At __pathod__'s heart is a small, terse language for crafting HTTP responses, designed to be easy to specify in a request URL. The simplest way to use __pathod__ is to fire up the daemon, and specify the response behaviour you want using this language in the request URL. Here's a minimal example: http://localhost:9999/p/200 Everything after the "/p/" path component is a response specifier - in this case just a vanilla 200 OK response. See the docs below to get (much) fancier. You can also add anchors to the __pathod__ server that serve a fixed response whenever a matching URL is requested: pathod --anchor "/foo=200" Here, "/foo" a regex specifying the anchor path, and the part after the "=" is a response specifier. __pathod__ also has a nifty built-in web interface, which lets you play with the language by previewing responses, exposes activity logs, online help and various other goodies. Try it by visiting the server root: http://localhost:9999 # Specifying Responses The general form of a response is as follows: code[MESSAGE]:[colon-separated list of features] Here's the simplest possible response specification, returning just an HTTP 200 OK message with no headers and no content: 200 We can embellish this a bit by specifying an optional custom HTTP response message (if we don't, __pathod__ automatically creates an appropriate one). By default for a 200 response code the message is "OK", but we can change it like this: 200"YAY" The quoted string here is an example of a Value Specifier, a syntax that is used throughout the __pathod__ response specification language. In this case, the quotes mean we're specifying a literal string, but there are many other fun things we can do. For example, we can tell __pathod__ to generate 100k of random ASCII letters instead: 200@100k,ascii_letters Full documentation on the value specification syntax can be found in the next section. Following the response code specifier is a colon-separated list of features. For instance, this specifies a response with a body consisting of 1 megabyte of random data: 200:b@1m And this is the same response with an ETag header added: 200:b@1m:h"Etag"="foo" Both the header name and the header value are full value specifiers. Here's the same response again, but with a 1k randomly generated header name: 200:b@1m:h@1k,ascii_letters="foo" A few specific headers have shortcuts, because they're used so often. The shortcut for the content-type header is "c": 200:b@1m:c"text/json" That's it for the basic response definition. Now we can start mucking with the responses to break clients. One common hard-to-test circumstance is hangs or slow responses. __pathod__ has a pause operator that you can use to define precisely when and how long the server should hang. Here, for instance, we hang for 120 seconds after sending 50 bytes (counted from the first byte of the HTTP response): 200:b@1m:p120,50 If that's not long enough, we can tell __pathod__ to hang forever: 200:b@1m:p120,f Or to send all data, and then hang without disconnecting: 200:b@1m:p120,a We can also ask __pathod__ to hang randomly: 200:b@1m:pr,a There is a similar mechanism for dropping connections mid-response. So, we can tell __pathod__ to disconnect after sending 50 bytes: 200:b@1m:d50 Or randomly: 200:b@1m:dr All of these features can be combined. Here's a response that pauses twice, once at 10 bytes and once at 20, then disconnects at 5000: 200:b@1m:p10,10:p20,10:d5000 ## Response Features
hKEY=VALUE Set a header. Both KEY and VALUE are full Value Specifiers.
bVALUE Set the body. VALUE is a Value Specifier. When the body is set, __pathod__ will automatically set the appropriate Content-Length header.
cVALUE A shortcut for setting the Content-Type header. Equivalent to:
lVALUE A shortcut for setting the Location header. Equivalent to:
dOFFSET Disconnect after OFFSET bytes. The offset can also be "r", in which case __pathod__ will disconnect at a random point in the response.
pSECONDS,OFFSET Pause for SECONDS seconds after OFFSET bytes. SECONDS can also be "f" to pause forever. OFFSET can also be "r" to generate a random offset, or "a" for an offset just after all data has been sent.
## VALUE Specifiers There are three different flavours of value specification. ### Literal Literal values are specified as a quoted strings: "foo" Either single or double quotes are accepted, and quotes can be escaped with backslashes within the string: 'fo\'o' ### Files You can load a value from a specified file path. To do so, you have to specify a _staticdir_ option to __pathod__ on the command-line, like so: pathod -d ~/myassets All paths are relative paths under this directory. File loads are indicated by starting the value specifier with the left angle bracket: b 1024**0 (bytes) k 1024**1 (kilobytes) m 1024**2 (megabytes) g 1024**3 (gigabytes) t 1024**4 (terabytes) Data types are separated from the size specification by a comma. This specification generates 100mb of ASCII: @100m,ascii Supported data types are: - ascii_letters - ascii_lowercase - ascii_uppercase - digits - hexdigits - letters - lowercase - octdigits - printable - punctuation - uppercase - whitespace - ascii - bytes # API __pathod__ exposes a simple API, intended to make it possible to drive and inspect the daemon remotely for use in unit testing and the like.
/api/clear_log A POST to this URL clears the log buffer.
/api/info Basic version and configuration info.
/api/log Returns the current log buffer. At the moment the buffer size is 500 entries - when the log grows larger than this, older entries are discarded. The returned data is a JSON dictionary, with the form:
                        'log': [ ENTRIES ]
You can preview the JSON data returned for a log entry through the built-in web interface.