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import socket, time
from libmproxy.proxy.config import HostMatcher
from netlib import tcp, http_auth, http
from libpathod import pathoc, pathod
from netlib.certutils import SSLCert
import tutils, tservers
from libmproxy.protocol import KILL, Error
from libmproxy.protocol.http import CONTENT_MISSING
Note that the choice of response code in these tests matters more than you
might think. libcurl treats a 304 response code differently from, say, a
200 response code - it will correctly terminate a 304 response with no
content-length header, whereas it will block forever waiting for content
for a 200 response.
class CommonMixin:
def test_large(self):
assert len(self.pathod("200:b@50k").content) == 1024*50
def wait_until_not_live(flow):
Race condition: We don't want to replay the flow while it is still live.
s = time.time()
while flow.live:
if time.time() - s > 5:
raise RuntimeError("Flow is live for too long.")
def test_replay(self):
assert self.pathod("304").status_code == 304
if isinstance(self, tservers.HTTPUpstreamProxTest) and self.ssl:
assert len(self.master.state.view) == 2
assert len(self.master.state.view) == 1
l = self.master.state.view[-1]
assert l.response.code == 304
l.request.path = "/p/305"
rt = self.master.replay_request(l, block=True)
assert l.response.code == 305
# Disconnect error
l.request.path = "/p/305:d0"
rt = self.master.replay_request(l, block=True)
assert not rt
if isinstance(self, tservers.HTTPUpstreamProxTest):
assert l.response.code == 502
assert l.error
# Port error
l.request.port = 1
# In upstream mode, we get a 502 response from the upstream proxy server.
# In upstream mode with ssl, the replay will fail as we cannot establish SSL with the upstream proxy.
rt = self.master.replay_request(l, block=True)
assert not rt
if isinstance(self, tservers.HTTPUpstreamProxTest) and not self.ssl:
assert l.response.code == 502
assert l.error
def test_http(self):
f = self.pathod("304")
assert f.status_code == 304
l = self.master.state.view[-1] # In Upstream mode with SSL, we may already have a previous CONNECT request.
assert l.client_conn.address
assert "host" in l.request.headers
assert l.response.code == 304
def test_invalid_http(self):
t = tcp.TCPClient(("", self.proxy.port))
line = t.rfile.readline()
assert ("Bad Request" in line) or ("Bad Gateway" in line)
def test_sni(self):
if not self.ssl:
f = self.pathod("304", sni="testserver.com")
assert f.status_code == 304
log = self.server.last_log()
assert log["request"]["sni"] == "testserver.com"
class TcpMixin:
def _ignore_on(self):
assert not hasattr(self, "_ignore_backup")
self._ignore_backup = self.config.check_ignore
self.config.check_ignore = HostMatcher([".+:%s" % self.server.port] + self.config.check_ignore.patterns)
def _ignore_off(self):
assert hasattr(self, "_ignore_backup")
self.config.check_ignore = self._ignore_backup
del self._ignore_backup
def test_ignore(self):
spec = '304:h"Alternate-Protocol"="mitmproxy-will-remove-this"'
n = self.pathod(spec)
i = self.pathod(spec)
i2 = self.pathod(spec)
