Aldo Cortesi 2fb85553cc Revamp verbosity options
Split verbosity into termlog_verbosity and console_eventlog_verbosity.

This patch also removes printing to console if there are unknown options in the
command-line. Options now live in separate addons, so having uknown options
remaining is common and expected. We definitely shoould have some other way for
users to see what was ignored so they can catch typos and the like, but that's
a different patch.
2018-02-26 09:02:24 +13:00

387 lines
21 KiB

import pytest
import requests
from examples.complex import xss_scanner as xss
from mitmproxy.test import tflow, tutils
class TestXSSScanner():
def test_get_XSS_info(self):
# First type of exploit: <script>PAYLOAD</script>
# Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><script>%s</script><html>" %
"End of URL")
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData('',
"End of URL",
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><script>%s</script><html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27").replace(b'"', b"%22"),
"End of URL")
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("",
"End of URL",
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27").replace(b'"', b"%22").decode('utf-8'))
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
# Non-Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><script>%s</script><html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27").replace(b'"', b"%22").replace(b"/", b"%2F"),
"End of URL")
assert xss_info is None
# Second type of exploit: <script>t='PAYLOAD'</script>
# Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><script>t='%s';</script></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").replace(b"\"", b"%22"),
"End of URL")
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("",
"End of URL",
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E")
.replace(b"\"", b"%22").decode('utf-8'))
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
# Non-Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><script>t='%s';</script></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b"\"", b"%22").replace(b"'", b"%22"),
"End of URL")
assert xss_info is None
# Third type of exploit: <script>t="PAYLOAD"</script>
# Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><script>t=\"%s\";</script></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").replace(b"'", b"%27"),
"End of URL")
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("",
"End of URL",
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E")
.replace(b"'", b"%27").decode('utf-8'))
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
# Non-Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><script>t=\"%s\";</script></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b"'", b"%27").replace(b"\"", b"%22"),
"End of URL")
assert xss_info is None
# Fourth type of exploit: <a href='PAYLOAD'>Test</a>
# Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><a href='%s'>Test</a></html>" %
"End of URL")
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("",
"End of URL",
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
# Non-Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><a href='OtherStuff%s'>Test</a></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27"),
"End of URL")
assert xss_info is None
# Fifth type of exploit: <a href="PAYLOAD">Test</a>
# Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><a href=\"%s\">Test</a></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27"),
"End of URL")
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("",
"End of URL",
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27").decode('utf-8'))
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
# Non-Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><a href=\"OtherStuff%s\">Test</a></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27").replace(b"\"", b"%22"),
"End of URL")
assert xss_info is None
# Sixth type of exploit: <a href=PAYLOAD>Test</a>
# Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><a href=%s>Test</a></html>" %
"End of URL")
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("",
"End of URL",
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
# Non-Exploitable
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><a href=OtherStuff%s>Test</a></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E")
.replace(b"=", b"%3D"),
"End of URL")
assert xss_info is None
# Seventh type of exploit: <html>PAYLOAD</html>
# Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><b>%s</b></html>" %
"End of URL")
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("",
"End of URL",
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
# Non-Exploitable
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><b>%s</b></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").replace(b"/", b"%2F"),
"End of URL")
assert xss_info is None
# Eighth type of exploit: <a href=PAYLOAD>Test</a>
# Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><a href=%s>Test</a></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E"),
"End of URL")
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("",
"End of URL",
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").decode('utf-8'))
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
# Non-Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><a href=OtherStuff%s>Test</a></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E")
.replace(b"=", b"%3D"),
"End of URL")
assert xss_info is None
# Ninth type of exploit: <a href="STUFF PAYLOAD">Test</a>
# Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><a href=\"STUFF %s\">Test</a></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E"),
"End of URL")
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("",
"End of URL",
'" onmouseover="alert(0)" t="',
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").decode('utf-8'))
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
# Non-Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><a href=\"STUFF %s\">Test</a></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E")
.replace(b'"', b"%22"),
"End of URL")
assert xss_info is None
# Tenth type of exploit: <a href='STUFF PAYLOAD'>Test</a>
# Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><a href='STUFF %s'>Test</a></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E"),
"End of URL")
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("",
"End of URL",
"' onmouseover='alert(0)' t='",
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").decode('utf-8'))
