const PayloadSources = { VIEW_ACTION: "VIEW_ACTION", SERVER_ACTION: "SERVER_ACTION" }; function Dispatcher() {"use strict"; this.callbacks = []; } Dispatcher.prototype.register=function(callback) {"use strict"; this.callbacks.push(callback); }; Dispatcher.prototype.unregister=function(callback) {"use strict"; var index = this.callbacks.indexOf(f); if (index >= 0) { this.callbacks.splice(this.callbacks.indexOf(f), 1); } }; Dispatcher.prototype.dispatch=function(payload) {"use strict"; console.debug("dispatch", payload); this.callbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback(payload); }); }; AppDispatcher = new Dispatcher(); AppDispatcher.dispatchViewAction = function(action) { action.actionSource = PayloadSources.VIEW_ACTION; this.dispatch(action); }; AppDispatcher.dispatchServerAction = function(action) { action.actionSource = PayloadSources.SERVER_ACTION; this.dispatch(action); }; var ActionTypes = { SETTINGS_UPDATE: "SETTINGS_UPDATE", EVENTLOG_ADD: "EVENTLOG_ADD" }; var SettingsActions = { update:function(settings) { settings = _.merge({}, SettingsStore.getAll(), settings); //TODO: Update server. //Facebook Flux: We do an optimistic update on the client already. AppDispatcher.dispatchViewAction({ actionType: ActionTypes.SETTINGS_UPDATE, settings: settings }); } }; "use strict"; function EventEmitter() { this.listeners = {}; } EventEmitter.prototype.emit=function(event) { if (!(event in this.listeners)) { return; } this.listeners[event].forEach(function(listener) { listener.apply(this, arguments); }.bind(this)); }; EventEmitter.prototype.addListener=function(event, f) { this.listeners[event] = this.listeners[event] || []; this.listeners[event].push(f); }; EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener=function(event, f) { if (!(event in this.listeners)) { return false; } var index = this.listeners[event].indexOf(f); if (index >= 0) { this.listeners[event].splice(index, 1); } }; "use strict"; function _SettingsStore() {; //FIXME: What do we do if we haven't requested anything from the server yet? this.settings = { version: "0.12", showEventLog: true, mode: "transparent", }; } _.extend(_SettingsStore.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype, { getAll: function() { return this.settings; }, handle: function(action) { switch (action.actionType) { case ActionTypes.SETTINGS_UPDATE: this.settings = action.settings; this.emit("change"); break; default: return; } } }); var SettingsStore = new _SettingsStore(); AppDispatcher.register(SettingsStore.handle.bind(SettingsStore)); "use strict"; // // We have an EventLogView and an EventLogStore: // The basic architecture is that one can request views on the event log // from the store, which returns a view object and then deals with getting the data required for the view. // The view object is accessed by React components and distributes updates etc. // // See also: components/EventLog.react.js function EventLogView(store, live) {; this.$EventLogView_store = store; = live; this.log = []; this.add = this.add.bind(this); if (live) { this.$EventLogView_store.addListener("new_entry", this.add); } } _.extend(EventLogView.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype, { close: function() { this.$EventLogView_store.removeListener("new_entry", this.add); }, getAll: function() { return this.log; }, add: function(entry) { this.log.push(entry); this.emit("change"); }, add_bulk: function(messages) { var log = messages; var last_id = log[log.length - 1].id; var to_add = _.filter(this.log, function(entry) {return > last_id;}); this.log = log.concat(to_add); this.emit("change"); } }); function _EventLogStore(){; } _.extend(_EventLogStore.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype, { getView: function(since) { var view = new EventLogView(this, !since); //TODO: Really do bulk retrieval of last messages. window.setTimeout(function() { view.add_bulk([{ id: 1, message: "Hello World" }, { id: 2, message: "I was already transmitted as an event." }]); }, 100); var id = 2; view.add({ id: id++, message: "I was already transmitted as an event." }); view.add({ id: id++, message: "I was only transmitted as an event before the bulk was added.." }); window.setInterval(function() { view.add({ id: id++, message: "." }); }, 1000); return view; }, handle: function(action) { switch (action.actionType) { case ActionTypes.EVENTLOG_ADD: this.emit("new_message", action.message); break; default: return; } } }); var EventLogStore = new _EventLogStore(); AppDispatcher.register(EventLogStore.handle.bind(EventLogStore)); function _Connection(root) {"use strict"; if (!root) { root = location.origin + "/api/v1"; } this.root = root; } _Connection.prototype.init=function() {"use strict"; this.openWebSocketConnection(); }; _Connection.prototype.openWebSocketConnection=function() {"use strict"; = new WebSocket(this.root.replace("http", "ws") + "/ws"); var ws =; ws.onopen = this.onopen.bind(this); ws.onmessage = this.onmessage.bind(this); ws.onerror = this.onerror.bind(this); ws.onclose = this.onclose.bind(this); }; _Connection.prototype.onopen=function(open) {"use strict"; console.log("onopen", this, arguments); }; _Connection.prototype.onmessage=function(message) {"use