import asyncio import cProfile from mitmproxy import ctx class Benchmark: """ A simple profiler addon. """ def __init__(self): = cProfile.Profile() self.started = False self.resps = 0 self.reqs = 0 def request(self, f): self.reqs += 1 def response(self, f): self.resps += 1 async def procs(self): ctx.log.error("starting benchmark") backend = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec("devd", "-q", "-p", "10001", ".") traf = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( "wrk", "-c50", "-d5s", "http://localhost:%s/" % ctx.master.server.address[1], stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE ) stdout, _ = await traf.communicate() open(ctx.options.benchmark_save_path + ".bench", mode="wb").write(stdout) ctx.log.error("Proxy saw %s requests, %s responses" % (self.reqs, self.resps)) ctx.log.error(stdout.decode("ascii")) backend.kill() ctx.master.shutdown() def load(self, loader): loader.add_option( "benchmark_save_path", str, "/tmp/profile", "Destination for the .prof and and .bench result files" ) ctx.options.update( mode="reverse:", ) def running(self): if not self.started: self.started = True asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(self.procs()) def done(self): + ".prof") addons = [Benchmark()]