from io import BytesIO from typing import Union, Optional, List, Tuple from telegram import Update, Message, InputMediaDocument, InputMediaPhoto, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup from telegram.constants import ChatAction from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, MessageHandler, filters, CallbackContext, CallbackQueryHandler from core.base.redisdb import RedisDB from core.baseplugin import BasePlugin from core.config import config from core.plugin import handler, Plugin from import MapHelper, MapException from utils.decorators.admins import bot_admins_rights_check from utils.decorators.error import error_callable from utils.decorators.restricts import restricts from utils.log import logger class Map(Plugin, BasePlugin): """资源点查询""" def __init__(self, redis: RedisDB = None): self.cache = redis.client self.cache_photo_key = "plugin:map:photo:" self.cache_doc_key = "plugin:map:doc:" self.map_helper = MapHelper() self.temp_photo_path = "resources/img/map.png" self.temp_photo = None async def get_photo_cache(self, map_id: Union[str, int], name: str) -> Optional[str]: if file_id := await self.cache.get(f"{self.cache_photo_key}{map_id}:{name}"): return file_id.decode("utf-8") return None async def get_doc_cache(self, map_id: Union[str, int], name: str) -> Optional[str]: if file_id := await self.cache.get(f"{self.cache_doc_key}{map_id}:{name}"): return file_id.decode("utf-8") return None async def set_photo_cache(self, map_id: Union[str, int], name: str, file_id: str) -> None: await self.cache.set(f"{self.cache_photo_key}{map_id}:{name}", file_id) async def set_doc_cache(self, map_id: Union[str, int], name: str, file_id: str) -> None: await self.cache.set(f"{self.cache_doc_key}{map_id}:{name}", file_id) async def clear_cache(self) -> None: for i in await self.cache.keys(f"{self.cache_photo_key}*"): await self.cache.delete(i) for i in await self.cache.keys(f"{self.cache_doc_key}*"): await self.cache.delete(i) async def edit_media(self, message: Message, map_id: str, name: str) -> None: caption = self.gen_caption(map_id, name) if cache := await self.get_photo_cache(map_id, name): media = InputMediaPhoto(media=cache, caption=caption) await message.edit_media(media) return if cache := await self.get_doc_cache(map_id, name): media = InputMediaDocument(media=cache, caption=caption) await message.edit_media(media) return data = await self.map_helper.get_map(map_id, name) if len(data) > (1024 * 1024): data = BytesIO(data) = "map.jpg" media = InputMediaDocument(media=data, caption=caption) msg = await message.edit_media(media) await self.set_doc_cache(map_id, name, msg.document.file_id) else: media = InputMediaPhoto(media=data, caption=caption) msg = await message.edit_media(media) await self.set_photo_cache(map_id, name,[0].file_id) def get_show_map(self, name: str) -> List[int]: return [ idx for idx, map_id in enumerate(self.map_helper.MAP_ID_LIST) if self.map_helper.get_label_count(map_id, name) > 0 ] async def gen_map_button( self, maps: List[int], user_id: Union[str, int], name: str ) -> List[List[InlineKeyboardButton]]: return [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( self.map_helper.MAP_NAME_LIST[idx], callback_data=f"get_map|{user_id}|{self.map_helper.MAP_ID_LIST[idx]}|{name}", ) for idx in maps ] ] async def send_media(self, message: Message, map_id: Union[str, int], name: str) -> None: caption = self.gen_caption(map_id, name) if cache := await self.get_photo_cache(map_id, name): await message.reply_photo(photo=cache, caption=caption) return if cache := await self.get_doc_cache(map_id, name): await message.reply_document(document=cache, caption=caption) return try: data = await self.map_helper.get_map(map_id, name) except MapException as e: await message.reply_text(e.message) return if len(data) > (1024 * 1024): data = BytesIO(data) = "map.jpg" msg = await message.reply_document(document=data, caption=caption) await self.set_doc_cache(map_id, name, msg.document.file_id) else: msg = await message.reply_photo(photo=data, caption=caption) await self.set_photo_cache(map_id, name,[0].file_id) def gen_caption(self, map_id: Union[int, str], name: str) -> str: count = self.map_helper.get_label_count(map_id, name) return f"派蒙一共找到了 {name} 的 {count} 个位置点\n* 数据来源于米游社wiki" @handler(CommandHandler, command="map", block=False) @handler(MessageHandler, filters=filters.Regex("^(?P.*)(在哪里|在哪|哪里有|哪儿有|哪有|在哪儿)$"), block=False) @handler(MessageHandler, filters=filters.Regex("^(哪里有|哪儿有|哪有)(?P.*)$"), block=False) @error_callable @restricts(restricts_time=20) async def command_start(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): message = update.effective_message args = context.args group_dict = context.match and context.match.groupdict() user = update.effective_user resource_name = None await message.reply_chat_action(ChatAction.TYPING) if args and len(args) >= 1: resource_name = args[0] elif group_dict: resource_name = group_dict.get("name", None) if not resource_name: if group_dict: return await message.reply_text("请指定要查找的资源名称。", parse_mode="Markdown") return"用户: %s [%s] 使用 map 命令查询了 %s", user.username,, resource_name) if resource_name not in self.map_helper.query_map: # 消息来源于群组中并且无法找到默认不回复即可 if filters.ChatType.GROUPS.filter(message) and group_dict is not None: return await message.reply_text("没有找到该资源。", parse_mode="Markdown") return maps = self.get_show_map(resource_name) if len(maps) == 0: if filters.ChatType.GROUPS.filter(message) and group_dict is not None: return await message.reply_text("没有找到该资源。", parse_mode="Markdown") return if len(maps) == 1: map_id = self.map_helper.MAP_ID_LIST[maps[0]] await self.send_media(message, map_id, resource_name) return buttons = await self.gen_map_button(maps,, resource_name) if isinstance(self.temp_photo, str): photo = self.temp_photo else: photo = open(self.temp_photo_path, "rb") reply_message = await message.reply_photo( photo=photo, caption="请选择你要查询的地图", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) ) if self.temp_photo =[-1].file_id @handler(CallbackQueryHandler, pattern=r"^get_map\|", block=False) @restricts(restricts_time=3, without_overlapping=True) @error_callable async def get_maps(self, update: Update, _: CallbackContext) -> None: callback_query = update.callback_query user = callback_query.from_user message = callback_query.message async def get_map_callback(callback_query_data: str) -> Tuple[int, str, str]: _data = callback_query_data.split("|") _user_id = int(_data[1]) _map_id = _data[2] _name = _data[3] logger.debug("callback_query_data 函数返回 user_id[%s] map_id[%s] name[%s]", _user_id, _map_id, _name) return _user_id, _map_id, _name user_id, map_id, name = await get_map_callback( if != user_id: await callback_query.answer(text="这不是你的按钮!\n" + config.notice.user_mismatch, show_alert=True) return await callback_query.answer(text="正在渲染图片中 请稍等 请不要重复点击按钮", show_alert=False) try: await self.edit_media(message, map_id, name) except MapException as e: await message.reply_text(e.message) @handler.command("refresh_map") @bot_admins_rights_check async def refresh_map(self, update: Update, _: CallbackContext): message = update.effective_message msg = await message.reply_text("正在刷新地图数据,请耐心等待...") await self.map_helper.refresh_query_map() await self.map_helper.refresh_label_count() await self.clear_cache() await msg.edit_text("正在刷新地图数据,请耐心等待...\n刷新成功")