from __future__ import annotations import os import json import logging from typing import Union, Optional, Type, TYPE_CHECKING, List, Any, Dict from .http import HTTPClient from .model.base import ( EnkaNetworkResponse, EnkaNetworkProfileResponse ) from .model.hoyos import PlayerHoyos from import Builds from .assets import Assets from .enum import Language from .cache import Cache, StaticCache from .config import Config from .tools import ( merge_raw_data ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing_extensions import Self from types import TracebackType __all__ = ("EnkaNetworkAPI",) class EnkaNetworkAPI: """ A library for API wrapper player by UID / Username from Parameters ------------ lang: :class:`str` Init default language debug: :class:`bool` If set to `True`. In request data or get assets. It's will be shown log processing key: :class:`str` Depercated cache: :class:`bool` If set to `True`. In response data will be cache data user_agent: :class:`str` User-Agent for speical to request Enka.Network timeout: :class:`int` Request timeout to Enka.Network Attributes ------------ assets: :class:`Assets` Assets character / artifact / namecards / language / etc. data http: :class:`HTTPClient` HTTP for request and handle data lang: :class:`Language` A default language Example ------------ ```py import asyncio from enkanetwork import EnkaNetworkAPI client = EnkaNetworkAPI(lang="th",user_agent="SpeicalAgent/1.0") async def main(): async with client: data = await client.fetch_user(843715177) print(data.player.nickname) ``` """ LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __init__( self, *, lang: str = "en", debug: bool = False, key: str = "", cache: bool = True, user_agent: str = "", timeout: int = 10 ) -> None: # noqa: E501 # Logging logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger("enkanetwork").setLevel(logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.ERROR) # noqa: E501 # Set language and load config self.assets = Assets(lang) # Cache self._enable_cache = cache if self._enable_cache: Config.init_cache(StaticCache(1024, 60 * 1)) # http client self.__http = HTTPClient(key=key, agent=user_agent, timeout=timeout) self._closed = False async def __aenter__(self) -> Self: return self async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_value: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: self._closed = True if self._closed: await self.__http.close() def is_closed(self) -> bool: return self._closed @property def http(self) -> HTTPClient: return self.__http @http.setter def http(self, http: HTTPClient) -> None: self.__http = http @property def lang(self) -> Language: return self.assets.LANGS @lang.setter def lang(self, lang: Language) -> None: self.assets._set_language(lang) def set_cache(self, cache: Cache) -> None: Config.init_cache(cache) async def set_language(self, lang: Language) -> None: self.lang = lang async def fetch_user_by_uid( self, uid: Union[str, int], *, info: bool = False ) -> EnkaNetworkResponse: """ Fetch user profile by UID Parameters ------------ uid: Union[:class:`str`,:class:`int`] UID player in-game info: :class:`bool` If set to `True`. It's will response player info only Raises ------------ VaildateUIDError Player UID empty/format has incorrect. EnkaPlayerNotFound Player UID doesn't not exists in-game EnkaServerRateLimit Enka.Network has been rate limit EnkaServerMaintanance Enka.Network has maintenance server EnkaServerError Enka.Network has server error (The reason normal is `general`) EnkaServerUnknown Enka.Network has error another Returns ------------ :class:`EnkaNetworkResponse` The response player data """ # Loda cache cache = await self.__get_cache(uid) if cache: return EnkaNetworkResponse.parse_obj(cache) data = await self.__http.fetch_user_by_uid(uid, info=info) data = self.__format_json(data) # Return data self.LOGGER.debug("Parsing data...") # Store cache await self.__store_cache(uid, data) if "owner" in data: data["owner"] = { **data["owner"], "builds": await self.fetch_builds( profile_id=data["owner"]["username"], metaname=data["owner"]["hash"] ) } return EnkaNetworkResponse.parse_obj(data) async def fetch_user_by_username( self, profile_id: Optional[str] ) -> EnkaNetworkProfileResponse: """ Fetch user profile by Username / patreon ID Parameters ------------ profile_id: Optional[:class:`str`] Username / patreon ID has subscriptions in Enka.Network Raises ------------ EnkaPlayerNotFound Player UID doesn't not exists in-game EnkaServerRateLimit Enka.Network has been rate limit EnkaServerMaintanance Enka.Network has maintenance server EnkaServerError Enka.Network has server error (The reason normal is `general`) EnkaServerUnknown Enka.Network has error another Returns ------------ :class:`EnkaNetworkProfileResponse` The response profile / hoyos and builds data """ # Loda cache cache = await self.__get_cache(profile_id) if cache: return EnkaNetworkProfileResponse.parse_obj(cache) data = await self.