assert i.status_code == i2.status_code == n.status_code == 304
assert "Alternate-Protocol" in i.headers
assert "Alternate-Protocol" in i2.headers
assert "Alternate-Protocol" not in n.headers
# Test that we get the original SSL cert
if self.ssl:
i_cert = SSLCert(i.sslinfo.certchain[0])
i2_cert = SSLCert(i2.sslinfo.certchain[0])
n_cert = SSLCert(n.sslinfo.certchain[0])
assert i_cert == i2_cert
assert i_cert != n_cert
# Test Non-HTTP traffic
spec = "200:i0,@100:d0" # this results in just 100 random bytes
assert self.pathod(spec).status_code == 502 # mitmproxy responds with bad gateway
tutils.raises("invalid server response", self.pathod, spec) # pathoc tries to parse answer as HTTP
def _tcpproxy_on(self):
assert not hasattr(self, "_tcpproxy_backup")
self._tcpproxy_backup = self.config.check_tcp
self.config.check_tcp = HostMatcher([".+:%s" % self.server.port] + self.config.check_tcp.patterns)
def _tcpproxy_off(self):
assert hasattr(self, "_tcpproxy_backup")
self.config.check_ignore = self._tcpproxy_backup
del self._tcpproxy_backup
def test_tcp(self):
spec = '304:h"Alternate-Protocol"="mitmproxy-will-remove-this"'
n = self.pathod(spec)
i = self.pathod(spec)
i2 = self.pathod(spec)
assert i.status_code == i2.status_code == n.status_code == 304
assert "Alternate-Protocol" in i.headers
assert "Alternate-Protocol" in i2.headers
assert "Alternate-Protocol" not in n.headers
# Test that we get the original SSL cert
if self.ssl:
i_cert = SSLCert(i.sslinfo.certchain[0])
i2_cert = SSLCert(i2.sslinfo.certchain[0])
n_cert = SSLCert(n.sslinfo.certchain[0])
assert i_cert == i2_cert == n_cert
# Make sure that TCP messages are in the event log.
assert any("mitmproxy-will-remove-this" in m for m in self.master.log)
class AppMixin:
def test_app(self):
ret = self.app("/")
assert ret.status_code == 200
assert "mitmproxy" in ret.content
class TestHTTP(tservers.HTTPProxTest, CommonMixin, AppMixin):
def test_app_err(self):
p = self.pathoc()
ret = p.request("get:'http://errapp/'")
assert ret.status_code == 500
assert "ValueError" in ret.content
def test_invalid_connect(self):
t = tcp.TCPClient(("", self.proxy.port))
t.wfile.write("CONNECT invalid\n\n")
assert "Bad Request" in t.rfile.readline()
def test_upstream_ssl_error(self):
p = self.pathoc()
ret = p.request("get:'https://localhost:%s/'"%self.server.port)
assert ret.status_code == 400
def test_connection_close(self):
# Add a body, so we have a content-length header, which combined with
# HTTP1.1 means the connection is kept alive.
response = '%s/p/200:b@1'%self.server.urlbase
# Lets sanity check that the connection does indeed stay open by
# issuing two requests over the same connection
p = self.pathoc()
assert p.request("get:'%s'"%response)
assert p.request("get:'%s'"%response)
# Now check that the connection is closed as the client specifies
p = self.pathoc()
assert p.request("get:'%s':h'Connection'='close'"%response)
tutils.raises("disconnect", p.request, "get:'%s'"%response)
def test_reconnect(self):
req = "get:'%s/p/200:b@1:da'"%self.server.urlbase
p = self.pathoc()
assert p.request(req)
