Go to file
2022-12-07 19:50:10 +08:00
.github/workflows Remove lint 2022-08-14 16:45:06 +07:00
enkanetwork Update new assets 3.3 2022-12-07 19:50:10 +08:00
example Pertty field 2022-11-19 15:48:08 +07:00
.gitignore ignore virtualenv data 2022-10-13 00:57:15 +07:00
LICENSE Init project 2022-06-22 13:14:31 +07:00
MANIFEST.in Change "json" to "assets" 2022-07-17 13:05:20 +07:00
README_TH.md renamed __pydantic_self__ to self 2022-08-17 11:54:16 +07:00
README.md Fix hash 2022-11-27 12:24:24 +07:00
requirements.txt Add cachetools 2022-08-03 00:40:36 +07:00
setup.py to private 2022-08-13 13:46:33 +07:00
test.json Add test checker 2022-08-02 12:29:06 +07:00
test.py Add new test case and update case 2022-08-14 16:45:44 +07:00

Enka Network Python


Library for API wrapper data from site https://enka.network/

🏓 Table of content


pip install enkanetwork.py


import asyncio

from enkanetwork import EnkaNetworkAPI

client = EnkaNetworkAPI()

async def main():
    async with client:
        data = await client.fetch_user(843715177)
        print("=== Player Info ===")
        print(f"Nickname: {data.player.nickname}")
        print(f"Level: {data.player.level}")
        print(f"Icon: {data.player.icon.url}")
        print(f"Signature: {data.player.signature}")
        print(f"Achievement: {data.player.achievement}")
        print(f"Abyss floor: {data.player.abyss_floor} - {data.player.abyss_room}")
        print(f"Cache timeout: {data.ttl}")



=== Player Info ===
Nickname: mrwan2546
Level: 55
Icon: https://enka.network/ui/UI_AvatarIcon_Kazuha.png
Signature: K A Z U H A M U C H <3
Achievement: 396
Abyss floor: 8 - 3
Cache timeout: 300


Please see in example folder.

Class Methods

Name Description
fetch_user(uid) Fetch user data
set_language(lang) Set new language
Please see Languages Supported
update_assets() Update new assets from repo Enkanetwork.py Data



Wrapper API Notes
nickname nickname Please see Namecard
signature signature
world_level worldLevel
achievement finishAchievementNum
namecard namecardId
namecards showNameCardIdList -> id Please see Namecard
abyss_floor towerFloorIndex
abyss_room towerLevelIndex
characters_preview showAvatarInfoList Please see Character Preview
avatar profilePicture Please see Avatar Icon

Avatar icon

Wrapper API Notes
id avatarId
icon Please see Icon Data


Wrapper API Notes
id - Namecard ID
name - Namecard name
icon - Namecard icon, Please see Icon Data
banner - Namecard banner, Please see Icon Data
navbar - Namecard navbar (Alpha), Please see Icon Data

Character preview

Wrapper API Notes
id - Avatar ID
name - Avatar Name
level - Avatar Level
icon - Avatar Icon, Please see Icon Data


Wrapper API Notes
id avatarId
name - Avatar Name
element - Please see Element Type
rarity - Rarity
image - Please see Icon
xp propMap -> 1001
ascension propMap -> 1002
level propMap -> 4001
max_level - Avatar max level (Like 50/60)
friendship_level fetterInfo.level
equipments equipList Please see Equipments
stats fightPropMap Please see FIGHT_PROP Data
constellations talentIdList Please see Constellation
constellations_unlocked - Constellation unlocked
skill_data inherentProudSkillList
skill_id skillDepotId
skills - Please see Skill


Wrapper API Notes
icon - Avatar icon, Please see Icon Data
side - Avatar side icon, Please see Icon Data
banner - Avatar wish banner, Please see Icon Data


Wrapper API Notes
id - Constellation ID
name - Constellation Name
icon - Constellation Icon (URL)
unlocked - Constellation has unlocked


Wrapper API Notes
id - Skill ID
name - Skill Name
icon - Skill Icon (URL)
level - Skill Level

Equipments (Artifact, Weapon)

Wrapper API Notes
id itemId
level reliquary -> level, weapon -> level
type - Type of equipment (Artifact or Weapon)
refinement weapon -> affixMap
ascension weapon -> promoteLevel
detail flat Please see Equipments Info

Equipments Info

Wrapper API Notes
name - Equipment Name (Artifact name or Weapon name)
icon icon Please see Icon Data
artifact_type - Please see Artifact Type
rarity rankLevel
mainstats reliquaryMainstat, weaponStats -> 0 Please see Equipments Stats
substats reliquarySubstats, weaponStats -> 1 Please see Equipments Stats

Equipments Stats

Wrapper API Notes
prop_id prop_id
type - Value type (NUMBER or PERCENT)
name - Name of FIGHT_PROP
value value


In FIGHT_PROP data. You can get the value from 4 methods.

Choice Example Output
Get raw value stats.FIGHT_PROP_HP.value 15552.306640625
Get rounded value stats.FIGHT_PROP_ATTACK.to_rounded() 344
Get percentage stats.FIGHT_PROP_FIRE_ADD_HURT.to_percentage() 61.5
Get percentage and symbol stats.FIGHT_PROP_FIRE_ADD_HURT.to_percentage_symbol() 61.5%

Icon Data

In icon data. You can get the value from 2 methods.

Choice Example Output
Get filename icon.filename UI_AvatarIcon_Kazuha_Card.png
Get URL icon.url https://enka.network/ui/UI_AvatarIcon_Kazuha_Card.png

Artifact Type

Key Value

Element Type

Key Value
Cryo Ice
Hydro Water
Anemo Wind
Pyro Fire
Geo Rock
Electro Electric


Assets character, constellations, skills, namecards

You can use avatarId to get the character, constellations, skills, namecards from assets.

import asyncio

from enkanetwork import Assets

assets = Assets()

async def main():
    # Character
    # Constellations
    # Skills
    # Namecards
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Assets NameTextMapHash

The NameTextMapHash is a hash map that contains the name text of the assets. You can get NameTextMapHash from hash_id like this:

import asyncio

from enkanetwork import Assets

assets = Assets(lang="en") # Set languege before get name (Ex. English)

async def main():
    print(assets.get_hash_map(1940919994)) # Hu tao
    # OR you can get FIGHT_PROP name
    print(assets.get_hash_map("FIGHT_PROP_BASE_ATTACK")) # Base ATK
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Languages Supported

Languege Code
English en
русский ru
Tiếng Việt vi
ไทย th
português pt
한국어 kr
日本語 jp
中文 zh
Indonesian id
français fr
español es
deutsch de
Taiwan cht
Chinese chs

If you want full docs for the API, visit EnkaNetwork API Docs

Support & Question

If you need support or some question about EnkaNetwokt.py. You can feel free contact to me in Enka.network discord server in 𝖯𝖸┃enkanetworkpy channel and mention (Ping) to @M-307 for support and help


MIT License
