2022-08-14 16:45:44 +07:00

170 lines
6.1 KiB

# -*- Mode: python -*-
import enkanetwork
import json
from enkanetwork.enum import ElementType, Language, EquipmentsType
from enkanetwork.model.equipments import Equipments
# Init enkanetwork client
client = enkanetwork.client.EnkaNetworkAPI(lang=enkanetwork.Language.TH)
with open("test.json", "r") as f:
_j = json.load(f)
def test_get_asset_data() -> None:
Test case 1:
Get asset data
for lang in list(Language):
client.lang = lang.value
for ids in client.assets.CHARACTERS_IDS:
data = client.assets.character(ids)
# Check character data
assert data is not None # Check data is None
if not data.id in [10000005, 10000007]:
assert data.id == int(ids) # Check id is correct
if data.skill_id > 0:
assert f"{data.id}-{data.skill_id}" == ids # Check id is correct (Tarveler)
assert str(data.id)[:2] != "11" # Check id is not 11xx (Test character)
assert data.element in list(ElementType) # Check element is correct
# Check icon filename
assert "_AvatarIcon_" in data.images.icon.filename and \
"_AvatarIcon_Side_" in data.images.side.filename and \
"_Gacha_AvatarImg_" in data.images.banner.filename and \
"_Card" in data.images.card.filename
assert data.images.icon.url.startswith("https://") and \
data.images.side.url.startswith("https://") and \
data.images.banner.url.startswith("https://") and \
# Get name hash map
name = client.assets.get_hash_map(data.hash_id)
assert name is not None
# Get constellations
for constellations in data.constellations:
_constellations = client.assets.constellations(constellations)
assert _constellations is not None
assert "UI_Talent_" in _constellations.icon.filename
assert _constellations.icon.url.startswith("https://")
# Get name hash map
name = client.assets.get_hash_map(_constellations.hash_id)
assert name is not None
# Get skills
for skill in data.skills:
_skill = client.assets.skills(skill)
assert _skill is not None
assert "Skill_" in _skill.icon.filename
assert _skill.icon.url.startswith("https://")
# Get name hash map
name = client.assets.get_hash_map(_skill.hash_id)
assert name is not None
def test_artifacts() -> None:
Test case 2:
Test equipments star
for star in _j["artifacts"]:
raw = _j["artifacts"][star]
data = Equipments.parse_obj(raw)
assert data.id == raw["itemId"]
assert data.type in list(EquipmentsType)
assert data.detail.name is not None
assert data.detail.icon is not None
assert data.detail.icon.url.startswith("https://")
assert data.detail.rarity != 0
assert data.level == raw["reliquary"]["level"] - 1
# Stats
assert data.detail.mainstats is not None
assert data.detail.mainstats.prop_id != ""
assert data.detail.mainstats.name is not None
if len(data.detail.substats) > 0:
for sub in data.detail.substats:
assert sub.prop_id != ""
assert sub.name is not None
def test_weapons():
Test case 3:
Test weapons star
for star in _j["weapons"]:
raw = _j["weapons"][star]
data = Equipments.parse_obj(raw)
assert data.id == raw["itemId"]
assert data.type in list(EquipmentsType)
assert data.detail.name is not None
assert data.detail.icon is not None
assert data.detail.icon.url.startswith("https://")
assert data.detail.rarity != 0
assert data.level == raw["weapon"]["level"]
# Stats
assert data.detail.mainstats is not None
assert data.detail.mainstats.prop_id != ""
assert data.detail.mainstats.name is not None
if len(data.detail.substats) > 0:
for sub in data.detail.substats:
assert sub.prop_id != ""
assert sub.name is not None
assert data.level == raw["weapon"]["level"]
if "affixMap" in raw["weapon"]:
assert data.refinement == raw["weapon"]["affixMap"][list(raw["weapon"]["affixMap"].keys())[0]] + 1
def test_costumes() -> None:
Test case 4:
Test characters costumes
for costume in client.assets.COSTUMES_IDS:
_costume = client.assets.character_costume(costume)
assert _costume is not None
assert _costume.id == int(costume)
# Check icon filename
assert "_AvatarIcon_" in _costume.images.icon.filename and \
"_AvatarIcon_Side_" in _costume.images.side.filename and \
"_Costume_" in _costume.images.banner.filename and \
"_Card" in _costume.images.card.filename
assert _costume.images.icon.url.startswith("https://") and \
_costume.images.side.url.startswith("https://") and \
_costume.images.banner.url.startswith("https://") and \
def test_namecards() -> None:
Test case 5:
Test namecards
for costume in client.assets.NAMECARD_IDS:
_namecard = client.assets.namecards(costume)
assert _namecard is not None
assert _namecard.id == int(costume)
# Check icon filename
assert _namecard.icon.url.startswith("https://") and \
_namecard.banner.url.startswith("https://") and \
# Get name hash map
name = client.assets.get_hash_map(_namecard.hash_id)
assert name is not None