# Server has disconnected. Mitmproxy should detect this, and reconnect.
assert p.request(req)
assert p.request(req)
def test_get_connection_switching(self):
def switched(l):
for i in l:
if "serverdisconnect" in i:
return True
req = "get:'%s/p/200:b@1'"
p = self.pathoc()
assert p.request(req%self.server.urlbase)
assert p.request(req%self.server2.urlbase)
assert switched(self.proxy.log)
def test_get_connection_err(self):
p = self.pathoc()
ret = p.request("get:'http://localhost:0'")
assert ret.status_code == 502
def test_blank_leading_line(self):
p = self.pathoc()
req = "get:'%s/p/201':i0,'\r\n'"
assert p.request(req%self.server.urlbase).status_code == 201
def test_invalid_headers(self):
p = self.pathoc()
req = p.request("get:'http://foo':h':foo'='bar'")
assert req.status_code == 400
def test_empty_chunked_content(self):
connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
connection.connect(("", self.proxy.port))
spec = '301:h"Transfer-Encoding"="chunked":r:b"0\\r\\n\\r\\n"'
connection.send("GET http://localhost:%d/p/%s HTTP/1.1\r\n"%(self.server.port, spec))
resp = connection.recv(50000)
assert "content-length" in resp.lower()
def test_stream(self):
self.master.set_stream_large_bodies(1024 * 2)
assert not self.master.state.view[-1].response.stream
assert len(self.master.state.view[-1].response.content) == 1024 * 1
assert self.master.state.view[-1].response.stream
assert self.master.state.view[-1].response.content == CONTENT_MISSING
class TestHTTPAuth(tservers.HTTPProxTest):
authenticator = http_auth.BasicProxyAuth(http_auth.PassManSingleUser("test", "test"), "realm")
def test_auth(self):
assert self.pathod("202").status_code == 407
p = self.pathoc()
ret = p.request("""
http.assemble_http_basic_auth("basic", "test", "test")
assert ret.status_code == 202
class TestHTTPConnectSSLError(tservers.HTTPProxTest):
certfile = True
def test_go(self):
p = self.pathoc_raw()
dst = ("localhost", self.proxy.port)
tutils.raises("502 - Bad Gateway", p.http_connect, dst)
class TestHTTPS(tservers.HTTPProxTest, CommonMixin, TcpMixin):
ssl = True
ssloptions = pathod.SSLOptions(request_client_cert=True)
clientcerts = True
def test_clientcert(self):
f = self.pathod("304")
assert f.status_code == 304
assert self.server.last_log()["request"]["clientcert"]["keyinfo"]
def test_error_post_connect(self):
p = self.pathoc()
assert p.request("get:/:i0,'invalid\r\n\r\n'").status_code == 400
class TestHTTPSCertfile(tservers.HTTPProxTest, CommonMixin):
ssl = True
certfile = True
def test_certfile(self):
assert self.pathod("304")
class TestHTTPSNoCommonName(tservers.HTTPProxTest):
Test what happens if we get a cert without common name back.
ssl = True
certs = [
("*", tutils.test_data.path("data/no_common_name.pem"))
def test_http(self):
f = self.pathod("202")
assert f.sslinfo.certchain[0].get_subject().CN == ""
class TestReverse(tservers.ReverseProxTest, CommonMixin, TcpMixin):
reverse = True
class TestTransparent(tservers.TransparentProxTest, CommonMixin, TcpMixin):
ssl = False
class TestTransparentSSL(tservers.TransparentProxTest, CommonMixin, TcpMixin):
ssl = True
def test_sslerr(self):
p = pathoc.Pathoc(("localhost", self.proxy.port))
r = p.request("get:/")
assert r.status_code == 400
class TestProxy(tservers.HTTPProxTest):
def test_http(self):
f = self.pathod("304")
assert f.status_code == 304
f = self.master.state.view[0]
assert f.client_conn.address
assert "host" in f.request.headers
assert f.response.code == 304
def test_response_timestamps(self):
# test that we notice at least 2 sec delay between timestamps
# in response object
f = self.pathod("304:b@1k:p50,1")
assert f.status_code == 304
response = self.master.state.view[0].response
assert 1 <= response.timestamp_end - response.timestamp_start <= 1.2
def test_request_timestamps(self):
