mirror of
synced 2024-11-25 18:03:50 +00:00
I noticed when running tests the output of `web/src/js/__tests__/ducks/_tflow.ts` would change depending on how I set my timezone, e.g. $ TZ=America/Los_Angeles pytest --quiet \ test/mitmproxy/tools/web/test_app.py >/dev/null \ && grep --extended-regexp 'not(after|before)' web/src/js/__tests__/ducks/_tflow.ts "notafter": 2235132207, "notbefore": 1604415807, $ TZ=Asia/Tokyo pytest --quiet \ test/mitmproxy/tools/web/test_app.py >/dev/null \ && grep --extended-regexp 'not(after|before)' web/src/js/__tests__/ducks/_tflow.ts "notafter": 2235074607, "notbefore": 1604354607 It looks like this is because the `cert_to_json` function simply calls `timestamp` the `datetime` object from `x509.Certificate.not_valid_before`, however, this `datetime` object is not timestamp aware, from the docs [1]: > A naïve datetime representing the beginning of the validity period for the certificate in UTC So when serializing to JSON, first convert the `datetime` to UTC then call `timestamp`. A test was added by inspecting one of the test certs with: $ openssl x509 -in test/mitmproxy/net/data/text_cert_2 -text Extracting the date and asserting on that. The corresponding test has also been re-run so that `_tflow.ts` was regenerated with it's correct value. Snapshots were also updated via: $(npm bin)/jest --updateSnapshot [1] https://cryptography.io/en/latest/x509/reference/#cryptography.x509.Certificate.not_valid_after
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278 lines
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import os
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from pathlib import Path
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.x509 import NameOID
import pytest
from mitmproxy import certs
from ..conftest import skip_windows
# class TestDNTree:
# def test_simple(self):
# d = certs.DNTree()
# d.add("foo.com", "foo")
# d.add("bar.com", "bar")
# assert d.get("foo.com") == "foo"
# assert d.get("bar.com") == "bar"
# assert not d.get("oink.com")
# assert not d.get("oink")
# assert not d.get("")
# assert not d.get("oink.oink")
# d.add("*.match.org", "match")
# assert not d.get("match.org")
# assert d.get("foo.match.org") == "match"
# assert d.get("foo.foo.match.org") == "match"
# def test_wildcard(self):
# d = certs.DNTree()
# d.add("foo.com", "foo")
# assert not d.get("*.foo.com")
# d.add("*.foo.com", "wild")
# d = certs.DNTree()
# d.add("*", "foo")
# assert d.get("foo.com") == "foo"
# assert d.get("*.foo.com") == "foo"
# assert d.get("com") == "foo"
def tstore(tdata):
return certs.CertStore.from_store(tdata.path("mitmproxy/data/confdir"), "mitmproxy", 2048)
class TestCertStore:
def test_create_explicit(self, tmpdir):
ca = certs.CertStore.from_store(str(tmpdir), "test", 2048)
assert ca.get_cert("foo", [])
ca2 = certs.CertStore.from_store(str(tmpdir), "test", 2048)
assert ca2.get_cert("foo", [])
assert ca.default_ca.serial == ca2.default_ca.serial
def test_create_no_common_name(self, tstore):
assert tstore.get_cert(None, []).cert.cn is None
def test_chain_file(self, tdata, tmp_path):
cert = Path(tdata.path("mitmproxy/data/confdir/mitmproxy-ca.pem")).read_bytes()
(tmp_path / "mitmproxy-ca.pem").write_bytes(cert)
ca = certs.CertStore.from_store(tmp_path, "mitmproxy", 2048)
assert ca.default_chain_file is None
(tmp_path / "mitmproxy-ca.pem").write_bytes(2 * cert)
ca = certs.CertStore.from_store(tmp_path, "mitmproxy", 2048)
assert ca.default_chain_file == (tmp_path / "mitmproxy-ca.pem")
def test_sans(self, tstore):
c1 = tstore.get_cert("foo.com", ["*.bar.com"])
tstore.get_cert("foo.bar.com", [])
# assert c1 == c2
c3 = tstore.get_cert("bar.com", [])
assert not c1 == c3
def test_sans_change(self, tstore):
tstore.get_cert("foo.com", ["*.bar.com"])
entry = tstore.get_cert("foo.bar.com", ["*.baz.com"])
assert "*.baz.com" in entry.cert.altnames
def test_expire(self, tstore):
tstore.STORE_CAP = 3
tstore.get_cert("one.com", [])
tstore.get_cert("two.com", [])
tstore.get_cert("three.com", [])
assert ("one.com", ()) in tstore.certs
assert ("two.com", ()) in tstore.certs
assert ("three.com", ()) in tstore.certs
tstore.get_cert("one.com", [])
assert ("one.com", ()) in tstore.certs
assert ("two.com", ()) in tstore.certs
assert ("three.com", ()) in tstore.certs
tstore.get_cert("four.com", [])
assert ("one.com", ()) not in tstore.certs
assert ("two.com", ()) in tstore.certs
assert ("three.com", ()) in tstore.certs
assert ("four.com", ()) in tstore.certs
def test_overrides(self, tmp_path):
ca1 = certs.CertStore.from_store(tmp_path / "ca1", "test", 2048)
ca2 = certs.CertStore.from_store(tmp_path / "ca2", "test", 2048)
assert not ca1.default_ca.serial == ca2.default_ca.serial
dc = ca2.get_cert("foo.com", ["sans.example.com"])
dcp = tmp_path / "dc"
ca1.add_cert_file("foo.com", dcp)
ret = ca1.get_cert("foo.com", [])
assert ret.cert.serial == dc.cert.serial
def test_create_dhparams(self, tmp_path):
filename = tmp_path / "dhparam.pem"
assert filename.exists()
def test_umask_secret(self, tmpdir):
filename = str(tmpdir.join("secret"))
with certs.CertStore.umask_secret(), open(filename, "wb"):
