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import asyncio
from typing import TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional
from telegram import Update
from telegram.ext import ApplicationHandlerStop, BaseHandler
from gram_core.error import ServiceNotFoundError
from gram_core.services.users.services import UserAdminService
from utils.log import logger
from gram_core.application import Application
from telegram.ext import Application as TelegramApplication
RT = TypeVar("RT")
UT = TypeVar("UT")
CCT = TypeVar("CCT", bound="CallbackContext[Any, Any, Any, Any]")
class AdminHandler(BaseHandler[Update, CCT]):
_lock = asyncio.Lock()
def __init__(self, handler: BaseHandler[Update, CCT], application: "Application") -> None:
self.handler = handler
self.application = application
self.user_service: Optional["UserAdminService"] = None
super().__init__(self.handler.callback, self.handler.block)
def check_update(self, update: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(update, Update):
return False
return self.handler.check_update(update)
async def _user_service(self) -> "UserAdminService":
async with self._lock:
if self.user_service is not None:
return self.user_service
user_service: UserAdminService = self.application.managers.services_map.get(UserAdminService, None)
if user_service is None:
raise ServiceNotFoundError("UserAdminService")
self.user_service = user_service
return self.user_service
async def handle_update(
update: "UT",
application: "TelegramApplication[Any, CCT, Any, Any, Any, Any]",
check_result: Any,
context: "CCT",
) -> RT:
user_service = await self._user_service()
user = update.effective_user
if await user_service.is_admin(user.id):
return await self.handler.handle_update(update, application, check_result, context)
message = update.effective_message
logger.warning("用户 %s[%s] 触发尝试调用Admin命令但权限不足", user.full_name, user.id)
await message.reply_text("权限不足")
raise ApplicationHandlerStop