# test that we notice a delay between timestamps in request object
connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
connection.connect(("", self.proxy.port))
# call pathod server, wait a second to complete the request
connection.send("GET http://localhost:%d/p/304:b@1k HTTP/1.1\r\n"%self.server.port)
request, response = self.master.state.view[0].request, self.master.state.view[0].response
assert response.code == 304 # sanity test for our low level request
assert 0.95 < (request.timestamp_end - request.timestamp_start) < 1.2 #time.sleep might be a little bit shorter than a second
def test_request_timestamps_not_affected_by_client_time(self):
# test that don't include user wait time in request's timestamps
f = self.pathod("304:b@10k")
assert f.status_code == 304
f = self.pathod("304:b@10k")
assert f.status_code == 304
request = self.master.state.view[0].request
assert request.timestamp_end - request.timestamp_start <= 0.1
request = self.master.state.view[1].request
assert request.timestamp_end - request.timestamp_start <= 0.1
def test_request_tcp_setup_timestamp_presence(self):
# tests that the client_conn a tcp connection has a tcp_setup_timestamp
connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
connection.connect(("localhost", self.proxy.port))
connection.send("GET http://localhost:%d/p/304:b@1k HTTP/1.1\r\n"%self.server.port)
connection.send("GET http://localhost:%d/p/304:b@1k HTTP/1.1\r\n"%self.server.port)
first_flow = self.master.state.view[0]
second_flow = self.master.state.view[1]
assert first_flow.server_conn.timestamp_tcp_setup
assert first_flow.server_conn.timestamp_ssl_setup is None
assert second_flow.server_conn.timestamp_tcp_setup
assert first_flow.server_conn.timestamp_tcp_setup == second_flow.server_conn.timestamp_tcp_setup
def test_request_ip(self):
f = self.pathod("200:b@100")
assert f.status_code == 200
f = self.master.state.view[0]
assert f.server_conn.address == ("", self.server.port)
class TestProxySSL(tservers.HTTPProxTest):
def test_request_ssl_setup_timestamp_presence(self):
# tests that the ssl timestamp is present when ssl is used
f = self.pathod("304:b@10k")
assert f.status_code == 304
first_flow = self.master.state.view[0]
assert first_flow.server_conn.timestamp_ssl_setup
class MasterRedirectRequest(tservers.TestMaster):
redirect_port = None # Set by TestRedirectRequest
def handle_request(self, f):
request = f.request
if request.path == "/p/201":
addr = f.live.c.server_conn.address
assert f.live.change_server(("", self.redirect_port), ssl=False)
assert not f.live.change_server(("", self.redirect_port), ssl=False)
tutils.raises("SSL handshake error", f.live.change_server, ("", self.redirect_port), ssl=True)
assert f.live.change_server(addr, ssl=False)
request.url = "" % self.redirect_port
tservers.TestMaster.handle_request(self, f)
def handle_response(self, f):
f.response.content = str(f.client_conn.address.port)
f.response.headers["server-conn-id"] = [str(f.server_conn.source_address.port)]
tservers.TestMaster.handle_response(self, f)
class TestRedirectRequest(tservers.HTTPProxTest):
masterclass = MasterRedirectRequest
def test_redirect(self):
self.master.redirect_port = self.server2.port
p = self.pathoc()
r1 = p.request("get:'%s/p/200'"%self.server.urlbase)
assert r1.status_code == 200
assert self.server.last_log()
assert not self.server2.last_log()
r2 = p.request("get:'%s/p/201'"%self.server.urlbase)
assert r2.status_code == 201
assert not self.server.last_log()
assert self.server2.last_log()
r3 = p.request("get:'%s/p/202'"%self.server.urlbase)
assert r3.status_code == 202
assert self.server.last_log()
assert not self.server2.last_log()
assert r1.content == r2.content == r3.content
assert r1.headers.get_first("server-conn-id") == r3.headers.get_first("server-conn-id")
# Make sure that we actually use the same connection in this test case
class MasterStreamRequest(tservers.TestMaster):
