import contextlib import datetime import json from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Tuple, Optional import aiofiles from genshin import Client, InvalidAuthkey from genshin.models import BannerType from openpyxl import load_workbook from core.base.assets import AssetsService from metadata.pool.pool import get_pool_by_id from metadata.shortname import roleToId, weaponToId from modules.gacha_log.const import GACHA_TYPE_LIST, PAIMONMOE_VERSION from modules.gacha_log.error import ( GachaLogAccountNotFound, GachaLogInvalidAuthkey, GachaLogException, GachaLogFileError, GachaLogNotFound, PaimonMoeGachaLogFileError, GachaLogMixedProvider, ) from modules.gacha_log.models import ( GachaItem, FiveStarItem, FourStarItem, Pool, GachaLogInfo, UIGFGachaType, ItemType, ImportType, UIGFModel, UIGFInfo, UIGFItem, ) from utils.const import PROJECT_ROOT GACHA_LOG_PATH = PROJECT_ROOT.joinpath("data", "apihelper", "gacha_log") GACHA_LOG_PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) class GachaLog: def __init__(self, gacha_log_path: Path = GACHA_LOG_PATH): self.gacha_log_path = gacha_log_path @staticmethod async def load_json(path): async with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: return json.loads(await @staticmethod async def save_json(path, data): async with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: if isinstance(data, dict): return await f.write(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)) await f.write(data) async def load_history_info( self, user_id: str, uid: str, only_status: bool = False ) -> Tuple[Optional[GachaLogInfo], bool]: """读取历史抽卡记录数据 :param user_id: 用户id :param uid: 原神uid :param only_status: 是否只读取状态 :return: 抽卡记录数据 """ file_path = self.gacha_log_path / f"{user_id}-{uid}.json" if only_status: return None, file_path.exists() if not file_path.exists(): return GachaLogInfo(user_id=user_id, uid=uid,, False try: return GachaLogInfo.parse_obj(await self.load_json(file_path)), True except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return GachaLogInfo(user_id=user_id, uid=uid,, False async def remove_history_info(self, user_id: str, uid: str) -> bool: """删除历史抽卡记录数据 :param user_id: 用户id :param uid: 原神uid :return: 是否删除成功 """ file_path = self.gacha_log_path / f"{user_id}-{uid}.json" file_bak_path = self.gacha_log_path / f"{user_id}-{uid}.json.bak" file_export_path = self.gacha_log_path / f"{user_id}-{uid}-uigf.json" with contextlib.suppress(Exception): file_bak_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) with contextlib.suppress(Exception): file_export_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) if file_path.exists(): try: file_path.unlink() except PermissionError: return False return True return False async def save_gacha_log_info(self, user_id: str, uid: str, info: GachaLogInfo): """保存抽卡记录数据 :param user_id: 用户id :param uid: 原神uid :param info: 抽卡记录数据 """ save_path = self.gacha_log_path / f"{user_id}-{uid}.json" save_path_bak = self.gacha_log_path / f"{user_id}-{uid}.json.bak" # 将旧数据备份一次 with contextlib.suppress(PermissionError): if save_path.exists(): if save_path_bak.exists(): save_path_bak.unlink() save_path.rename(save_path.parent / f"{}.bak") # 写入数据 await self.save_json(save_path, info.json()) async def gacha_log_to_uigf(self, user_id: str, uid: str) -> Optional[Path]: """抽卡日记转换为 UIGF 格式 :param user_id: 用户ID :param uid: 游戏UID :return: 转换是否成功、转换信息、UIGF文件目录 """ data, state = await self.load_history_info(user_id, uid) if not state: raise GachaLogNotFound save_path = self.gacha_log_path / f"{user_id}-{uid}-uigf.json" info = UIGFModel( info=UIGFInfo(uid=uid, export_app=ImportType.TGPaimonBot.value, export_app_version="v3"), list=[] ) for