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synced 2024-12-04 18:51:26 +00:00
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import asyncio
import contextlib
from typing import Callable, Coroutine, Any, Union, List, Dict, Optional, TypeVar, Type, TYPE_CHECKING, Awaitable
from telegram.error import RetryAfter
from telegram.ext import AIORateLimiter
from telegram.ext._aioratelimiter import null_context
from utils.log import logger
from gram_core.application import Application
JSONDict: Type[dict[str, Any]] = Dict[str, Any]
RL_ARGS = TypeVar("RL_ARGS")
T_CalledAPIFunc = Callable[[str, Dict[str, Any], Union[bool, JSONDict, List[JSONDict]]], Awaitable[Any]]
class RateLimiter(AIORateLimiter):
_lock = asyncio.Lock()
__slots__ = (
def __init__(
max_retries: int = 5,
) -> None:
self._application: Optional["Application"] = None
self._retry_after_event_map: Dict[int, asyncio.Event] = {0: asyncio.Event()}
def clear_group_retry_after_event(self, group: Union[str, int]) -> None:
for key, retry_after_event in self._retry_after_event_map.copy().items():
if key == group:
if retry_after_event.is_set():
del self._retry_after_event_map[key]
async def _get_group_retry_after_event(self, group: Union[str, int]) -> asyncio.Event:
async with self._lock:
event = self._retry_after_event_map.get(group)
if event:
return event
if isinstance(group, (str, int)):
if len(self._retry_after_event_map) > 512:
if group not in self._retry_after_event_map:
event = asyncio.Event()
self._retry_after_event_map[group] = event
event = self._retry_after_event_map[group]
if not event:
event = self._retry_after_event_map[0]
return event
async def _run_request(
chat: bool,
group: Union[str, int, bool],
callback: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Union[bool, JSONDict, List[JSONDict]]]],
args: Any,
kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
) -> Union[bool, JSONDict, List[JSONDict]]:
base_context = self._base_limiter if (chat and self._base_limiter) else null_context()
group_context = self._get_group_limiter(group) if group and self._group_max_rate else null_context()
async with group_context, base_context:
return await callback(*args, **kwargs)
async def process_request(
callback: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Union[bool, JSONDict, List[JSONDict]]]],
args: Any,
kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
endpoint: str,
data: Dict[str, Any],
rate_limit_args: Optional[RL_ARGS],
) -> Union[bool, JSONDict, List[JSONDict]]:
max_retries = rate_limit_args or self._max_retries
group: Union[int, str, bool] = False
chat: bool = False
chat_id = data.get("chat_id")
if chat_id is not None:
chat = True
# In case user passes integer chat id as string
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError, TypeError):
chat_id = int(chat_id)
if (isinstance(chat_id, int) and chat_id < 0) or isinstance(chat_id, str):
# string chat_id only works for channels and supergroups
# We can't really tell channels from groups though ...
group = chat_id
_retry_after_event = await self._get_group_retry_after_event(group)
await _retry_after_event.wait()
for i in range(max_retries + 1):
result = await self._run_request(chat=chat, group=group, callback=callback, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
await self._on_called_api(endpoint, data, result)
return result
except RetryAfter as exc:
if endpoint == "setWebhook" and exc.retry_after == 1:
# webhook 已被正确设置
return True
if i == max_retries:
logger.warning("chat_id[%s] 达到最大重试限制 max_retries[%s]", chat_id, exc)
raise exc
sleep = exc.retry_after + 0.1
logger.warning("chat_id[%s] 触发洪水限制 当前被服务器限制 retry_after[%s]秒", chat_id, exc.retry_after)
# Make sure we don't allow other requests to be processed
await asyncio.sleep(sleep)
# Allow other requests to be processed
return None # type: ignore[return-value]
def set_application(self, application: "Application") -> None:
self._application = application
async def _on_called_api(
endpoint: str,
data: Dict[str, Any],
result: Union[bool, JSONDict, List[JSONDict]],
) -> None:
if funcs := [hook(endpoint, data, result) for hook in self._application.get_called_api_funcs()]:
await asyncio.gather(*funcs)
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Error while running CalledAPI hooks: %s", e)