# Copyright (C) 2012 Aldo Cortesi # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import urwid import urwid.util from .. import utils VIEW_BODY_RAW = 0 VIEW_BODY_HEX = 1 VIEW_BODY_PRETTY = 2 BODY_VIEWS = { VIEW_BODY_RAW: "raw", VIEW_BODY_HEX: "hex", VIEW_BODY_PRETTY: "pretty" } VIEW_BODY_PRETTY_TYPE_AUTO = 0 VIEW_BODY_PRETTY_TYPE_JSON = 1 VIEW_BODY_PRETTY_TYPE_XML = 2 VIEW_BODY_PRETTY_TYPE_URLENCODED = 3 BODY_PRETTY_NAMES = { VIEW_BODY_PRETTY_TYPE_JSON: "json", VIEW_BODY_PRETTY_TYPE_XML: "xmlish", VIEW_BODY_PRETTY_TYPE_URLENCODED: "urlencoded" } BODY_PRETTY_TYPES = { "text/html": VIEW_BODY_PRETTY_TYPE_XML, "application/json": VIEW_BODY_PRETTY_TYPE_JSON, "text/xml": VIEW_BODY_PRETTY_TYPE_XML, "multipart/form-data": VIEW_BODY_PRETTY_TYPE_URLENCODED } VIEW_FLOW_REQUEST = 0 VIEW_FLOW_RESPONSE = 1 def highlight_key(s, k): l = [] parts = s.split(k, 1) if parts[0]: l.append(("text", parts[0])) l.append(("key", k)) if parts[1]: l.append(("text", parts[1])) return l KEY_MAX = 30 def format_keyvals(lst, key="key", val="text", indent=0): """ Format a list of (key, value) tuples. If key is None, it's treated specially: - We assume a sub-value, and add an extra indent. - The value is treated as a pre-formatted list of directives. """ ret = [] if lst: maxk = min(max(len(i[0]) for i in lst if i and i[0]), KEY_MAX) for i, kv in enumerate(lst): if kv is None: ret.append(urwid.Text("")) else: cols = [] # This cumbersome construction process is here for a reason: # Urwid < 1.0 barfs if given a fixed size column of size zero. if indent: cols.append(("fixed", indent, urwid.Text(""))) cols.extend([ ( "fixed", maxk, urwid.Text([(key, kv[0] or "")]) ), urwid.Text([(val, kv[1])]) ]) ret.append(urwid.Columns(cols, dividechars = 2)) return ret def shortcuts(k): if k == " ": k = "page down" elif k == "j": k = "down" elif k == "k": k = "up" return k def fcol(s, attr): s = unicode(s) return ( "fixed", len(s), urwid.Text( [ (attr, s) ] ) ) if urwid.util.detected_encoding: SYMBOL_REPLAY = u"\u21ba" SYMBOL_RETURN = u"\u2190" else: SYMBOL_REPLAY = u"[r]" SYMBOL_RETURN = u"<-" def raw_format_flow(f, focus, extended, padding): f = dict(f) pile = [] req = [] if extended: req.append( fcol( utils.format_timestamp(f["req_timestamp"]), "highlight" ) ) else: req.append(fcol(">>" if focus else " ", "focus")) if f["req_is_replay"]: req.append(fcol(SYMBOL_REPLAY, "replay")) req.append(fcol(f["req_method"], "method")) preamble = sum(i[1] for i in req) + len(req) -1 if f["intercepting"] and not f["req_acked"]: uc = "intercept" elif f["resp_code"] or f["err_msg"]: uc = "text" else: uc = "title" req.append( urwid.Text([(uc, f["req_url"])]) ) pile.append(urwid.Columns(req, dividechars=1)) resp = [] resp.append( ("fixed", preamble, urwid.Text("")) ) if f["resp_code"]: if f["resp_code"] in [200, 304]: resp.append(fcol(SYMBOL_RETURN, "goodcode")) else: resp.append(fcol(SYMBOL_RETURN, "error")) if f["resp_is_replay"]: resp.append(fcol(SYMBOL_REPLAY, "replay")) if f["resp_code"] in [200, 304]: resp.append(fcol(f["resp_code"], "goodcode")) else: resp.append(fcol(f["resp_code"], "error")) if f["intercepting"] and f["resp_code"] and not f["resp_acked"]: rc = "intercept" else: rc = "text" if f["resp_ctype"]: resp.append(fcol(f["resp_ctype"], rc)) resp.append(fcol(f["resp_clen"], rc)) elif f["err_msg"]: resp.append(fcol(SYMBOL_RETURN, "error")) resp.append( urwid.Text([ ( "error", f["err_msg"] ) ]) ) pile.append(urwid.Columns(resp, dividechars=1)) return urwid.Pile(pile) class FlowCache: @utils.LRUCache(200) def format_flow(self, *args): return raw_format_flow(*args) flowcache = FlowCache() def format_flow(f, focus, extended=False, padding=2): d = dict( intercepting = f.intercepting, req_timestamp = f.request.timestamp, req_is_replay = f.request.is_replay(), req_method = f.request.method, req_acked = f.request.acked, req_url = f.request.get_url(), err_msg = f.error.msg if f.error else None, resp_code = f.response.code if f.response else None, ) if f.response: d.update(dict( resp_code = f.response.code, resp_is_replay = f.response.is_replay(), resp_acked = f.response.acked, resp_clen = utils.pretty_size(len(f.response.content)) if f.response.content else "[empty content]" )) t = f.response.headers["content-type"] if t: d["resp_ctype"] = t[0].split(";")[0] else: d["resp_ctype"] = "" return flowcache.format_flow(tuple(sorted(d.items())), focus, extended, padding) def int_version(v): SIG = 3 v = urwid.__version__.split("-")[0].split(".") x = 0 for i in range(min(SIG, len(v))): x += int(v[i]) * 10**(SIG-i) return x # We have to do this to be portable over 0.9.8 and 0.9.9 If compatibility # becomes a pain to maintain, we'll just mandate 0.9.9 or newer. class WWrap(urwid.WidgetWrap): if int_version(urwid.__version__) >= 990: def set_w(self, x): self._w = x def get_w(self): return self._w w = property(get_w, set_w)