items in data.item_list.values(): for item in items: info.list.append( UIGFItem(,, gacha_type=item.gacha_type, item_type=item.item_type, rank_type=item.rank_type, time=item.time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), uigf_gacha_type=item.gacha_type, ) ) await self.save_json(save_path, info.dict()) return save_path @staticmethod async def verify_data(data: List[GachaItem]) -> bool: try: total = len(data) five_star = len([i for i in data if i.rank_type == "5"]) four_star = len([i for i in data if i.rank_type == "4"]) if total > 50: if total <= five_star * 15: raise GachaLogFileError("检测到您将要导入的抽卡记录中五星数量过多,可能是由于文件错误导致的,请检查后重新导入。") if four_star < five_star: raise GachaLogFileError("检测到您将要导入的抽卡记录中五星数量过多,可能是由于文件错误导致的,请检查后重新导入。") return True except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=W0703 raise GachaLogFileError from exc async def import_gacha_log_data(self, user_id: int, client: Client, data: dict, verify_uid: bool = True) -> int: new_num = 0 try: uid = data["info"]["uid"] if not verify_uid: uid = client.uid elif int(uid) != client.uid: raise GachaLogAccountNotFound try: import_type = ImportType(data["info"]["export_app"]) except ValueError: import_type = ImportType.UNKNOWN # 检查导入数据是否合法 all_items = [GachaItem(**i) for i in data["list"]] await self.verify_data(all_items) gacha_log, status = await self.load_history_info(str(user_id), uid) if import_type == ImportType.PAIMONMOE: if status and gacha_log.get_import_type != ImportType.PAIMONMOE: raise GachaLogMixedProvider elif status and gacha_log.get_import_type == ImportType.PAIMONMOE: raise GachaLogMixedProvider # 将唯一 id 放入临时数据中,加快查找速度 temp_id_data = { pool_name: [ for i in pool_data] for pool_name, pool_data in gacha_log.item_list.items() } for item_info in all_items: pool_name = GACHA_TYPE_LIST[BannerType(int(item_info.gacha_type))] if not in temp_id_data[pool_name]: gacha_log.item_list[pool_name].append(item_info) temp_id_data[pool_name].append( new_num += 1 for i in gacha_log.item_list.values(): # 检查导入后的数据是否合法 await self.verify_data(i) i.sort(key=lambda x: (x.time, gacha_log.update_time = gacha_log.import_type = import_type.value await self.save_gacha_log_info(str(user_id), uid, gacha_log) return new_num except GachaLogAccountNotFound as e: raise GachaLogAccountNotFound("导入失败,文件包含的祈愿记录所属 uid 与你当前绑定的 uid 不同") from e except GachaLogMixedProvider as e: raise GachaLogMixedProvider from e except Exception as exc: raise GachaLogException from exc async def get_gacha_log_data(self, user_id: int, client: Client, authkey: str) -> int: """使用authkey获取抽卡记录数据,并合并旧数据 :param user_id: 用户id :param client: genshin client :param authkey: authkey :return: 更新结果 """ new_num = 0 gacha_log, _ = await self.load_history_info(str(user_id), str(client.uid)) if gacha_log.get_import_type == ImportType.PAIMONMOE: raise GachaLogMixedProvider # 将唯一 id 放入临时数据中,加快查找速度 temp_id_data = {pool_name: [ for i in pool_data] for pool_name, pool_data in gacha_log.item_list.items()} try: for pool_id, pool_name in GACHA_TYPE_LIST.items(): async for data in client.wish_history(pool_id, authkey=authkey): item = GachaItem( id=str(,, gacha_type=str(data.banner_type.value), item_type=data.type, rank_type=str(data.rarity), time=datetime.datetime( data.time.year, data.time.month,, data.time.hour, data.time.minute, data.time.second, ), ) if not in temp_id_data[pool_name]: gacha_log.item_list[pool_name].append(item) temp_id_data[pool_name].append( new_num += 1 except InvalidAuthkey as exc: raise GachaLogInvalidAuthkey from exc for i in gacha_log.item_list.values(): i.sort(key=lambda x: (x.time, gacha_log.update_time = gacha_log.import_type = ImportType.UIGF.value await self.save_gacha_log_info(str(user_id), str(client.uid), gacha_log) return new_num @staticmethod def check_avatar_up(name: str, gacha_time: datetime.datetime) -> bool: if name in {"莫娜", "七七", "迪卢克", "琴"}: return False elif name == "刻晴": start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime("2021-02-17 18:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime("2021-03-02 15:59:59", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if not (start_time < gacha_time < end_time): return False elif name == "提纳里": start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime("2022-08-24 06:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime("2022-09-09 17:59:59", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if not (start_time < gacha_time < end_time): return False return True async def get_all_5_star_items(self, data: List[GachaItem], assets: AssetsService, pool_name: str = "角色祈愿"): """ 获取所有5星角色 :param data: 抽卡记录 :param assets: 资源服务 :param pool_name: 池子名称 :return: 5星角色列表 """ count = 0 result = [] for item in data: count += 1 if item.rank_type == "5": if item.item_type == "角色" and pool_name in {"角色祈愿", "常驻祈愿"}: data = { "name":, "icon": (await assets.avatar(roleToId(, "count": count, "type": "角色", "isUp": self.check_avatar_up(, item.time) if pool_name == "角色祈愿" else False, "isBig": (not result[-1].isUp) if result and pool_name == "角色祈愿" else False, "time": item.time, } result.append(FiveStarItem.construct(**data)) elif item.item_type == "武器" and pool_name in {"武器祈愿", "常驻祈愿"}: data = { "name":, "icon": (await assets.weapon(weaponToId(, "count": count, "type": "武器", "isUp": False, "isBig": False, "time": item.time, } result.append(FiveStarItem.construct(**data)) count = 0 result.reverse() return result, count @staticmethod async def get_all_4_star_items(data: List[GachaItem], assets: AssetsService): """ 获取 no_fout_star :param data: 抽卡记录 :param assets: 资源服务 :return: no_fout_star """ count = 0 result = [] for item in data: count += 1 if item.rank_type == "4": if item.item_type == "角色": data = { "name":, "icon": (await assets.avatar(roleToId(, "count": count, "type": "角色", "time": item.time, } result.append(FourStarItem.construct(**data)) elif item.item_type == "武器": data = { "name":, "icon": (await assets.weapon(weaponToId(, "count": count, "type": "武器", "time": item.time, } result.append(FourStarItem.construct(**data)) count = 0 result.reverse() return result, count @staticmethod def get_301_pool_data(total: int, all_five: List[FiveStarItem], no_five_star: int, no_four_star: int): # 总共五星 five_star = len(all_five) five_star_up = len([i for i in all_five if i.isUp]) five_star_big = len([i for i in all_five if i.isBig]) # 五星平均 five_star_avg = round((total - no_five_star) / five_star, 2) if five_star != 0 else 0 # 小保底不歪 small_protect = ( round((five_star_up - five_star_big) / (five_star - five_star_big) * 100.0, 1) if five_star - five_star_big != 0 else "0.0" ) # 五星常驻 five_star_const = five_star - five_star_up # UP 平均 up_avg = round((total - no_five_star) / five_star_up, 2) if five_star_up != 0 else 0 # UP 花费原石 up_cost = sum(i.count * 160 for i in all_five if i.isUp) up_cost = f"{round(up_cost / 10000, 2)}w" if up_cost >= 10000 else up_cost return [ [ {"num": no_five_star, "unit": "抽", "lable": "未出五星"}, {"num": five_star, "unit": "个", "lable": "五星"}, {"num": five_star_avg, "unit": "抽", "lable": "五星平均"}, {"num": small_protect, "unit": "%", "lable": "小保底不歪"}, ], [ {"num": no_four_star, "unit": "抽", "lable": "未出四星"}, {"num": five_star_const, "unit": "个", "lable": "五星常驻"}, {"num": up_avg, "unit": "抽", "lable": "UP平均"}, {"num": up_cost, "unit": "", "lable": "UP花费原石"}, ], ] @staticmethod