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KILL = 0 # const for killed requests
class ConnectionTypeChange(Exception):
Gets raised if the connetion type has been changed (e.g. after HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols).
It's up to the raising ProtocolHandler to specify the new conntype before raising the exception.
class ProtocolHandler(object):
def __init__(self, c):
self.c = c
"""@type : libmproxy.proxy.ConnectionHandler"""
def handle_messages(self):
This method gets called if a client connection has been made. Depending on the proxy settings,
a server connection might already exist as well.
raise NotImplementedError
def handle_error(self, error):
This method gets called should there be an uncaught exception during the connection.
This might happen outside of handle_messages, e.g. if the initial SSL handshake fails in transparent mode.
raise error
class TemporaryServerChangeMixin(object):
This mixin allows safe modification of the target server,
without any need to expose the ConnectionHandler to the Flow.
def change_server(self):
self._backup_server = True
raise NotImplementedError
def restore_server(self):
if not hasattr(self,"_backup_server"):
raise NotImplementedError
from . import http, tcp
protocols = {
'http': dict(handler=http.HTTPHandler, flow=http.HTTPFlow),
'tcp': dict(handler=tcp.TCPHandler)
} # PyCharm type hinting behaves bad if this is a dict constructor...
def _handler(conntype, connection_handler):
if conntype in protocols:
return protocols[conntype]["handler"](connection_handler)
raise NotImplementedError
def handle_messages(conntype, connection_handler):
return _handler(conntype, connection_handler).handle_messages()
def handle_error(conntype, connection_handler, error):
return _handler(conntype, connection_handler).handle_error(error)