# TODO: How do we actually attempt to read that file as another user?
assert os.stat(filename).st_mode & 0o77 == 0
class TestDummyCert:
def test_with_ca(self, tstore):
r = certs.dummy_cert(
["one.com", "two.com", "*.three.com", ""],
"Foo Ltd."
assert r.cn == "foo.com"
assert r.altnames == ["one.com", "two.com", "*.three.com", ""]
assert r.organization == "Foo Ltd."
r = certs.dummy_cert(
assert r.cn is None
assert r.organization is None
assert r.altnames == []
class TestCert:
def test_simple(self, tdata):
with open(tdata.path("mitmproxy/net/data/text_cert"), "rb") as f:
d = f.read()
c1 = certs.Cert.from_pem(d)
assert c1.cn == "google.com"
assert len(c1.altnames) == 436
assert c1.organization == "Google Inc"
assert hash(c1)
with open(tdata.path("mitmproxy/net/data/text_cert_2"), "rb") as f:
d = f.read()
c2 = certs.Cert.from_pem(d)
assert c2.cn == "www.inode.co.nz"
assert len(c2.altnames) == 2
assert c2.fingerprint()
assert c2.notbefore == datetime(
assert c2.notafter == datetime(
assert c2.subject
assert c2.keyinfo == ("RSA", 2048)
assert c2.serial
assert c2.issuer
assert c2.to_pem()
assert c2.has_expired() is not None
assert repr(c2) == "<Cert(cn='www.inode.co.nz', altnames=['www.inode.co.nz', 'inode.co.nz'])>"
assert c1 != c2
def test_convert(self, tdata):
with open(tdata.path("mitmproxy/net/data/text_cert"), "rb") as f:
d = f.read()
c = certs.Cert.from_pem(d)
assert c == certs.Cert.from_pem(c.to_pem())
assert c == certs.Cert.from_state(c.get_state())
assert c == certs.Cert.from_pyopenssl(c.to_pyopenssl())
@pytest.mark.parametrize("filename,name,bits", [
("text_cert", "RSA", 1024),
("dsa_cert.pem", "DSA", 1024),
("ec_cert.pem", "EC (secp256r1)", 256),
def test_keyinfo(self, tdata, filename, name, bits):
with open(tdata.path(f"mitmproxy/net/data/{filename}"), "rb") as f:
d = f.read()
c = certs.Cert.from_pem(d)
assert c.keyinfo == (name, bits)
def test_err_broken_sans(self, tdata):
with open(tdata.path("mitmproxy/net/data/text_cert_weird1"), "rb") as f:
d = f.read()
c = certs.Cert.from_pem(d)
# This breaks unless we ignore a decoding error.
assert c.altnames is not None
def test_state(self, tdata):
with open(tdata.path("mitmproxy/net/data/text_cert"), "rb") as f:
d = f.read()
c = certs.Cert.from_pem(d)
c2 = c.copy()
a = c.get_state()
b = c2.get_state()
assert a == b
assert c == c2
assert c is not c2
assert c == c2
def test_from_store_with_passphrase(self, tdata, tstore):
tstore.add_cert_file("unencrypted-no-pass", Path(tdata.path("mitmproxy/data/testkey.pem")), None)
tstore.add_cert_file("unencrypted-pass", Path(tdata.path("mitmproxy/data/testkey.pem")), b"password")
tstore.add_cert_file("encrypted-pass", Path(tdata.path("mitmproxy/data/mitmproxy.pem")), b"password")
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
tstore.add_cert_file("encrypted-no-pass", Path(tdata.path("mitmproxy/data/mitmproxy.pem")), None)
def test_special_character(self, tdata):
with open(tdata.path("mitmproxy/net/data/text_cert_with_comma"), "rb") as f:
d = f.read()
c = certs.Cert.from_pem(d)
assert dict(c.issuer).get('O') == 'DigiCert, Inc.'
assert dict(c.subject).get('O') == 'GitHub, Inc.'
def test_multi_valued_rdns(self, tdata):
subject = x509.Name([
x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.TITLE, u'Test'),
x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, u'Multivalue'),
x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.SURNAME, u'RDNs'),
x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME, u'TSLA'),
x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME, u'PyCA')
expected = [('', 'Test'), ('CN', 'Multivalue'), ('', 'RDNs'), ('O', 'TSLA'), ('O', 'PyCA')]
assert(certs._name_to_keyval(subject)) == expected