import time import pyparsing as pp from . import base, http, websockets, writer, exceptions from exceptions import * from base import Settings def parse_response(s): """ May raise ParseException """ try: s = s.decode("ascii") except UnicodeError: raise exceptions.ParseException("Spec must be valid ASCII.", 0, 0) try: return http.Response.expr().parseString(s, parseAll=True)[0] except pp.ParseException as v: raise exceptions.ParseException(v.msg, v.line, v.col) def parse_requests(s): """ May raise ParseException """ try: s = s.decode("ascii") except UnicodeError: raise exceptions.ParseException("Spec must be valid ASCII.", 0, 0) try: reqs = pp.OneOrMore( pp.Or( [ websockets.WebsocketFrame.expr(), http.Request.expr(), ] ) ).parseString(s, parseAll=True) except pp.ParseException as v: raise exceptions.ParseException(v.msg, v.line, v.col) expanded = [] for i in reqs: if i.times: for j in range(int(i.times.value)): expanded.append(i.strike_token("times")) else: expanded.append(i) return expanded def serve(msg, fp, settings): """ fp: The file pointer to write to. request_host: If this a request, this is the connecting host. If None, we assume it's a response. Used to decide what standard modifications to make if raw is not set. Calling this function may modify the object. """ msg = msg.resolve(settings) started = time.time() vals = msg.values(settings) vals.reverse() actions = sorted(msg.actions[:]) actions.reverse() actions = [i.intermediate(settings) for i in actions] disconnect = writer.write_values(fp, vals, actions[:]) duration = time.time() - started ret = dict( disconnect = disconnect, started = started, duration = duration, ) ret.update(msg.log(settings)) return ret