2022-09-17 16:28:51 +00:00
import asyncio
import itertools
import os
import re
from asyncio import Lock
from ctypes import c_double
from datetime import datetime
from multiprocessing import Value
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union
import ujson as json
from aiofiles import open as async_open
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from genshin import Client
from httpx import AsyncClient, HTTPError
from pydantic import BaseModel
from telegram import InputMediaDocument, InputMediaPhoto, Message, Update, User
from telegram.constants import ChatAction, ParseMode
from telegram.error import RetryAfter, TimedOut
from telegram.ext import CallbackContext
from core.assets import AssetsService
from core.baseplugin import BasePlugin
from core.cookies.error import CookiesNotFoundError
from core.plugin import Plugin, handler
from core.template import TemplateService
from core.user.error import UserNotFoundError
from metadata.honey import HONEY_ID_MAP, HONEY_ROLE_NAME_MAP
from utils.bot import get_all_args
from utils.const import RESOURCE_DIR
from utils.decorators.admins import bot_admins_rights_check
from utils.decorators.error import error_callable
from utils.decorators.restricts import restricts
from utils.helpers import get_genshin_client
from utils.log import logger
DATA_TYPE = Dict[str, List[List[str]]]
DATA_FILE_PATH = Path(__file__).joinpath('../daily.json').resolve()
AREA = ['蒙德', '璃月', '稻妻', '须弥']
DOMAINS = ['忘却之峡', '太山府', '菫色之庭', '昏识塔', '塞西莉亚苗圃', '震雷连山密宫', '砂流之庭', '有顶塔']
WEEK_MAP = ['一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '日']
def convert_path(path: Union[str, Path]) -> str:
2022-09-17 17:33:11 +00:00
return f"..{os.sep}..{os.sep}{str(path.relative_to(RESOURCE_DIR))}"
2022-09-17 16:28:51 +00:00
def sort_item(items: List['ItemData']) -> Iterable['ItemData']:
result_a = []
for _, group_a in itertools.groupby(sorted(items, key=lambda x: x.rarity, reverse=True), lambda x: x.rarity):
result_b = []
for _, group_b in itertools.groupby(
sorted(group_a, key=lambda x: x.level or -1, reverse=True), lambda x: x.level or -1
result_b.append(sorted(group_b, key=lambda x: x.constellation or x.refinement or -1, reverse=True))
return itertools.chain(*result_a)
class DailyMaterial(Plugin, BasePlugin):
locks: Tuple[Lock] = (Lock(), Lock())
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def __init__(self, assets: AssetsService, template_service: TemplateService):
2022-09-17 16:28:51 +00:00
self.assets_service = assets
2022-09-17 17:33:11 +00:00
self.template_service = template_service
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self.client = AsyncClient()
async def __async_init__(self):
data = None
if not DATA_FILE_PATH.exists():
async def task_daily():
async with self.locks[0]:
self.data = await self._refresh_data()
self.refresh_task = asyncio.create_task(task_daily())
if not data and DATA_FILE_PATH.exists():
async with async_open(DATA_FILE_PATH) as file:
data = json.loads(await file.read())
self.data = data
async def _get_data_from_user(self, user: User) -> Tuple[Optional[Client], Dict[str, List[Any]]]:
client = None
user_data = {'character': [], 'weapon': []}
client = await get_genshin_client(user.id)
logger.debug(f"获取成功, UID: {client.uid}")
characters = await client.get_genshin_characters(client.uid)
for character in characters:
cid = HONEY_ROLE_NAME_MAP[character.id][0]
weapon = character.weapon
id=cid, name=character.name, rarity=character.rarity, level=character.level,
icon=convert_path(await self.assets_service.character(cid).icon())
id=(wid := f"i_n{weapon.id}"), name=weapon.name, level=weapon.level, rarity=weapon.rarity,
await getattr(
self.assets_service.weapon(wid), 'icon' if weapon.ascension < 2 else 'awakened'
c_path=convert_path(await self.assets_service.character(cid).side())
except (UserNotFoundError, CookiesNotFoundError):
logger.info(f"未查询到用户({user.full_name} {user.id}) 所绑定的账号信息")
return client, user_data
@handler.command('daily_material', block=False)
