import os from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest if == "nt": raise SkipTest("Skipped on Windows.") import sys import libmproxy.console.contentview as cv from libmproxy import utils, flow, encoding import tutils try: import pyamf except ImportError: pyamf = None try: import cssutils except: cssutils = None class TestContentView: def test_trailer(self): txt = [] cv.trailer(5, txt, 1000) assert not txt cv.trailer(cv.VIEW_CUTOFF + 10, txt, cv.VIEW_CUTOFF) assert txt def test_view_auto(self): v = cv.ViewAuto() f = v( flow.ODictCaseless(), "foo", 1000 ) assert f[0] == "Raw" f = v( flow.ODictCaseless( [["content-type", "text/html"]], ), "", 1000 ) assert f[0] == "HTML" f = v( flow.ODictCaseless( [["content-type", "text/flibble"]], ), "foo", 1000 ) assert f[0] == "Raw" f = v( flow.ODictCaseless( [["content-type", "text/flibble"]], ), "", 1000 ) assert f[0].startswith("XML") def test_view_urlencoded(self): d = utils.urlencode([("one", "two"), ("three", "four")]) v = cv.ViewURLEncoded() assert v([], d, 100) d = utils.urlencode([("adsfa", "")]) v = cv.ViewURLEncoded() assert v([], d, 100) def test_view_html(self): v = cv.ViewHTML() s = "


" assert v([], s, 1000) s = "gobbledygook" assert not v([], s, 1000) def test_view_html_outline(self): v = cv.ViewHTMLOutline() s = "


" assert v([], s, 1000) def test_view_json(self): cv.VIEW_CUTOFF = 100 v = cv.ViewJSON() assert v([], "{}", 1000) assert not v([], "{", 1000) assert v([], "[" + ",".join(["0"]*cv.VIEW_CUTOFF) + "]", 1000) assert v([], "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]", 5) def test_view_xml(self): v = cv.ViewXML() assert v([], "", 1000) assert not v([], "", 1000) s = """ """ assert v([], s, 1000) def test_view_raw(self): v = cv.ViewRaw() assert v([], "foo", 1000) def test_view_javascript(self): v = cv.ViewJavaScript() assert v([], "[1, 2, 3]", 100) assert v([], "[1, 2, 3", 100) assert v([], "function(a){[1, 2, 3]}", 100) def test_view_css(self): v = cv.ViewCSS() with open('./test/data/1.css', 'r') as fp: fixture_1 = result = v([], 'a', 100) if cssutils: assert len(result[1]) == 0 else: assert len(result[1]) == 1 result = v([], fixture_1, 100) if cssutils: assert len(result[1]) > 1 else: assert len(result[1]) == 1 def test_view_hex(self): v = cv.ViewHex() assert v([], "foo", 1000) def test_view_image(self): v = cv.ViewImage() p = tutils.test_data.path("data/image.png") assert v([], file(p,"rb").read(), sys.maxint) p = tutils.test_data.path("data/image.gif") assert v([], file(p,"rb").read(), sys.maxint) p = tutils.test_data.path("data/image-err1.jpg") assert v([], file(p,"rb").read(), sys.maxint) p = tutils.test_data.path("data/image.ico") assert v([], file(p,"rb").read(), sys.maxint) assert not v([], "flibble", sys.maxint) def test_view_multipart(self): view = cv.ViewMultipart() v = """ --AaB03x Content-Disposition: form-data; name="submit-name" Larry --AaB03x """.strip() h = flow.ODictCaseless( [("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x")] ) assert view(h, v, 1000) h = flow.ODictCaseless() assert not view(h, v, 1000) h = flow.ODictCaseless( [("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data")] ) assert not view(h, v, 1000) h = flow.ODictCaseless( [("Content-Type", "unparseable")] ) assert not view(h, v, 1000) def test_get_content_view(self): r = cv.get_content_view( cv.get("Raw"), [["content-type", "application/json"]], "[1, 2, 3]", 1000, lambda x: None ) assert "Raw" in r[0] r = cv.get_content_view( cv.get("Auto"), [["content-type", "application/json"]], "[1, 2, 3]", 1000, lambda x: None ) assert r[0] == "JSON" r = cv.get_content_view( cv.get("Auto"), [["content-type", "application/json"]], "[1, 2", 1000, lambda x: None ) assert "Raw" in r[0] r = cv.get_content_view( cv.get("AMF"), [], "[1, 2", 1000, lambda x: None ) assert "Raw" in r[0] r = cv.get_content_view( cv.get("Auto"), [ ["content-type", "application/json"], ["content-encoding", "gzip"] ], encoding.encode('gzip', "[1, 2, 3]"), 1000, lambda x: None ) assert "decoded gzip" in r[0] assert "JSON" in r[0] r = cv.get_content_view( cv.get("XML"), [ ["content-type", "application/json"], ["content-encoding", "gzip"] ], encoding.encode('gzip', "[1, 2, 3]"), 1000, lambda x: None ) assert "decoded gzip" in r[0] assert "Raw" in r[0] if pyamf: def test_view_amf_request(): v = cv.ViewAMF() p = tutils.test_data.path("data/amf01") assert v([], file(p,"rb").read(), sys.maxint) p = tutils.test_data.path("data/amf02") assert v([], file(p,"rb").read(), sys.maxint) def test_view_amf_response(): v = cv.ViewAMF() p = tutils.test_data.path("data/amf03") assert v([], file(p,"rb").read(), sys.maxint) if cv.ViewProtobuf.is_available(): def test_view_protobuf_request(): v = cv.ViewProtobuf() p = tutils.test_data.path("data/protobuf01") content_type, output = v([], file(p,"rb").read(), sys.maxint) assert content_type == "Protobuf" assert output[0].text == '1: "3bbc333c-e61c-433b-819a-0b9a8cc103b8"' def test_get_by_shortcut(): assert cv.get_by_shortcut("h") def test_search_highlights(): # Default text in requests is content. We will search for nt once, and # expect the first bit to be highlighted. We will do it again and expect the # second to be. f = tutils.tflowview()"nt") text_object = tutils.get_body_line(f.last_displayed_body, 0) assert text_object.get_text() == ('content', [(None, 2), (f.highlight_color, 2)])"nt") text_object = tutils.get_body_line(f.last_displayed_body, 1) assert text_object.get_text() == ('content', [(None, 5), (f.highlight_color, 2)]) def test_search_returns_useful_messages(): f = tutils.tflowview() # original string is content. this string should not be in there. response ="oranges and other fruit.") assert response == "no matches for 'oranges and other fruit.'" def test_search_highlights_clears_prev(): f = tutils.tflowview(request_contents="this is string\nstring is string")"string") text_object = tutils.get_body_line(f.last_displayed_body, 0) assert text_object.get_text() == ('this is string', [(None, 8), (f.highlight_color, 6)]) # search again, it should not be highlighted again."string") text_object = tutils.get_body_line(f.last_displayed_body, 0) assert text_object.get_text() != ('this is string', [(None, 8), (f.highlight_color, 6)]) def test_search_highlights_multi_line(): f = tutils.tflowview(request_contents="this is string\nstring is string") # should highlight the first line."string") text_object = tutils.get_body_line(f.last_displayed_body, 0) assert text_object.get_text() == ('this is string', [(None, 8), (f.highlight_color, 6)]) # should highlight second line, first appearance of string."string") text_object = tutils.get_body_line(f.last_displayed_body, 1) assert text_object.get_text() == ('string is string', [(None, 0), (f.highlight_color, 6)]) # should highlight third line, second appearance of string."string") text_object = tutils.get_body_line(f.last_displayed_body, 1) assert text_object.get_text() == ('string is string', [(None, 10), (f.highlight_color, 6)]) def test_search_loops(): f = tutils.tflowview(request_contents="this is string\nstring is string") # get to the end."string")"string")"string") # should highlight the first line. message ="string") text_object = tutils.get_body_line(f.last_displayed_body, 0) assert text_object.get_text() == ('this is string', [(None, 8), (f.highlight_color, 6)]) assert message == "search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP" def test_search_focuses(): f = tutils.tflowview(request_contents="this is string\nstring is string") # should highlight the first line."string") # should be focusing on the 2nd text line."string") text_object = tutils.get_body_line(f.last_displayed_body, 1) assert f.last_displayed_body.focus == text_object def test_search_does_not_crash_on_bad(): """ this used to crash, kept for reference. """ f = tutils.tflowview(request_contents="this is string\nstring is string\n"+("A" * cv.VIEW_CUTOFF)+"AFTERCUTOFF")"AFTERCUTOFF") # pretend F f.state.add_flow_setting( f.flow, (f.state.view_flow_mode, "fullcontents"), True ) f.master.refresh_flow(f.flow) # text changed, now this string will exist. can happen when user presses F # for full text view"AFTERCUTOFF")