strict"; //AppDispatcher.dispatchServerAction(...); console.log("onmessage", this, arguments); }; _Connection.prototype.onerror=function(error) {"use strict"; console.log("onerror", this, arguments); }; _Connection.prototype.onclose=function(close) {"use strict"; console.log("onclose", this, arguments); }; var Connection = new _Connection(); /** @jsx React.DOM */ var MainMenu = React.createClass({displayName: 'MainMenu', toggleEventLog: function() { SettingsActions.update({ showEventLog: !this.props.settings.showEventLog }); }, render: function(){ return ( React.DOM.div(null, React.DOM.button({className: "btn " + (this.props.settings.showEventLog ? "btn-primary" : "btn-default"), onClick: this.toggleEventLog}, React.DOM.i({className: "fa fa-database"}), " Display Event Log" ) ) ); } }); var ToolsMenu = React.createClass({displayName: 'ToolsMenu', render: function(){ return React.DOM.div(null, "Tools Menu"); } }); var ReportsMenu = React.createClass({displayName: 'ReportsMenu', render: function(){ return React.DOM.div(null, "Reports Menu"); } }); var _Header_Entries = { main: { title: "Traffic", route: "main", menu: MainMenu }, tools: { title: "Tools", route: "main", menu: ToolsMenu }, reports: { title: "Visualization", route: "reports", menu: ReportsMenu } }; var Header = React.createClass({displayName: 'Header', getInitialState: function(){ return { active: "main" }; }, handleClick: function(active){ this.setState({active: active}); ReactRouter.transitionTo(_Header_Entries[active].route); return false; }, handleFileClick: function(){ console.log("File click"); }, render: function(){ var header = []; for(var item in _Header_Entries){ var classes = == item ? "active" : ""; header.push(React.DOM.a({key: item, href: "#", className: classes, onClick: this.handleClick.bind(this, item)}, _Header_Entries[item].title)); } var menu = _Header_Entries[].menu({ settings: this.props.settings }); return ( React.DOM.header(null, React.DOM.div({className: "title-bar"}, "mitmproxy ", this.props.settings.version ), React.DOM.nav(null, React.DOM.a({href: "#", className: "special", onClick: this.handleFileClick}, " File "), header ), React.DOM.div({className: "menu"}, menu ) ) ); } }); /** @jsx React.DOM */ var TrafficTable = React.createClass({displayName: 'TrafficTable', getInitialState: function() { return { flows: [] }; }, componentDidMount: function() { //this.flowStore = FlowStore.getView(); //this.flowStore.addListener("change",this.onFlowChange); }, componentWillUnmount: function() { //this.flowStore.removeListener("change",this.onFlowChange); //this.flowStore.close(); }, onFlowChange: function() { this.setState({ //flows: this.flowStore.getAll() }); }, render: function() { /*var flows ={ return
{flow.request.method} {flow.request.scheme}://{}{flow.request.path}
; }); */ //Dummy Text for layout testing x = "Flow"; i = 12; while (i--) x += x; return ( React.DOM.div(null, "Flow") ); } }); /** @jsx React.DOM */ var EventLog = React.createClass({displayName: 'EventLog', getInitialState: function() { return { log: [] }; }, componentDidMount: function() { this.log = EventLogStore.getView(); this.log.addListener("change", this.onEventLogChange); }, componentWillUnmount: function() { this.log.removeListener("change", this.onEventLogChange); this.log.close(); }, onEventLogChange: function() { this.setState({ log: this.log.getAll() }); }, close: function() { SettingsActions.update({ showEventLog: false }); }, render: function() { //var messages = => (
)); var messages = []; return ( React.DOM.div({className: "eventlog"}, React.DOM.pre(null, React.DOM.i({className: "fa fa-close close-button", onClick: this.close}), messages ) ) ); } }); /** @jsx React.DOM */ var Footer = React.createClass({displayName: 'Footer', render: function(){ var mode = this.props.settings.mode; return ( React.DOM.footer(null, mode != "regular" ? React.DOM.span({className: "label label-success"}, mode, " mode") : null ) ); } }); /** @jsx React.DOM */ //TODO: Move out of here, just a stub. var Reports = React.createClass({displayName: 'Reports', render: function(){ return React.DOM.div(null, "Report Editor"); } }); var ProxyAppMain = React.createClass({displayName: 'ProxyAppMain', getInitialState: function(){ return { settings: SettingsStore.getAll() }; }, componentDidMount: function(){ SettingsStore.addListener("change", this.onSettingsChange); }, componentWillUnmount: function(){ SettingsStore.removeListener("change", this.onSettingsChange); }, onSettingsChange: function(){ console.log("onSettingsChange"); this.setState({settings: SettingsStore.getAll()}); }, render: function() { return ( React.DOM.div({id: "container"}, Header({settings: this.state.settings}), React.DOM.div({id: "main"}, this.props.activeRouteHandler(null)), this.state.settings.showEventLog ? EventLog(null) : null, Footer({settings: this.state.settings}) ) ); } }); var ProxyApp = ( ReactRouter.Routes({location: "hash"}, ReactRouter.Route({name: "app", path: "/", handler: ProxyAppMain}, ReactRouter.Route({name: "main", handler: TrafficTable}), ReactRouter.Route({name: "reports", handler: Reports}), ReactRouter.Redirect({to: "main"}) ) ) ); $(function() { Connection.init(); app = React.renderComponent(ProxyApp, document.body); }); //#