from __future__ import absolute_import, division import os import traceback import sys import math import urwid from netlib import odict from netlib.http import CONTENT_MISSING, Headers from . import common, grideditor, signals, searchable, tabs from . import flowdetailview from .. import utils, controller, contentviews from ..models import HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse, decoded from ..exceptions import ContentViewException class SearchError(Exception): pass def _mkhelp(): text = [] keys = [ ("A", "accept all intercepted flows"), ("a", "accept this intercepted flow"), ("b", "save request/response body"), ("D", "duplicate flow"), ("d", "delete flow"), ("E", "export"), ("e", "edit request/response"), ("f", "load full body data"), ("m", "change body display mode for this entity"), (None, common.highlight_key("automatic", "a") + [("text", ": automatic detection")] ), (None, common.highlight_key("hex", "e") + [("text", ": Hex")] ), (None, common.highlight_key("html", "h") + [("text", ": HTML")] ), (None, common.highlight_key("image", "i") + [("text", ": Image")] ), (None, common.highlight_key("javascript", "j") + [("text", ": JavaScript")] ), (None, common.highlight_key("json", "s") + [("text", ": JSON")] ), (None, common.highlight_key("urlencoded", "u") + [("text", ": URL-encoded data")] ), (None, common.highlight_key("raw", "r") + [("text", ": raw data")] ), (None, common.highlight_key("xml", "x") + [("text", ": XML")] ), ("M", "change default body display mode"), ("p", "previous flow"), ("P", "copy response(content/headers) to clipboard"), ("r", "replay request"), ("V", "revert changes to request"), ("v", "view body in external viewer"), ("w", "save all flows matching current limit"), ("W", "save this flow"), ("x", "delete body"), ("z", "encode/decode a request/response"), ("tab", "next tab"), ("h, l", "previous tab, next tab"), ("space", "next flow"), ("|", "run script on this flow"), ("/", "search (case sensitive)"), ("n", "repeat search forward"), ("N", "repeat search backwards"), ] text.extend(common.format_keyvals(keys, key="key", val="text", indent=4)) return text help_context = _mkhelp() footer = [ ('heading_key', "?"), ":help ", ('heading_key', "q"), ":back ", ] class FlowViewHeader(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, master, f): self.master, self.flow = master, f self._w = common.format_flow( f, False, extended=True, padding=0, hostheader=self.master.showhost ) signals.flow_change.connect(self.sig_flow_change) def sig_flow_change(self, sender, flow): if flow == self.flow: self._w = common.format_flow( flow, False, extended=True, padding=0, hostheader=self.master.showhost ) cache = utils.LRUCache(200) TAB_REQ = 0 TAB_RESP = 1 class FlowView(tabs.Tabs): highlight_color = "focusfield" def __init__(self, master, state, flow, tab_offset): self.master, self.state, self.flow = master, state, flow tabs.Tabs.__init__(self, [ (self.tab_request, self.view_request), (self.tab_response, self.view_response), (self.tab_details, self.view_details), ], tab_offset ) self.last_displayed_body = None signals.flow_change.connect(self.sig_flow_change) def tab_request(self): if self.flow.intercepted and not self.flow.reply.acked and not self.flow.response: return "Request intercepted" else: return "Request" def tab_response(self): if self.flow.intercepted and not self.flow.reply.acked and self.flow.response: return "Response intercepted" else: return "Response" def tab_details(self): return "Detail" def view_request(self): return self.conn_text(self.flow.request) def view_response(self): return self.conn_text(self.flow.response) def view_details(self): return flowdetailview.flowdetails(self.state, self.flow) def sig_flow_change(self, sender, flow): if flow == self.flow: def content_view(self, viewmode, message): if message.content == CONTENT_MISSING: msg, body = "", [urwid.Text([("error", "[content missing]")])] return msg, body else: full = self.state.get_flow_setting( self.flow, (self.tab_offset, "fullcontents"), False ) if full: limit = sys.maxsize else: limit = contentviews.VIEW_CUTOFF return cache.get( self._get_content_view, viewmode, message, limit, (bytes(message.headers), message.content) # Cache invalidation ) def _get_content_view(self, viewmode, message, max_lines, _): try: description, lines = contentviews.get_content_view( viewmode, message.content, headers=message.headers ) except ContentViewException: s = "Content viewer failed: \n" + traceback.format_exc() signals.add_event(s, "error") description, lines = contentviews.get_content_view( contentviews.get("Raw"), message.content, headers=message.headers ) description = description.replace("Raw", "Couldn't parse: falling back to Raw") # Give hint that you have to tab for the response. if description == "No content" and isinstance(message, HTTPRequest): description = "No request content (press tab to view response)" # If the users has a wide terminal, he gets fewer lines; this should not be an issue. chars_per_line = 80 max_chars = max_lines * chars_per_line total_chars = 0 text_objects = [] for line in lines: txt = [] for (style, text) in line: if total_chars + len(text) > max_chars: text = text[:max_chars - total_chars] txt.append((style, text)) total_chars += len(text) if total_chars == max_chars: break # round up to the next line. total_chars = int(math.ceil(total_chars / chars_per_line) * chars_per_line) text_objects.append(urwid.Text(txt)) if total_chars == max_chars: text_objects.append(urwid.Text([ ("highlight", "Stopped displaying data after %d lines. Press " % max_lines), ("key", "f"), ("highlight", " to load all data.") ])) break return description, text_objects def viewmode_get(self): override = self.state.get_flow_setting( self.flow, (self.tab_offset, "prettyview") ) return self.state.default_body_view if override is None else override def conn_text(self, conn): if conn: txt = common.format_keyvals( [(h + ":", v) for (h, v) in conn.headers.fields], key = "header", val = "text" ) viewmode = self.viewmode_get() msg, body = self.content_view(viewmode, conn) cols = [ urwid.Text( [ ("heading", msg), ] ), urwid.Text( [ " ", ('heading', "["), ('heading_key', "m"), ('heading', (":%s]" %, ], align="right" ) ] title = urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.Columns(cols), "heading") txt.append(title) txt.extend(body) else: txt = [ urwid.Text(""), urwid.Text( [ ("highlight", "No response. Press "), ("key", "e"), ("highlight", " and edit any aspect to add one."), ] ) ] return searchable.Searchable(self.state, txt) def set_method_raw(self, m): if m: self.flow.request.method = m signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) def edit_method(self, m): if m == "e": signals.status_prompt.send( prompt = "Method", text = self.flow.request.method, callback = self.set_method_raw ) else: for i in common.METHOD_OPTIONS: if i[1] == m: self.flow.request.method = i[0].upper() signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) def set_url(self, url): request = self.flow.request try: request.url = str(url) except ValueError: return "Invalid URL." signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) def set_resp_code(self, code): response = self.flow.response try: response.status_code = int(code) except ValueError: return None import BaseHTTPServer if int(code) in BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses: response.msg = BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses[ int(code)][0] signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) def set_resp_msg(self, msg): response = self.flow.response response.msg = msg signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) def set_headers(self, fields, conn): conn.headers = Headers(fields) signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) def set_query(self, lst, conn): conn.set_query(odict.ODict(lst)) signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) def set_path_components(self, lst, conn): conn.set_path_components(lst) signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) def set_form(self, lst, conn): conn.set_form_urlencoded(odict.ODict(lst)) signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) def edit_form(self, conn): self.master.view_grideditor( grideditor.URLEncodedFormEditor( self.master, conn.get_form_urlencoded().lst, self.set_form, conn ) ) def edit_form_confirm(self, key, conn): if key == "y": self.edit_form(conn) def set_cookies(self, lst, conn): od = odict.ODict(lst) conn.set_cookies(od) signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) def set_setcookies(self, data, conn): conn.set_cookies(data) signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) def edit(self, part): if self.tab_offset == TAB_REQ: message = self.flow.request else: if not self.flow.response: self.flow.response = HTTPResponse( self.flow.request.http_version, 200, "OK", Headers(), "" ) self.flow.response.reply = controller.DummyReply() message = self.flow.response self.flow.backup() if message == self.flow.request and part == "c": self.master.view_grideditor( grideditor.CookieEditor( self.master, message.get_cookies().lst, self.set_cookies, message ) ) if message == self.flow.response and part == "c": self.master.view_grideditor( grideditor.SetCookieEditor( self.master, message.get_cookies(), self.set_setcookies, message ) ) if part == "r": with decoded(message): # Fix an issue caused by some editors when editing a # request/response body. Many editors make it hard to save a # file without a terminating newline on the last line. When # editing message bodies, this can cause problems. For now, I # just strip the newlines off the end of the body when we return # from an editor. c = self.master.spawn_editor(message.content or "") message.content = c.rstrip("\n") elif part == "f": if not message.get_form_urlencoded() and message.content: signals.status_prompt_onekey.send( prompt = "Existing body is not a URL-encoded form. Clear and edit?", keys = [ ("yes", "y"), ("no", "n"), ], callback = self.edit_form_confirm, args = (message,) ) else: self.edit_form(message) elif part == "h": self.master.view_grideditor( grideditor.HeaderEditor( self.master, message.headers.fields, self.set_headers, message ) ) elif part == "p": p = message.get_path_components() self.master.view_grideditor( grideditor.PathEditor( self.master, p, self.set_path_components, message ) ) elif part == "q": self.master.view_grideditor( grideditor.QueryEditor( self.master, message.get_query().lst, self.set_query, message ) ) elif part == "u": signals.status_prompt.send( prompt = "URL", text = message.url, callback = self.set_url ) elif part == "m": signals.status_prompt_onekey.send( prompt = "Method", keys = common.METHOD_OPTIONS, callback = self.edit_method ) elif part == "o": signals.status_prompt.send( prompt = "Code", text = str(message.status_code), callback = self.set_resp_code ) elif part == "m": signals.status_prompt.send( prompt = "Message", text = message.msg, callback = self.set_resp_msg ) signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) def _view_nextprev_flow(self, np, flow): try: idx = self.state.view.index(flow) except IndexError: return if np == "next": new_flow, new_idx = self.state.get_next(idx) else: new_flow, new_idx = self.state.get_prev(idx) if new_flow is None: signals.status_message.send(message="No more flows!") else: signals.pop_view_state.send(self) self.master.view_flow(new_flow, self.tab_offset) def view_next_flow(self, flow): return self._view_nextprev_flow("next", flow) def view_prev_flow(self, flow): return self._view_nextprev_flow("prev", flow) def change_this_display_mode(self, t): self.state.add_flow_setting( self.flow, (self.tab_offset, "prettyview"), contentviews.get_by_shortcut(t) ) signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) def delete_body(self, t): if t == "m": val = CONTENT_MISSING else: val = None if self.tab_offset == TAB_REQ: self.flow.request.content = val else: self.flow.response.content = val signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) def keypress(self, size, key): key = super(self.__class__, self).keypress(size, key) if key == " ": self.view_next_flow(self.flow) return key = common.shortcuts(key) if self.tab_offset == TAB_REQ: conn = self.flow.request elif self.tab_offset == TAB_RESP: conn = self.flow.response else: conn = None if key in ("up", "down", "page up", "page down"): # Why doesn't this just work?? self._w.keypress(size, key) elif key == "a": self.flow.accept_intercept(self.master) signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) elif key == "A": self.master.accept_all() signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) elif key == "d": if self.state.flow_count() == 1: self.master.view_flowlist() elif self.state.view.index(self.flow) == len(self.state.view) - 1: self.view_prev_flow(self.flow) else: self.view_next_flow(self.flow) f = self.flow f.kill(self.master) self.state.delete_flow(f) elif key == "D": f = self.master.duplicate_flow(self.flow) self.master.view_flow(f) signals.status_message.send(message="Duplicated.") elif key == "p": self.view_prev_flow(self.flow) elif key == "r": r = self.master.replay_request(self.flow) if r: signals.status_message.send(message=r) signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) elif key == "V": if not self.flow.modified(): signals.status_message.send(message="Flow not modified.") return self.state.revert(self.flow) signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) signals.status_message.send(message="Reverted.") elif key == "W": signals.status_prompt_path.send( prompt = "Save this flow", callback = self.master.save_one_flow, args = (self.flow,) ) elif key == "E": signals.status_prompt_onekey.send( self, prompt = "Export", keys = ( ("as curl command", "c"), ("as python code", "p"), ("as raw request", "r"), ), callback = common.export_prompt, args = (self.flow,) ) elif key == "|": signals.status_prompt_path.send( prompt = "Send flow to script", callback = self.master.run_script_once, args = (self.flow,) ) if not conn and key in set(list("befgmxvz")): signals.status_message.send( message = "Tab to the request or response", expire = 1 ) elif conn: if key == "b": if self.tab_offset == TAB_REQ: common.ask_save_body( "q", self.master, self.state, self.flow ) else: common.ask_save_body( "s", self.master, self.state, self.flow ) elif key == "e": if self.tab_offset == TAB_REQ: signals.status_prompt_onekey.send( prompt = "Edit request", keys = ( ("cookies", "c"), ("query", "q"), ("path", "p"), ("url", "u"), ("header", "h"), ("form", "f"), ("raw body", "r"), ("method", "m"), ), callback = self.edit ) else: signals.status_prompt_onekey.send( prompt = "Edit response", keys = ( ("cookies", "c"), ("code", "o"), ("message", "m"), ("header", "h"), ("raw body", "r"), ), callback = self.edit ) key = None elif key == "f": signals.status_message.send(message="Loading all body data...") self.state.add_flow_setting( self.flow, (self.tab_offset, "fullcontents"), True ) signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) signals.status_message.send(message="") elif key == "P": if self.tab_offset == TAB_REQ: scope = "q" else: scope = "s" common.ask_copy_part(scope, self.flow, self.master, self.state) elif key == "m": p = list(contentviews.view_prompts) p.insert(0, ("Clear", "C")) signals.status_prompt_onekey.send( self, prompt = "Display mode", keys = p, callback = self.change_this_display_mode ) key = None elif key == "x": signals.status_prompt_onekey.send( prompt = "Delete body", keys = ( ("completely", "c"), ("mark as missing", "m"), ), callback = self.delete_body ) key = None elif key == "v": if conn.content: t = conn.headers.get("content-type") if "EDITOR" in os.environ or "PAGER" in os.environ: self.master.spawn_external_viewer(conn.content, t) else: signals.status_message.send( message = "Error! Set $EDITOR or $PAGER." ) elif key == "z": self.flow.backup() e = conn.headers.get("content-encoding", "identity") if e != "identity": if not conn.decode(): signals.status_message.send( message = "Could not decode - invalid data?" ) else: signals.status_prompt_onekey.send( prompt = "Select encoding: ", keys = ( ("gzip", "z"), ("deflate", "d"), ), callback = self.encode_callback, args = (conn,) ) signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow) return key def encode_callback(self, key, conn): encoding_map = { "z": "gzip", "d": "deflate", } conn.encode(encoding_map[key]) signals.flow_change.send(self, flow = self.flow)