@restricts(restricts_time_of_groups=20, without_overlapping=True)
async def daily_material(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
user = update.effective_user
args = get_all_args(context)
now = datetime.now()
if args and str(args[0]).isdigit():
weekday = int(args[0]) - 1
if weekday < 0:
weekday = 0
elif weekday > 6:
weekday = 6
time = title = f"星期{WEEK_MAP[weekday]}"
else: # 获取今日是星期几,判定了是否过了凌晨4点
title = "今日"
weekday = now.weekday() - (1 if now.hour < 4 else 0)
weekday = 6 if weekday < 0 else weekday
time = now.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M") + " 星期" + WEEK_MAP[weekday]
full = args and args[-1] == 'full'
2022-09-17 18:07:42 +00:00
logger.info(f"用户 {user.full_name}[{user.id}] 每日素材命令请求 || 参数 weekday={weekday} full={full}")
2022-09-17 16:28:51 +00:00
if weekday == 6:
2022-09-17 18:07:42 +00:00
await update.message.reply_text(
2022-09-17 16:28:51 +00:00
("今天" if title == '今日' else '这天') + "是星期天, <b>全部素材都可以</b>刷哦~",
if self.locks[0].locked():
notice = await update.message.reply_text("派蒙正在摘抄每日素材表,以后再来探索吧~")
self._add_delete_message_job(context, notice.chat_id, notice.message_id, 5)
if self.locks[1].locked():
2022-09-17 18:07:42 +00:00
await update.message.reply_text("派蒙正在搬运每日素材的图标,以后再来探索吧~")
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notice = await update.message.reply_text("派蒙可能需要找找图标素材,还请耐心等待哦~")
await update.message.reply_chat_action(ChatAction.TYPING)
# 获取已经缓存至本地的秘境素材信息
local_data = {'character': [], 'weapon': []}
if not self.data:
await self._refresh_data()
for domain, sche in self.data.items():
area = DOMAIN_AREA_MAP[domain]
type_ = 'character' if DOMAINS.index(domain) < 4 else 'weapon'
local_data[type_].append({'name': area, 'materials': sche[weekday][0], 'items': sche[weekday][1]})
# 尝试获取用户已绑定的原神账号信息
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client, user_data = await self._get_data_from_user(user)
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await update.message.reply_chat_action(ChatAction.TYPING)
render_data = RenderData(title=title, time=time, uid=client.uid if client else client)
for type_ in ['character', 'weapon']:
areas = []
for area_data in local_data[type_]:
items = []
for id_ in area_data['items']:
added = False
for i in user_data[type_]:
if id_ == i.id:
if i.rarity > 3: # 跳过 3 星及以下的武器
added = True
if added:
item = HONEY_ID_MAP[type_][id_]
if item[1] < 4: # 跳过 3 星及以下的武器
id=id_, name=item[0], rarity=item[1],
icon=convert_path(await getattr(self.assets_service, f'{type_}')(id_).icon())
materials = []
for mid in area_data['materials']:
path = convert_path(await self.assets_service.material(mid).icon())
material = HONEY_ID_MAP['material'][mid]
materials.append(ItemData(id=mid, icon=path, name=material[0], rarity=material[1]))
areas.append(AreaData(name=area_data['name'], materials=materials, items=sort_item(items)))
setattr(render_data, type_, areas)
await update.message.reply_chat_action(ChatAction.TYPING)
character_img_data = await self.template_service.render(
'genshin/daily_material', 'character.html', {'data': render_data}, {'width': 1164, 'height': 500}
weapon_img_data = await self.template_service.render(
'genshin/daily_material', 'weapon.html', {'data': render_data}, {'width': 1164, 'height': 500}
await update.message.reply_chat_action(ChatAction.UPLOAD_PHOTO)
if full:
await update.message.reply_media_group([
InputMediaDocument(character_img_data, filename="可培养角色.png"),
InputMediaDocument(weapon_img_data, filename="可培养武器.png")
await update.message.reply_media_group(
[InputMediaPhoto(character_img_data), InputMediaPhoto(weapon_img_data)]
await notice.delete()
@handler.command('refresh_daily_material', block=False)
async def refresh(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
message = update.effective_message
if self.locks[0].locked():
notice = await message.reply_text("派蒙还在抄每日素材表呢,我有在好好工作哦~")
self._add_delete_message_job(context, notice.chat_id, notice.message_id, 10)
if self.locks[1].locked():
notice = await message.reply_text("派蒙正在搬运每日素材图标,在努力工作呢!")
