Maximilian Hils 518fb94124
Harden CI Pipeline (#4590)
* ci: use actions/checkout@v2

* ci: always specify python version

* ci: pin external actions

* ci: split docs job, pin immediate dependencies

* ci: correct hugo sha256sum

* ci: full repo fetch depth for tests

* ci: use pip-tools to pin all the things

* ci: minor fixes

* ci: fixup

* ci: streamline pinned install

* ci: minor fixes

* ci: fix py3.8 pins

* ci: don't persist checkout credentials

* ci: always run local linter

* ci: test docs deployment from actions-hardening branch

* ci: fix docs job

* ci: pass in credentials

* ci: fix file permissions

* ci: try harder to fix docs deploy

* ci: fix docker artifact name

* Revert "ci: test docs deployment from actions-hardening branch"

This reverts commit 30cfb7a814b61a8926fc0623e3e70b6dd5106d90.

* unpin PyPI dependencies

* ci: install tox first

* ci: fixups

* ci: fixups

* ci: fixups

* ci: fixups
2021-05-11 11:17:09 +02:00

47 lines
865 B

envlist = py, flake8, mypy
skipsdist = True
deps =
-e .[dev]
setenv = HOME = {envtmpdir}
commands =
mitmdump --version
pytest --timeout 60 -vv --cov-report xml \
--continue-on-collection-errors \
--cov=mitmproxy --cov=release \
--full-cov=mitmproxy/ \
deps =
commands =
flake8 --jobs 8 mitmproxy examples test release {posargs}
deps =
commands =
python ./test/
deps = mypy==0.812
commands =
mypy {posargs}
commands =
python ./test/ {posargs}
recreate = True
deps =
commands =
pip install {posargs}
mitmproxy --version
mitmdump --version
mitmweb --version