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synced 2025-02-07 10:40:09 +00:00
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240 lines
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import cStringIO, time
import libpry
from libmproxy import proxy, controller, utils, dump, script
import email.utils
import tutils
class u_read_chunked(libpry.AutoTree):
def test_all(self):
s = cStringIO.StringIO("1\r\na\r\n0\r\n")
libpry.raises(IOError, proxy.read_chunked, s)
s = cStringIO.StringIO("1\r\na\r\n0\r\n\r\n")
assert proxy.read_chunked(s) == "a"
s = cStringIO.StringIO("\r\n")
libpry.raises(IOError, proxy.read_chunked, s)
s = cStringIO.StringIO("1\r\nfoo")
libpry.raises(IOError, proxy.read_chunked, s)
class u_parse_request_line(libpry.AutoTree):
def test_simple(self):
libpry.raises(proxy.ProxyError, proxy.parse_request_line, "")
u = "GET ... HTTP/1.1"
libpry.raises("invalid url", proxy.parse_request_line, u)
u = "GET http://foo.com:8888/test HTTP/1.1"
m, s, h, po, pa, minor = proxy.parse_request_line(u)
assert m == "GET"
assert s == "http"
assert h == "foo.com"
assert po == 8888
assert pa == "/test"
assert minor == 1
def test_connect(self):
u = "CONNECT host.com:443 HTTP/1.0"
expected = ('CONNECT', None, 'host.com', 443, None, 0)
ret = proxy.parse_request_line(u)
assert expected == ret
def test_inner(self):
u = "GET / HTTP/1.1"
assert proxy.parse_request_line(u) == ('GET', None, None, None, '/', 1)
class u_parse_url(libpry.AutoTree):
def test_simple(self):
assert not proxy.parse_url("")
u = "http://foo.com:8888/test"
s, h, po, pa = proxy.parse_url(u)
assert s == "http"
assert h == "foo.com"
assert po == 8888
assert pa == "/test"
s, h, po, pa = proxy.parse_url("http://foo/bar")
assert s == "http"
assert h == "foo"
assert po == 80
assert pa == "/bar"
s, h, po, pa = proxy.parse_url("http://foo")
assert pa == "/"
s, h, po, pa = proxy.parse_url("https://foo")
assert po == 443
class uFileLike(libpry.AutoTree):
def test_wrap(self):
s = cStringIO.StringIO("foobar\nfoobar")
s = proxy.FileLike(s)
assert s.readline() == "foobar\n"
assert s.readline() == "foobar"
# Test __getattr__
assert s.isatty
class uRequest(libpry.AutoTree):
def test_simple(self):
h = utils.Headers()
h["test"] = ["test"]
c = proxy.ClientConnect(("addr", 2222))
r = proxy.Request(c, "host", 22, "https", "GET", "/", h, "content")
u = r.url()
assert r.set_url(u)
assert not r.set_url("")
assert r.url() == u
assert r.assemble()
r2 = r.copy()
assert r == r2
def test_anticache(self):
h = utils.Headers()
r = proxy.Request(None, "host", 22, "https", "GET", "/", h, "content")
h["if-modified-since"] = ["test"]
h["if-none-match"] = ["test"]
assert not "if-modified-since" in r.headers
assert not "if-none-match" in r.headers
def test_getset_state(self):
h = utils.Headers()
h["test"] = ["test"]
c = proxy.ClientConnect(("addr", 2222))
r = proxy.Request(c, "host", 22, "https", "GET", "/", h, "content")
state = r.get_state()
assert proxy.Request.from_state(state) == r
r.client_conn = None
state = r.get_state()
assert proxy.Request.from_state(state) == r
r2 = proxy.Request(c, "testing", 20, "http", "PUT", "/foo", h, "test")
assert not r == r2
assert r == r2
r2.client_conn = None
assert not r.client_conn
class uResponse(libpry.AutoTree):
def test_simple(self):
h = utils.Headers()
h["test"] = ["test"]
c = proxy.ClientConnect(("addr", 2222))
req = proxy.Request(c, "host", 22, "https", "GET", "/", h, "content")
resp = proxy.Response(req, 200, "msg", h.copy(), "content")
assert resp.assemble()
resp2 = resp.copy()
assert resp2 == resp
def test_refresh(self):
r = tutils.tresp()
n = time.time()
r.headers["date"] = [email.utils.formatdate(n)]
pre = r.headers["date"]
assert pre == r.headers["date"]
d = email.utils.parsedate_tz(r.headers["date"][0])
d = email.utils.mktime_tz(d)
# Weird that this is not exact...
assert abs(60-(d-n)) <= 1
r.headers["set-cookie"] = ["MOO=BAR; Expires=Tue, 08-Mar-2011 00:20:38 GMT; Path=foo.com; Secure"]
def test_refresh_cookie(self):
r = tutils.tresp()
# Invalid expires format, sent to us by Reddit.
c = "rfoo=bar; Domain=reddit.com; expires=Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:59:59 GMT; Path=/"
assert r._refresh_cookie(c, 60)
c = "MOO=BAR; Expires=Tue, 08-Mar-2011 00:20:38 GMT; Path=foo.com; Secure"
assert "00:21:38" in r._refresh_cookie(c, 60)
def test_getset_state(self):
h = utils.Headers()
h["test"] = ["test"]
c = proxy.ClientConnect(("addr", 2222))
r = proxy.Request(c, "host", 22, "https", "GET", "/", h, "content")
req = proxy.Request(c, "host", 22, "https", "GET", "/", h, "content")
resp = proxy.Response(req, 200, "msg", h.copy(), "content")
state = resp.get_state()
assert proxy.Response.from_state(req, state) == resp
resp2 = proxy.Response(req, 220, "foo", h.copy(), "test")
assert not resp == resp2
assert resp == resp2
class uError(libpry.AutoTree):
def test_getset_state(self):
e = proxy.Error(None, "Error")
state = e.get_state()
assert proxy.Error.from_state(state) == e
assert e.copy()
e2 = proxy.Error(None, "bar")
assert not e == e2
assert e == e2
e3 = e.copy()
assert e3 == e
class uProxyError(libpry.AutoTree):
def test_simple(self):
p = proxy.ProxyError(111, "msg")
assert repr(p)
class uClientConnect(libpry.AutoTree):
def test_state(self):
c = proxy.ClientConnect(("a", 22))
assert proxy.ClientConnect.from_state(c.get_state()) == c
c2 = proxy.ClientConnect(("a", 25))
assert not c == c2
assert c == c2
c3 = c.copy()
assert c3 == c
tests = [