from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Optional, Union, TYPE_CHECKING import aiofiles import httpx from httpx import UnsupportedProtocol from telegram import Chat, Message, ReplyKeyboardRemove, Update from telegram.error import Forbidden, NetworkError from telegram.ext import CallbackContext, ConversationHandler, Job from gram_core.dependence.redisdb import RedisDB from gram_core.plugin._handler import conversation, handler from utils.const import CACHE_DIR, REQUEST_HEADERS from utils.error import UrlResourcesNotFoundError from utils.helpers import sha1 from utils.log import logger if TYPE_CHECKING: from gram_core.application import Application try: import ujson as json except ImportError: import json __all__ = ( "PluginFuncs", "ConversationFuncs", ) class PluginFuncs: _application: "Optional[Application]" = None def set_application(self, application: "Application") -> None: self._application = application @property def application(self) -> "Application": if self._application is None: raise RuntimeError("No application was set for this PluginManager.") return self._application async def _delete_message(self, context: CallbackContext) -> None: job = context.job message_id = chat_info = f"chat_id[{job.chat_id}]" try: chat = await self.get_chat(job.chat_id) full_name = chat.full_name if full_name: chat_info = f"{full_name}[{}]" else: chat_info = f"{chat.title}[{}]" except (NetworkError, Forbidden) as exc: logger.warning("获取 chat info 失败 %s", exc.message) except Exception as exc: logger.warning("获取 chat info 消息失败 %s", str(exc)) logger.debug("删除消息 %s message_id[%s]", chat_info, message_id) try: # noinspection PyTypeChecker await, message_id=message_id) except NetworkError as exc: logger.warning("删除消息 %s message_id[%s] 失败 %s", chat_info, message_id, exc.message) except Forbidden as exc: logger.warning("删除消息 %s message_id[%s] 失败 %s", chat_info, message_id, exc.message) except Exception as exc: logger.error("删除消息 %s message_id[%s] 失败 %s", chat_info, message_id, exc_info=exc) async def get_chat(self, chat_id: Union[str, int], redis_db: Optional[RedisDB] = None, expire: int = 86400) -> Chat: application = self.application redis_db: RedisDB = redis_db or self.application.managers.dependency_map.get(RedisDB, None) if not redis_db: return await qname = f"bot:chat:{chat_id}" data = await redis_db.client.get(qname) if data: json_data = json.loads(data) return Chat.de_json(json_data, chat_info = await await redis_db.client.set(qname, chat_info.to_json(), ex=expire) return chat_info def add_delete_message_job( self, message: Optional[Union[int, Message]] = None, *, delay: int = 60, name: Optional[str] = None, chat: Optional[Union[int, Chat]] = None, context: Optional[CallbackContext] = None, ) -> Job: """延迟删除消息""" if isinstance(message, Message): if chat is None: chat = message.chat_id message = chat = if isinstance(chat, Chat) else chat job_queue = self.application.job_queue or context.job_queue if job_queue is None or chat is None: raise RuntimeError return job_queue.run_once( callback=self._delete_message, when=delay, data=message, name=f"{chat}|{message}|{name}|delete_message" if name else f"{chat}|{message}|delete_message", chat_id=chat, job_kwargs={"replace_existing": True, "id": f"{chat}|{message}|delete_message"}, ) @staticmethod async def download_resource(url: str, return_path: bool = False) -> str: url_sha1 = sha1(url) # url 的 hash 值 pathed_url = Path(url) file_name = url_sha1 + pathed_url.suffix file_path = CACHE_DIR.joinpath(file_name) if not file_path.exists(): # 若文件不存在,则下载 async with httpx.AsyncClient(headers=REQUEST_HEADERS, timeout=10) as client: try: response = await client.get(url) except UnsupportedProtocol: logger.error("链接不支持 url[%s]", url) return "" if response.is_error: logger.error("请求出现错误 url[%s] status_code[%s]", url, response.status_code) raise UrlResourcesNotFoundError(url) if response.status_code != 200: logger.error("download_resource 获取url[%s] 错误 status_code[%s]", url, response.status_code) raise UrlResourcesNotFoundError(url) async with, mode="wb") as f: await f.write(response.content) logger.debug("download_resource 获取url[%s] 并下载到 file_dir[%s]", url, file_path) return file_path if return_path else Path(file_path).as_uri() @staticmethod def get_args(context: CallbackContext) -> List[str]: args = context.args match = context.match if args is None: if match is not None and (command := match.groups()[0]): temp = [] command_parts = command.split(" ") for command_part in command_parts: if command_part: temp.append(command_part) return temp return [] if len(args) >= 1: return args return [] class ConversationFuncs: @conversation.fallback @handler.command(command="cancel", block=False) async def cancel(self, update: Update, _) -> int: await update.effective_message.reply_text("退出命令", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return ConversationHandler.END