# FixMiYouShe Embed MiYouShe posts, videos, polls, and more on Telegram ![][icons] [![License][licensebadge]][license] [icons]: https://skillicons.dev/icons?i=py,fastapi,idea [license]: https://github.com/PaiGramTeam/FixMiYouShe/blob/main/LICENSE.md [licensebadge]: https://img.shields.io/github/license/PaiGramTeam/FixMiYouShe # Quick Start Change `www.miyoushe.com` to `www.miyoushe.gay` in your link `https://www.miyoushe.com/sr/article/42010403` to `https://www.miyoushe.gay/sr/article/42010403` ![1.png](docs/1.png) # Features - [x] Embed articles # FAQ ## Why use this? Because the MiYouShe website used vue.js to render the page, and the telegram can't parse it. ## Why telegram parse so long? Telegram caches the embeds, so it might take a while for the embed to show up.