from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Iterator, Dict import ujson as json from aiofiles import open as async_open from httpx import URL, AsyncClient, RemoteProtocolError, Response from utils.const import AMBR_HOST, PROJECT_ROOT from utils.log import logger __all__ = ["update_metadata_from_ambr", "update_metadata_from_github", "RESOURCE_DEFAULT_PATH", "RESOURCE_FAST_URL"] RESOURCE_REPO = "PaiGramTeam/PaiGram_Resources" RESOURCE_BRANCH = "remote" RESOURCE_ROOT = "Resources" RESOURCE_DEFAULT_PATH = f"{RESOURCE_REPO}/{RESOURCE_BRANCH}/{RESOURCE_ROOT}/" RESOURCE_FAST_URL = f"{RESOURCE_ROOT}/" client = AsyncClient() async def fix_metadata_from_ambr(json_data: Dict[str, Dict], data_type: str): if data_type == "weapon": need_append_ids = [11304] need_attr = ["id", "rank", "type", "name", "icon", "route"] for wid in need_append_ids: url = AMBR_HOST.join(f"v2/chs/{data_type}/{wid}") response = await client.get(url) json_data_ = json.loads(response.text)["data"] json_data[str(json_data_["id"])] = {k: json_data_[k] for k in need_attr} async def update_metadata_from_ambr(overwrite: bool = True): result = [] targets = ["material", "weapon", "avatar", "reliquary"] for target in targets: path = PROJECT_ROOT.joinpath(f"metadata/data/{target}.json") if not overwrite and path.exists(): continue url = AMBR_HOST.join(f"v2/chs/{target}") path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) response = await client.get(url) json_data = json.loads(response.text)["data"]["items"] await fix_metadata_from_ambr(json_data, target) async with async_open(path, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as file: data = json.dumps(json_data, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) await file.write(data) result.append(json_data) return result @contextmanager async def stream_request(method, url) -> Iterator[Response]: async with, url=url) as response: yield response # noinspection PyShadowingNames async def update_metadata_from_github(overwrite: bool = True): path = PROJECT_ROOT.joinpath("metadata/data/namecard.json") if not overwrite and path.exists(): return hosts = [ URL(RESOURCE_FAST_URL), URL(f"{RESOURCE_DEFAULT_PATH}"), URL(f"{RESOURCE_DEFAULT_PATH}"), ] for num, host in enumerate(hosts): try: text_map_url = host.join("TextMap/TextMapCHS.json") material_url = host.join("ExcelBinOutput/MaterialExcelConfigData.json") material_json_data = [] async with"GET", material_url) as response: started = False cell = [] async for line in response.aiter_lines(): if line == " {": started = True continue if line in [" },", " }"]: started = False if any("MATERIAL_NAMECARD" in x for x in cell): material_json_data.append(json.loads("{" + "".join(cell) + "}")) cell = [] continue if started: if "materialType" in line and "MATERIAL_NAMECARD" not in line: cell = [] started = False continue cell.append(line.strip(" ")) string_ids = [] for namecard_data in material_json_data: string_ids.append(str(namecard_data["nameTextMapHash"])) string_ids.append(str(namecard_data["descTextMapHash"])) text_map_json_data = {} async with"GET", text_map_url) as response: async for line in response.aiter_lines(): splits = line.split(":") string_id = splits[0].strip(' "') if string_id in string_ids: text_map_json_data[string_id] = splits[1].strip('\n ,"') string_ids.remove(string_id) if not string_ids: break data = {} for namecard_data in material_json_data: name = text_map_json_data[str(namecard_data["nameTextMapHash"])] icon = namecard_data["icon"] navbar = namecard_data["picPath"][0] banner = namecard_data["picPath"][1] rank = namecard_data["rankLevel"] description = text_map_json_data[str(namecard_data["descTextMapHash"])].replace("\\n", "\n") data.update( { str(namecard_data["id"]): { "id": namecard_data["id"], "name": name, "rank": rank, "icon": icon, "navbar": navbar, "profile": banner, "description": description, } } ) async with async_open(path, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as file: data = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) await file.write(data) return data except RemoteProtocolError as exc: logger.warning("在从 %s 下载元数据的过程中遇到了错误: %s", host, str(exc)) continue except Exception as exc: if num != len(hosts) - 1: logger.error("在从 %s 下载元数据的过程中遇到了错误: %s", host, str(exc)) continue raise exc