Enables the stream flag on the flow for all requests
def handle_responseheaders(self, f):
f.response.stream = True
class TestStreamRequest(tservers.HTTPProxTest):
masterclass = MasterStreamRequest
def test_stream_simple(self):
p = self.pathoc()
# a request with 100k of data but without content-length
r1 = p.request("get:'%s/p/200:r:b@100k:d102400'"%self.server.urlbase)
assert r1.status_code == 200
assert len(r1.content) > 100000
assert self.server.last_log()
def test_stream_multiple(self):
p = self.pathoc()
# simple request with streaming turned on
r1 = p.request("get:'%s/p/200'"%self.server.urlbase)
assert r1.status_code == 200
assert self.server.last_log()
# now send back 100k of data, streamed but not chunked
r1 = p.request("get:'%s/p/200:b@100k'"%self.server.urlbase)
assert r1.status_code == 200
assert self.server.last_log()
def test_stream_chunked(self):
connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
connection.connect(("", self.proxy.port))
fconn = connection.makefile()
spec = '200:h"Transfer-Encoding"="chunked":r:b"4\\r\\nthis\\r\\n7\\r\\nisatest\\r\\n0\\r\\n\\r\\n"'
connection.send("GET %s/p/%s HTTP/1.1\r\n"%(self.server.urlbase, spec))
httpversion, code, msg, headers, content = http.read_response(fconn, "GET", None, include_body=False)
assert headers["Transfer-Encoding"][0] == 'chunked'
assert code == 200
chunks = list(content for _, content, _ in http.read_http_body_chunked(fconn, headers, None, "GET", 200, False))
assert chunks == ["this", "isatest", ""]
class MasterFakeResponse(tservers.TestMaster):
def handle_request(self, f):
resp = tutils.tresp()
class TestFakeResponse(tservers.HTTPProxTest):
masterclass = MasterFakeResponse
def test_fake(self):
f = self.pathod("200")
assert "header_response" in f.headers.keys()
class MasterKillRequest(tservers.TestMaster):
def handle_request(self, f):
class TestKillRequest(tservers.HTTPProxTest):
masterclass = MasterKillRequest
def test_kill(self):
tutils.raises("server disconnect", self.pathod, "200")
# Nothing should have hit the server
assert not self.server.last_log()
class MasterKillResponse(tservers.TestMaster):
def handle_response(self, f):
class TestKillResponse(tservers.HTTPProxTest):
masterclass = MasterKillResponse
def test_kill(self):
tutils.raises("server disconnect", self.pathod, "200")
# The server should have seen a request
assert self.server.last_log()
class EResolver(tservers.TResolver):
def original_addr(self, sock):
raise RuntimeError("Could not resolve original destination.")
class TestTransparentResolveError(tservers.TransparentProxTest):
resolver = EResolver
def test_resolve_error(self):
assert self.pathod("304").status_code == 502
class MasterIncomplete(tservers.TestMaster):
def handle_request(self, f):
resp = tutils.tresp()
resp.content = CONTENT_MISSING
class TestIncompleteResponse(tservers.HTTPProxTest):
masterclass = MasterIncomplete
def test_incomplete(self):
assert self.pathod("200").status_code == 502
class TestCertForward(tservers.HTTPProxTest):
certforward = True
ssl = True
def test_app_err(self):
tutils.raises("handshake error", self.pathod, "200:b@100")
class TestUpstreamProxy(tservers.HTTPUpstreamProxTest, CommonMixin, AppMixin):
ssl = False
def test_order(self):
self.proxy.tmaster.replacehooks.add("~q", "foo", "bar") # replace in request
self.chain[0].tmaster.replacehooks.add("~q", "bar", "baz")
self.chain[1].tmaster.replacehooks.add("~q", "foo", "oh noes!")
self.chain[0].tmaster.replacehooks.add("~s", "baz", "ORLY") # replace in response
p = self.pathoc()
req = p.request("get:'%s/p/418:b\"foo\"'" % self.server.urlbase)
assert req.content == "ORLY"
assert req.status_code == 418
class TestUpstreamProxySSL(tservers.HTTPUpstreamProxTest, CommonMixin, TcpMixin):
ssl = True
def _host_pattern_on(self, attr):
Updates config.check_tcp or check_ignore, depending on attr.
