()) self.rfile.set_descriptor(self.connection) self.wfile.set_descriptor(self.connection) def connect(self): try: connection = socket.socket(, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if self.source_address: connection.bind(self.source_address()) connection.connect(self.address()) if not self.source_address: self.source_address = Address(connection.getsockname()) self.rfile = Reader(connection.makefile('rb', self.rbufsize)) self.wfile = Writer(connection.makefile('wb', self.wbufsize)) except (socket.error, IOError) as err: raise NetLibError( 'Error connecting to "%s": %s' % (, err)) self.connection = connection def settimeout(self, n): self.connection.settimeout(n) def gettimeout(self): return self.connection.gettimeout() def get_alpn_proto_negotiated(self): if OpenSSL._util.lib.Cryptography_HAS_ALPN and self.ssl_established: return self.connection.get_alpn_proto_negotiated() else: return "" class BaseHandler(_Connection): """ The instantiator is expected to call the handle() and finish() methods. """ rbufsize = -1 wbufsize = -1 def __init__(self, connection, address, server): self.connection = connection self.address = Address.wrap(address) self.server = server self.rfile = Reader(self.connection.makefile('rb', self.rbufsize)) self.wfile = Writer(self.connection.makefile('wb', self.wbufsize)) self.finished = False self.ssl_established = False self.clientcert = None def create_ssl_context(self, cert, key, handle_sni=None, request_client_cert=None, chain_file=None, dhparams=None, **sslctx_kwargs): """ cert: A certutils.SSLCert object or the path to a certificate chain file. handle_sni: SNI handler, should take a connection object. Server name can be retrieved like this: connection.get_servername() And you can specify the connection keys as follows: new_context = Context(TLSv1_METHOD) new_context.use_privatekey(key) new_context.use_certificate(cert) connection.set_context(new_context) The request_client_cert argument requires some explanation. We're supposed to be able to do this with no negative effects - if the client has no cert to present, we're notified and proceed as usual. Unfortunately, Android seems to have a bug (tested on 4.2.2) - when an Android client is asked to present a certificate it does not have, it hangs up, which is frankly bogus. Some time down the track we may be able to make the proper behaviour the default again, but until then we're conservative. """ context = self._create_ssl_context(**sslctx_kwargs) context.use_privatekey(key) if isinstance(cert, certutils.SSLCert): context.use_certificate(cert.x509) else: context.use_certificate_chain_file(cert) if handle_sni: # SNI callback happens during do_handshake() context.set_tlsext_servername_callback(handle_sni) if request_client_cert: def save_cert(conn_, cert, errno_, depth_, preverify_ok_): self.clientcert = certutils.SSLCert(cert) # Return true to prevent cert verification error return True context.set_verify(SSL.VERIFY_PEER, save_cert) # Cert Verify if chain_file: context.load_verify_locations(chain_file) if dhparams: SSL._lib.SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(context._context, dhparams) return context def convert_to_ssl(self, cert, key, **sslctx_kwargs): """ Convert connection to SSL. For a list of parameters, see BaseHandler._create_ssl_context(...) """ context = self.create_ssl_context( cert, key, **sslctx_kwargs) self.connection = SSL.Connection(context, self.connection) self.connection.set_accept_state() try: self.connection.do_handshake() except SSL.Error as v: raise NetLibError("SSL handshake error: %s" % repr(v)) self.ssl_established = True self.rfile.set_descriptor(self.connection) self.wfile.set_descriptor(self.connection) def handle(self): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError def settimeout(self, n): self.connection.settimeout(n) def get_alpn_proto_negotiated(self): if OpenSSL._util.lib.Cryptography_HAS_ALPN and self.ssl_established: return self.connection.get_alpn_proto_negotiated() else: return "" class TCPServer(object): request_queue_size = 20 def __init__(self, address): self.address = Address.wrap(address) self.__is_shut_down = threading.Event() self.__shutdown_request = False self.socket = socket.socket(, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.socket.bind(self.address()) self.address = Address.wrap(self.socket.getsockname()) self.socket.listen(self.request_queue_size) def connection_thread(self, connection, client_address): client_address = Address(client_address) try: self.handle_client_connection(connection, client_address) except: self.handle_error(connection, client_address) finally: close_socket(connection) def serve_forever(self, poll_interval=0.1): self.__is_shut_down.clear() try: while not self.__shutdown_request: try: r, w_, e_ = [self.socket], [], [], poll_interval) except select.error as ex: # pragma: no cover if ex[0] == EINTR: continue else: raise if self.socket in r: connection, client_address = self.socket.accept() t = threading.Thread( target=self.connection_thread, args=(connection, client_address), name="ConnectionThread (%s:%s -> %s:%s)" % (client_address[0], client_address[1],, self.address.port) ) t.setDaemon(1) try: t.start() except threading.ThreadError: self.handle_error(connection, Address(client_address)) connection.close() finally: self.__shutdown_request = False self.__is_shut_down.set() def shutdown(self): self.__shutdown_request = True self.__is_shut_down.wait() self.socket.close() self.handle_shutdown() def handle_error(self, connection_, client_address, fp=sys.stderr): """ Called when handle_client_connection raises an exception. """ # If a thread has persisted after interpreter exit, the module might be # none. if traceback: exc = traceback.format_exc() print('-' * 40, file=fp) print( "Error in processing of request from %s:%s" % (, client_address.port ), file=fp) print(exc, file=fp) print('-' * 40, file=fp) def handle_client_connection(self, conn, client_address): # pragma: no cover """ Called after client connection. """ raise NotImplementedError def handle_shutdown(self): """ Called after server shutdown. """