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synced 2025-02-07 06:08:44 +00:00
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import asyncio
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List
import aiofiles
import ujson
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Tag
from func.data import all_avatars_map, all_avatars_name, read_avatars, dump_avatars
from models.avatar_config import AvatarConfig, AvatarIcon
from .client import client
from .url import avatar_config, text_map, base_station_url, avatar_url
async def fetch_text_map() -> Dict[str, str]:
res = await client.get(text_map)
return res.json()
async def fetch_config(text_map_data: Dict[str, str]) -> List[AvatarConfig]:
res = await client.get(avatar_config)
data = res.json()
datas = []
for i in data.values():
a = AvatarConfig(**i)
a.name = text_map_data[str(a.AvatarName.Hash)]
return datas
async def parse_station(datas, name: str, tag: Tag, cid: int):
html = await client.get(f'{base_station_url}{tag.get("href")}')
if not cid:
reg = r'skillTreePoints":\[{"id":(\d+),'
cid = int(re.findall(reg, html.text)[0][:-3])
soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text, "lxml")
second_pic = ""
if avatar_model := all_avatars_map.get(cid):
second_pic = avatar_model.icon
elif avatar_model := all_avatars_name.get(name):
second_pic = avatar_model.icon
def get_third_pic():
_tag = tag.find("div", {"class": "a69d1"})
style = _tag.get("style")
return f'{base_station_url}/{style[style.find("(") + 2:style.find(")") - 1]}'
third_pic = get_third_pic()
text = soup.find("div", {"class": "a6678 a4af5"}).get("style")
four_pic = (
f'{base_station_url}{text[text.find("(") + 2:text.find(")") - 1]}'
if text
else ""
first_pic = (
f'{base_station_url}{soup.find("img", {"class": "ac39b a6602"}).get("src")}'
icon=[first_pic, second_pic, third_pic, four_pic],
async def dump_icons(path: Path, datas: List[AvatarIcon]):
data = [icon.dict() for icon in datas]
data.sort(key=lambda x: x["id"])
async with aiofiles.open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
await f.write(ujson.dumps(data, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False))
async def fetch_station_ktz(tasks, datas, player_avatars: List[Tag]):
data_map = {"开拓者·毁灭": (8001, 8002), "开拓者·存护": (8003, 8004)}
idx = 0
for key, value in data_map.items():
tasks.append(parse_station(datas, key, player_avatars[idx], value[0]))
tasks.append(parse_station(datas, key, player_avatars[idx + 1], value[1]))
idx += 2
async def fetch_station(configs_map: Dict[str, AvatarConfig]) -> List[AvatarIcon]:
html = await client.get(avatar_url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text, "lxml")
avatars = soup.find_all("a", {"class": "a7916"})
tasks = []
datas: List[AvatarIcon] = []
player_avatars = []
for avatar in avatars:
name = avatar.find("div", {"class": "ellipsis"}).get_text().strip()
if name == "开拓者":
avatar_model = configs_map.get(name)
datas, name, avatar, avatar_model.AvatarID if avatar_model else None
await fetch_station_ktz(tasks, datas, player_avatars)
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
return datas
async def fix_avatar_config_ktz():
data_map = {"开拓者·毁灭": (8001, 8002), "开拓者·存护": (8003, 8004)}
for key, value in data_map.items():
for i in value:
all_avatars_map[i].name = key
async def fix_avatar_config(text_map_data: Dict[str, str]):
configs = await fetch_config(text_map_data)
configs_map: Dict[str, AvatarConfig] = {config.name: config for config in configs}
data_path = Path("data")
await read_avatars()
await fix_avatar_config_ktz()
icons = await fetch_station(configs_map)
await dump_icons(data_path / "avatar_icons.json", icons)
await dump_avatars()