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
# Non-Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><a href='STUFF %s'>Test</a></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E")
.replace(b"'", b"%22"),
"End of URL")
assert xss_info is None
# Eleventh type of exploit: <a href=STUFF_PAYLOAD>Test</a>
# Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><a href=STUFF%s>Test</a></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E"),
"End of URL")
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("",
"End of URL",
" onmouseover=alert(0) t=",
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").decode('utf-8'))
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
# Non-Exploitable:
xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"<html><a href=STUFF_%s>Test</a></html>" %
xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E")
.replace(b"=", b"%3D"),
"End of URL")
assert xss_info is None
def test_get_SQLi_data(self):
sqli_data = xss.get_SQLi_data("<html>SQL syntax MySQL</html>",
"End of URL")
expected_sqli_data = xss.SQLiData("",
"End of URL",
"SQL syntax.*MySQL",
assert sqli_data == expected_sqli_data
sqli_data = xss.get_SQLi_data("<html>SQL syntax MySQL</html>",
"<html>SQL syntax MySQL</html>",
"End of URL")
assert sqli_data is None
def test_inside_quote(self):
assert not xss.inside_quote("'", b"no", 0, b"no")
assert xss.inside_quote("'", b"yes", 0, b"'yes'")
assert xss.inside_quote("'", b"yes", 1, b"'yes'otherJunk'yes'more")
assert not xss.inside_quote("'", b"longStringNotInIt", 1, b"short")
def test_paths_to_text(self):
text = xss.paths_to_text("""<html><head><h1>STRING</h1></head>
<a href=STRING></a></html>""", "STRING")
expected_text = ["/html/head/h1", "/html/script"]
assert text == expected_text
assert xss.paths_to_text("""<html></html>""", "STRING") == []
def mocked_requests_vuln(*args, headers=None, cookies=None):
class MockResponse:
def __init__(self, html, headers=None, cookies=None):
self.text = html
return MockResponse("<html>%s</html>" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD)
def mocked_requests_invuln(*args, headers=None, cookies=None):
class MockResponse:
def __init__(self, html, headers=None, cookies=None):
self.text = html
return MockResponse("<html></html>")
def test_test_end_of_url_injection(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'get', self.mocked_requests_vuln)
xss_info = xss.test_end_of_URL_injection("<html></html>", "", {})[0]
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData('\'d"ao<ac>so[sb]po(pc)se;sl/bsl\\eq=3847asd',
'End of URL',
sqli_info = xss.test_end_of_URL_injection("<html></html>", "", {})[1]
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
assert sqli_info is None
def test_test_referer_injection(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'get', self.mocked_requests_vuln)
xss_info = xss.test_referer_injection("<html></html>", "", {})[0]
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData('',
sqli_info = xss.test_referer_injection("<html></html>", "", {})[1]
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
assert sqli_info is None
def test_test_user_agent_injection(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'get', self.mocked_requests_vuln)
xss_info = xss.test_user_agent_injection("<html></html>", "", {})[0]
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData('',
'User Agent',
sqli_info = xss.test_user_agent_injection("<html></html>", "", {})[1]
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
assert sqli_info is None
def test_test_query_injection(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'get', self.mocked_requests_vuln)
xss_info = xss.test_query_injection("<html></html>", "", {})[0]
expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData('\'d"ao<ac>so[sb]po(pc)se;sl/bsl\\eq=3847asd',
sqli_info = xss.test_query_injection("<html></html>", "", {})[1]
assert xss_info == expected_xss_info
assert sqli_info is None
def mocked_socket_gethostbyname(domain):
claimed_domains = [""]
if domain not in claimed_domains:
from socket import gaierror
raise gaierror("[Errno -2] Name or service not known")
return ''
def logger(self):
class Logger():
def __init__(self):
self.args = []
def info(self, str):
def error(self, str):
return Logger()
def test_find_unclaimed_URLs(self, monkeypatch, logger):
logger.args = []
monkeypatch.setattr("mitmproxy.ctx.log", logger)
monkeypatch.setattr("socket.gethostbyname", self.mocked_socket_gethostbyname)
xss.find_unclaimed_URLs("<html><script src=\"\"></script></html>",
assert logger.args == []
xss.find_unclaimed_URLs("<html><script src=\"\"></script></html>",
assert logger.args[0] == 'XSS found in due to unclaimed URL "".'
xss.find_unclaimed_URLs("<html><iframe src=\"\"></iframe></html>",
assert logger.args[0] == 'XSS found in due to unclaimed URL "".'
xss.find_unclaimed_URLs("<html><link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"\"></html>",
assert logger.args[0] == 'XSS found in due to unclaimed URL "".'
def test_log_XSS_data(self, monkeypatch, logger):
logger.args = []
monkeypatch.setattr("mitmproxy.ctx.log", logger)
assert logger.args == []
# self, url: str, injection_point: str, exploit: str, line: str
'Line of HTML'))
assert logger.args[0] == '===== XSS Found ===='
assert logger.args[1] == 'XSS URL:'
assert logger.args[2] == 'Injection Point: Location'
assert logger.args[3] == 'Suggested Exploit: String'
assert logger.args[4] == 'Line: Line of HTML'
def test_log_SQLi_data(self, monkeypatch, logger):
logger.args = []
monkeypatch.setattr("mitmproxy.ctx.log", logger)
assert logger.args == []
assert logger.args[0] == '===== SQLi Found ====='
assert logger.args[1] == 'SQLi URL:'
assert logger.args[2] == 'Injection Point: Location'
assert logger.args[3] == 'Regex used: Oracle.*Driver'
def test_get_cookies(self):
mocked_req = tutils.treq()
mocked_req.cookies = [("cookieName2", "cookieValue2")]
mocked_flow = tflow.tflow(req=mocked_req)
# It only uses the request cookies
assert xss.get_cookies(mocked_flow) == {"cookieName2": "cookieValue2"}
def test_response(self, monkeypatch, logger):
logger.args = []
monkeypatch.setattr("mitmproxy.ctx.log", logger)
monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'get', self.mocked_requests_invuln)
mocked_flow = tflow.tflow(req=tutils.treq(path=b"index.html?q=1"), resp=tutils.tresp(content=b'<html></html>'))
assert logger.args == []
def test_data_equals(self):
xssData = xss.XSSData("a", "b", "c", "d")
sqliData = xss.SQLiData("a", "b", "c", "d")
assert xssData == xssData
assert sqliData == sqliData