self._add_delete_message_job(context, notice.chat_id, notice.message_id, 10)
async with self.locks[1]:
notice = await message.reply_text("派蒙正在重新摘抄每日素材表,请稍等~", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
async with self.locks[0]:
data = await self._refresh_data()
notice = await notice.edit_text(
"每日素材表" +
("摘抄<b>完成!</b>" if data else "坏掉了!等会它再长好了之后我再抄。。。") +
self.data = data or self.data
await self._download_icon(notice)
notice = await notice.edit_text(
notice.text_html.split('\n')[0] + "\n每日素材图标搬运<b>完成!</b>",
self._add_delete_message_job(context, notice.chat_id, notice.message_id, 10)
async def _refresh_data(self, retry: int = 5) -> DATA_TYPE:
from bs4 import Tag
from asyncio import sleep
result = {}
for i in range(retry):
response = await self.client.get("https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/?lang=CHS")
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'lxml')
calendar = soup.select(".calendar_day_wrap")[0]
key: str = ''
for tag in calendar:
tag: Tag
if tag.name == 'span':
key = tag.find('a').text
result[key] = [[[], []] for _ in range(7)]
for day, div in enumerate(tag.find_all('div')):
result[key][day][0] = [re.findall(r"/(.*)?/", a['href'])[0] for a in div.find_all('a')]
id_ = re.findall(r"/(.*)?/", tag['href'])[0]
if tag.text.strip() == '旅行者':
for day in map(int, tag.find('div')['data-days']):
for stage, schedules in result.items():
for day, _ in enumerate(schedules):
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# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
2022-09-17 16:28:51 +00:00
result[stage][day][1] = list(set(result[stage][day][1]))
async with async_open(DATA_FILE_PATH, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
await file.write(json.dumps(result)) # pylint: disable=PY-W0079
except HTTPError:
await sleep(1)
if i <= retry - 1:
logger.warning("每日素材刷新失败, 正在重试")
logger.error("每日素材刷新失败, 请稍后重试")
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
return result
async def _download_icon(self, message: Optional[Message] = None):
from time import time as time_
lock = asyncio.Lock()
2022-09-17 17:33:11 +00:00
interval = 2
the_time = Value(c_double, time_() - interval)
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async def task(_id, _item, _type):
logger.debug(f"正在开始下载 \"{_item[0]}\" 的图标素材")
async with lock:
if message is not None and time_() >= the_time.value + interval:
text = '\n'.join(message.text_html.split('\n')[:2]) + f"\n正在搬运 <b>{_item[0]}</b> 的图标素材。。。"
await message.edit_text(text, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
2022-09-17 17:33:11 +00:00
the_time.value = time_()
2022-09-17 16:28:51 +00:00
except (TimedOut, RetryAfter):
asset = getattr(self.assets_service, _type)(_id)
icon_types = list(filter(
lambda x: not x.startswith('_') and x not in ['path'] and callable(getattr(asset, x)),
icon_coroutines = map(lambda x: getattr(asset, x), icon_types)
for coroutine in icon_coroutines:
await coroutine()
logger.debug(f"\"{_item[0]}\" 的图标素材下载成功")
async with lock:
if message is not None and time_() >= the_time.value + interval:
text = (
'\n'.join(message.text_html.split('\n')[:2]) +
f"\n正在搬运 <b>{_item[0]}</b> 的图标素材。。。<b>成功!</b>"
await message.edit_text(text, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
2022-09-17 17:33:11 +00:00
the_time.value = time_()
2022-09-17 16:28:51 +00:00
except (TimedOut, RetryAfter):
for type_, items in HONEY_ID_MAP.items():
task_list = []
for id_, item in items.items():
task_list.append(asyncio.create_task(task(id_, item, type_)))
await asyncio.gather(*task_list)
class ItemData(BaseModel):
id: str
name: str
rarity: int
icon: str
level: Optional[int] = None
constellation: Optional[int] = None
refinement: Optional[int] = None
c_path: Optional[str] = None
class AreaData(BaseModel):
name: Literal['蒙德', '璃月', '稻妻', '须弥']
materials: List[ItemData] = []
items: Iterable[ItemData] = []
class RenderData(BaseModel):
title: str
time: str
uid: Optional[int] = None
character: List[AreaData] = []
weapon: List[AreaData] = []
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.__getattribute__(item)