__http.fetch_user_by_username(profile_id) data = self.__format_json(data) self.LOGGER.debug("Parsing data...") # Store cache await self.__store_cache(profile_id, data) # Fetch hoyos and build(s) data = { **data, "hoyos": await self.fetch_hoyos_by_username(profile_id) } return EnkaNetworkProfileResponse.parse_obj(data) async def fetch_hoyos_by_username( self, profile_id: Optional[str] ) -> List[PlayerHoyos]: """ Fetch hoyos user data by Username / patreon ID Parameters ------------ profile_id: Optional[:class:`str`] Username / patreon ID has subscriptions in Enka.Network Raises ------------ EnkaPlayerNotFound Player UID doesn't not exists in-game EnkaServerRateLimit Enka.Network has been rate limit EnkaServerMaintanance Enka.Network has maintenance server EnkaServerError Enka.Network has server error (The reason normal is `general`) EnkaServerUnknown Enka.Network has error another Returns ------------ List[:class:`PlayerHoyos`] A response hoyos player data """ key = profile_id + ":hoyos" # Loda cache cache = await self.__get_cache(key) if cache: return self.__format_hoyos(profile_id, cache) data = await self.__http.fetch_hoyos_by_username(profile_id) data = self.__format_json(data) self.LOGGER.debug("Parsing data...") # Store cache await self.__store_cache(key, data) return await self.__format_hoyos(profile_id, data) async def fetch_builds( self, *, profile_id: Optional[str], metaname: Optional[str] ) -> Builds: """ Fetch hoyos build(s) data Parameters ------------ profile_id: Optional[:class:`str`] Username / patreon ID has subscriptions in Enka.Network metaname: Optional[:class:`str`] Metaname from hoyos data or owner tag in hash field Raises ------------ EnkaPlayerNotFound Player UID doesn't not exists in-game EnkaServerRateLimit Enka.Network has been rate limit EnkaServerMaintanance Enka.Network has maintenance server EnkaServerError Enka.Network has server error (The reason normal is `general`) EnkaServerUnknown Enka.Network has error another Returns ------------ :class:`Builds` A response builds data """ key = profile_id + ":hoyos:" + metaname + ":builds" # Loda cache cache = await self.__get_cache(key) if cache: return Builds.parse_obj(cache) data = await self.__http.fetch_hoyos_by_username( profile_id, metaname, True) data = self.__format_json(data) self.LOGGER.debug("Parsing data...") # Store cache await self.__store_cache(key, data) return Builds.parse_obj(data) async def fetch_raw_data(self, uid: Union[str, int], *, info: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: # noqa """Fetches raw data for a user with the given UID. """ # Loda cache cache = await self.__get_cache(uid) if cache: return cache data = await self.__http.fetch_user_by_uid(uid, info=info) data = self.__format_json(data) # Store cache await self.__store_cache(uid, data, cache=cache) return data async def sync_build(self, uid: Union[str, int], old_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: # noqa """ Sync build data Parameters ---------- uid: Union[:class:`str`,:class:`int`] The UID of the user to fetch data for. old_data: Dict[:class:`str`, Any] The build old data. Returns ------ A dictionary containing the merged data. """ new_data = await self.fetch_raw_data(uid) return await merge_raw_data(new_data, old_data) async def update_assets(self) -> None: print("Updating assets...") self.LOGGER.debug("Downloading new content...") path = Assets._get_path_assets() for folder in path: for filename in os.listdir(path[folder]): self.LOGGER.debug(f"Downloading {folder} file {filename}...") data = await self.__http.fetch_asset(folder, filename) self.LOGGER.debug(f"Writing {folder} file {filename}...") # dumps to json file with open(os.path.join(path[folder], filename), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(json.loads(data["content"]), f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) # Reload config self.assets.reload_assets() async def __format_hoyos(self, username: str, data: List[Any]) -> List[PlayerHoyos]: # noqa return [PlayerHoyos.parse_obj({ "builds": await self.fetch_builds(profile_id=username, metaname=data[key]["hash"]), **data[key] }) for key in data] def __format_json(self, data: Any): data = data["content"] return json.loads(data) async def __get_cache( self, cache_key: str, ): key = cache_key # Check config if Config.CACHE_ENABLED: self.LOGGER.warning(f"Getting data {key} from cache...") data = await Config.CACHE.get(key) if data is not None: self.LOGGER.debug("Parsing data...") return data return data async def __store_cache(self, key: str, data: Any, *, cache: Any = None): if Config.CACHE_ENABLED: self.LOGGER.debug(f"Caching data {key}...") if cache is None: await Config.CACHE.set(key, data) else: await Config.CACHE.set(key, await self.merge_raw_data(data, cache_data=cache)) # noqa # Concept by python library fetch_user = fetch_user_by_uid fetch_profile = fetch_user_by_username merge_raw_data = merge_raw_data