import operator, string, random, sys, time, mmap, os import contrib.pyparsing as pp import http, utils import tornado.ioloop TESTING = False class ParseException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg, s, col): Exception.__init__(self) self.msg = msg self.s = s self.col = col def marked(self): return "%s\n%s"%(self.s, " "*(self.col-1) + "^") def __str__(self): return self.msg class ServerError(Exception): pass DATATYPES = dict( ascii_letters = string.ascii_letters, ascii_lowercase = string.ascii_lowercase, ascii_uppercase = string.ascii_uppercase, digits = string.digits, hexdigits = string.hexdigits, letters = string.letters, lowercase = string.lowercase, octdigits = string.octdigits, printable = string.printable, punctuation = string.punctuation, uppercase = string.uppercase, whitespace = string.whitespace, ascii = string.printable, bytes = "".join(chr(i) for i in range(256)) ) v_integer = pp.Regex(r"[+-]?\d+")\ .setName("integer")\ .setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) v_literal = pp.MatchFirst( [ pp.QuotedString("\"", escChar="\\", unquoteResults=True), pp.QuotedString("'", escChar="\\", unquoteResults=True), ] ) v_naked_literal = pp.MatchFirst( [ v_literal, pp.Word("".join(i for i in pp.printables if i not in ",:")) ] ) class LiteralGenerator: def __init__(self, s): self.s = s def __eq__(self, other): return self[:] == other def __len__(self): return len(self.s) def __getitem__(self, x): return self.s.__getitem__(x) def __getslice__(self, a, b): return self.s.__getslice__(a, b) class RandomGenerator: def __init__(self, chars, length): self.chars = chars self.length = length def __len__(self): return self.length def __getitem__(self, x): return random.choice(self.chars) def __getslice__(self, a, b): b = min(b, self.length) return "".join(random.choice(self.chars) for x in range(a, b)) class FileGenerator: def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.fp = file(path, "r") = mmap.mmap(self.fp.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ) def __len__(self): return len( def __getitem__(self, x): return def __getslice__(self, a, b): return, b) class ValueLiteral: def __init__(self, val): self.val = val def get_generator(self, settings): return LiteralGenerator(self.val) @classmethod def expr(klass): e = v_literal.copy() return e.setParseAction(lambda x: klass(*x)) def __str__(self): return self.val class ValueGenerate: UNITS = dict( b = 1024**0, k = 1024**1, m = 1024**2, g = 1024**3, t = 1024**4, ) def __init__(self, usize, unit, datatype): if not unit: unit = "b" self.usize, self.unit, self.datatype = usize, unit, datatype def bytes(self): return self.usize * self.UNITS[self.unit] def get_generator(self, settings): return RandomGenerator(DATATYPES[self.datatype], self.bytes()) @classmethod def expr(klass): e = pp.Literal("!").suppress() + v_integer u = reduce(operator.or_, [pp.Literal(i) for i in klass.UNITS.keys()]) e = e + pp.Optional(u, default=None) s = pp.Literal("-").suppress() s += reduce(operator.or_, [pp.Literal(i) for i in DATATYPES.keys()]) e += pp.Optional(s, default="bytes") return e.setParseAction(lambda x: klass(*x)) def __str__(self): return "!%s%s-%s"%(self.usize, self.unit, self.datatype) class ValueFile: def __init__(self, path): self.path = path @classmethod def expr(klass): e = pp.Literal("<").suppress() e = e + v_naked_literal return e.setParseAction(lambda x: klass(*x)) def get_generator(self, settings): sd = settings.get("staticdir") if not sd: raise ServerError("No static directory specified.") path = os.path.join(sd, self.path) if not os.path.exists(path): raise ServerError("Static file does not exist: %s"%path) return FileGenerator(path) def __str__(self): return "<%s"%(self.path) Value = pp.MatchFirst( [ ValueGenerate.expr(), ValueFile.expr(), ValueLiteral.expr() ] ) class ShortcutContentType: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def mod_response(self, settings, r): r.headers.append( ( LiteralGenerator("Content-Type"), self.value.get_generator(settings) ) ) @classmethod def expr(klass): e = pp.Literal("c").suppress() e = e + Value return e.setParseAction(lambda x: klass(*x)) class ShortcutLocation: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def mod_response(self, settings, r): r.headers.append( ( LiteralGenerator("Location"), self.value.get_generator(settings) ) ) @classmethod def expr(klass): e = pp.Literal("l").suppress() e = e + Value return e.setParseAction(lambda x: klass(*x)) class Body: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def mod_response(self, settings, r): r.body = self.value.get_generator(settings) @classmethod def expr(klass): e = pp.Literal("b").suppress() e = e + Value return e.setParseAction(lambda x: klass(*x)) class _Pause: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value @classmethod def expr(klass): e = pp.Literal("p%s"%klass.sub).suppress() e = e + pp.MatchFirst( [ v_integer, pp.Literal("forever") ] ) return e.setParseAction(lambda x: klass(*x)) class PauseBefore(_Pause): sub = "b" def mod_response(self, settings, r): r.actions.append((0, "pause", self.value)) class PauseAfter(_Pause): sub = "a" def mod_response(self, settings, r): r.actions.append((sys.maxint, "pause", self.value)) class PauseRandom(_Pause): sub = "r" def mod_response(self, settings, r): r.actions.append(("random", "pause", self.value)) class _Disconnect: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value @classmethod def expr(klass): e = pp.Literal("d%s"%klass.sub) return e.setParseAction(klass) class DisconnectBefore(_Disconnect): sub = "b" def mod_response(self, settings, r): r.actions.append((0, "disconnect")) class DisconnectRandom(_Disconnect): sub = "r" def mod_response(self, settings, r): r.actions.append(("random", "disconnect")) class Header: def __init__(self, key, value): self.key, self.value = key, value def mod_response(self, settings, r): r.headers.append( ( self.key.get_generator(settings), self.value.get_generator(settings) ) ) @classmethod def expr(klass): e = pp.Literal("h").suppress() e += Value e += pp.Literal("=").suppress() e += Value return e.setParseAction(lambda x: klass(*x)) class Code: def __init__(self, code, msg=None): self.code, self.msg = code, msg if msg is None: self.msg = ValueLiteral(http.RESPONSES.get(self.code, "Unknown code")) def mod_response(self, settings, r): r.code = self.code r.msg = self.msg.get_generator(settings) @classmethod def expr(klass): e = v_integer e = e + pp.Optional( Value ) return e.setParseAction(lambda x: klass(*x)) BLOCKSIZE = 1024 class Response: comps = ( Body, Header, PauseBefore, PauseAfter, PauseRandom, DisconnectBefore, DisconnectRandom, ShortcutContentType, ShortcutLocation, ) version = "HTTP/1.1" code = 200 msg = LiteralGenerator(http.RESPONSES[code]) body = LiteralGenerator("OK") def __init__(self): self.headers = [] self.actions = [] def get_header(self, hdr): for k, v in self.headers: if k[:len(hdr)].lower() == hdr: return v return None @classmethod def expr(klass): parts = [i.expr() for i in klass.comps] atom = pp.MatchFirst(parts) resp = pp.And( [ Code.expr(), pp.ZeroOrMore(pp.Literal(":").suppress() + atom) ] ) return resp def length(self): l = len("%s %s "%(self.version, self.code)) l += len(self.msg) l += 2 for i in self.headers: l += len(i[0]) + len(i[1]) l += 4 l += 2 l += len(self.body) return l def ready_randoms(self, l, lst): ret = [] for k, v in lst: if k == "random": ret.append((random.randrange(l), v)) else: ret.append((k, v)) ret.sort() return ret def add_timeout(self, s, callback): if TESTING: callback() # begin nocover else: tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().add_timeout(time.time() + s, callback) # end nocover def write_values(self, fp, vals, actions, sofar=0, skip=0, blocksize=BLOCKSIZE): while vals: part = vals.pop() for i in range(skip, len(part), blocksize): d = part[i:i+blocksize] if actions and actions[-1][0] < (sofar + len(d)): p = actions.pop() offset = p[0]-sofar vals.append(part) if p[1] == "pause": def pause_callback(): self.write_values( fp, vals, actions, sofar=sofar+offset, skip=i+offset, blocksize=blocksize ) def flushed_callback(): # Data has been flushed, set the timeout. self.add_timeout(p[2], pause_callback) fp.write(d[:offset], callback=flushed_callback) return elif p[1] == "disconnect": fp.write(d[:offset]) fp.finish() return fp.write(d) sofar += len(d) skip = 0 fp.finish() def render(self, fp): if self.body and not self.get_header("Content-Length"): self.headers.append( ( LiteralGenerator("Content-Length"), LiteralGenerator(str(len(self.body))), ) ) hdrs = [] for k, v in self.headers: hdrs.extend([ k, ": ", v, "\r\n", ]) vals = [ "%s %s "%(self.version, self.code), self.msg, "\r\n", ] vals.extend(hdrs) vals.extend([ "\r\n", self.body ]) vals.reverse() actions = self.ready_randoms(self.length(), self.actions) actions.reverse() return self.write_values(fp, vals, actions) def __str__(self): parts = [ "%s %s"%(self.code, self.msg[:]) ] return "\n".join(parts) class CraftedResponse(Response): def __init__(self, settings, tokens): Response.__init__(self) self.tokens = tokens for i in tokens: i.mod_response(settings, self) class InternalResponse(Response): def __init__(self, code, body): Response.__init__(self) self.code = code self.msg = LiteralGenerator(http.RESPONSES.get(code, "Unknown error")) self.body = LiteralGenerator(body) self.headers = [ ( LiteralGenerator("Content-Type"), LiteralGenerator("text/plain") ), ( LiteralGenerator("Content-Length"), LiteralGenerator(str(len(self.body))) ) ] def parse(settings, s): try: return CraftedResponse(settings, Response.expr().parseString(s, parseAll=True)) except pp.ParseException, v: raise ParseException(v.msg, v.line, v.col)