assert not hasattr(self, "_ignore_%s_backup" % attr)
backup = []
for proxy in self.chain:
old_matcher = getattr(proxy.tmaster.server.config, "check_%s" % attr)
"check_%s" % attr,
HostMatcher([".+:%s" % self.server.port] + old_matcher.patterns)
setattr(self, "_ignore_%s_backup" % attr, backup)
def _host_pattern_off(self, attr):
backup = getattr(self, "_ignore_%s_backup" % attr)
for proxy in reversed(self.chain):
"check_%s" % attr,
assert not backup
delattr(self, "_ignore_%s_backup" % attr)
def _ignore_on(self):
super(TestUpstreamProxySSL, self)._ignore_on()
def _ignore_off(self):
super(TestUpstreamProxySSL, self)._ignore_off()
def _tcpproxy_on(self):
super(TestUpstreamProxySSL, self)._tcpproxy_on()
def _tcpproxy_off(self):
super(TestUpstreamProxySSL, self)._tcpproxy_off()
def test_simple(self):
p = self.pathoc()
req = p.request("get:'/p/418:b\"content\"'")
assert req.content == "content"
assert req.status_code == 418
assert self.proxy.tmaster.state.flow_count() == 2 # CONNECT from pathoc to chain[0],
# request from pathoc to chain[0]
assert self.chain[0].tmaster.state.flow_count() == 2 # CONNECT from proxy to chain[1],
# request from proxy to chain[1]
assert self.chain[1].tmaster.state.flow_count() == 1 # request from chain[0] (regular proxy doesn't store CONNECTs)
def test_closing_connect_response(self):
def handle_request(f):
f.request.httpversion = (1, 0)
del f.request.headers["Content-Length"]
_handle_request = self.chain[0].tmaster.handle_request
self.chain[0].tmaster.handle_request = handle_request
assert self.pathoc().request("get:/p/418").status_code == 418
self.chain[0].tmaster.handle_request = _handle_request
class TestProxyChainingSSLReconnect(tservers.HTTPUpstreamProxTest):
ssl = True
def test_reconnect(self):
Tests proper functionality of ConnectionHandler.server_reconnect mock.
If we have a disconnect on a secure connection that's transparently proxified to
an upstream http proxy, we need to send the CONNECT request again.
def kill_requests(master, attr, exclude):
k = [0] # variable scope workaround: put into array
_func = getattr(master, attr)
def handler(f):
k[0] += 1
if not (k[0] in exclude):
f.error = Error("terminated")
return _func(f)
setattr(master, attr, handler)
kill_requests(self.chain[1].tmaster, "handle_request",
# fail first request
2, # allow second request
kill_requests(self.chain[0].tmaster, "handle_request",
# fail first request
3, # reCONNECT
4, # request
p = self.pathoc()
req = p.request("get:'/p/418:b\"content\"'")
assert self.proxy.tmaster.state.flow_count() == 2 # CONNECT and request
assert self.chain[0].tmaster.state.flow_count() == 4 # CONNECT, failing request,
# reCONNECT, request
assert self.chain[1].tmaster.state.flow_count() == 2 # failing request, request
# (doesn't store (repeated) CONNECTs from chain[0]
# as it is a regular proxy)
assert req.content == "content"
assert req.status_code == 418
assert not self.chain[1].tmaster.state._flow_list[0].response # killed
assert self.chain[1].tmaster.state._flow_list[1].response
assert self.proxy.tmaster.state._flow_list[0].request.form_in == "authority"
assert self.proxy.tmaster.state._flow_list[1].request.form_in == "relative"
assert self.chain[0].tmaster.state._flow_list[0].request.form_in == "authority"
assert self.chain[0].tmaster.state._flow_list[1].request.form_in == "relative"
assert self.chain[0].tmaster.state._flow_list[2].request.form_in == "authority"
assert self.chain[0].tmaster.state._flow_list[3].request.form_in == "relative"
assert self.chain[1].tmaster.state._flow_list[0].request.form_in == "relative"
assert self.chain[1].tmaster.state._flow_list[1].request.form_in == "relative"
req = p.request("get:'/p/418:b\"content2\"'")
assert req.status_code == 502
assert self.proxy.tmaster.state.flow_count() == 3 # + new request
assert self.chain[0].tmaster.state.flow_count() == 6 # + new request, repeated CONNECT from chain[1]
# (both terminated)
assert self.chain[1].tmaster.state.flow_count() == 2 # nothing happened here