def get_200_pool_data( total: int, all_five: List[FiveStarItem], all_four: List[FourStarItem], no_five_star: int, no_four_star: int ): # 总共五星 five_star = len(all_five) # 五星平均 five_star_avg = round((total - no_five_star) / five_star, 2) if five_star != 0 else 0 # 五星武器 five_star_weapon = len([i for i in all_five if i.type == "武器"]) # 总共四星 four_star = len(all_four) # 四星平均 four_star_avg = round((total - no_four_star) / four_star, 2) if four_star != 0 else 0 # 四星最多 four_star_name_list = [ for i in all_four] four_star_max = max(four_star_name_list, key=four_star_name_list.count) if four_star_name_list else "" four_star_max_count = four_star_name_list.count(four_star_max) return [ [ {"num": no_five_star, "unit": "抽", "lable": "未出五星"}, {"num": five_star, "unit": "个", "lable": "五星"}, {"num": five_star_avg, "unit": "抽", "lable": "五星平均"}, {"num": five_star_weapon, "unit": "个", "lable": "五星武器"}, ], [ {"num": no_four_star, "unit": "抽", "lable": "未出四星"}, {"num": four_star, "unit": "个", "lable": "四星"}, {"num": four_star_avg, "unit": "抽", "lable": "四星平均"}, {"num": four_star_max_count, "unit": four_star_max, "lable": "四星最多"}, ], ] @staticmethod def get_302_pool_data( total: int, all_five: List[FiveStarItem], all_four: List[FourStarItem], no_five_star: int, no_four_star: int ): # 总共五星 five_star = len(all_five) # 五星平均 five_star_avg = round((total - no_five_star) / five_star, 2) if five_star != 0 else 0 # 四星武器 four_star_weapon = len([i for i in all_four if i.type == "武器"]) # 总共四星 four_star = len(all_four) # 四星平均 four_star_avg = round((total - no_four_star) / four_star, 2) if four_star != 0 else 0 # 四星最多 four_star_name_list = [ for i in all_four] four_star_max = max(four_star_name_list, key=four_star_name_list.count) if four_star_name_list else "" four_star_max_count = four_star_name_list.count(four_star_max) return [ [ {"num": no_five_star, "unit": "抽", "lable": "未出五星"}, {"num": five_star, "unit": "个", "lable": "五星"}, {"num": five_star_avg, "unit": "抽", "lable": "五星平均"}, {"num": four_star_weapon, "unit": "个", "lable": "四星武器"}, ], [ {"num": no_four_star, "unit": "抽", "lable": "未出四星"}, {"num": four_star, "unit": "个", "lable": "四星"}, {"num": four_star_avg, "unit": "抽", "lable": "四星平均"}, {"num": four_star_max_count, "unit": four_star_max, "lable": "四星最多"}, ], ] @staticmethod def count_fortune(pool_name: str, summon_data, weapon: bool = False): """ 角色 武器 欧 50以下 45以下 吉 50-60 45-55 中 60-70 55-65 非 70以上 65以上 """ data = [45, 55, 65] if weapon else [50, 60, 70] for i in summon_data: for j in i: if j.get("lable") == "五星平均": num = j.get("num", 0) if num == 0: return pool_name elif num <= data[0]: return f"{pool_name} · 欧" elif num <= data[1]: return f"{pool_name} · 吉" elif num <= data[2]: return f"{pool_name} · 普通" else: return f"{pool_name} · 非" return pool_name async def get_analysis(self, user_id: int, client: Client, pool: BannerType, assets: AssetsService): """ 获取抽卡记录分析数据 :param user_id: 用户id :param client: genshin client :param pool: 池子类型 :param assets: 资源服务 :return: 分析数据 """ gacha_log, status = await self.load_history_info(str(user_id), str(client.uid)) if not status: raise GachaLogNotFound pool_name = GACHA_TYPE_LIST[pool] data = gacha_log.item_list[pool_name] total = len(data) if total == 0: raise GachaLogNotFound all_five, no_five_star = await self.get_all_5_star_items(data, assets, pool_name) all_four, no_four_star = await self.get_all_4_star_items(data, assets) summon_data = None if pool == BannerType.CHARACTER1: summon_data = self.get_301_pool_data(total, all_five, no_five_star, no_four_star) pool_name = self.count_fortune(pool_name, summon_data) elif pool == BannerType.WEAPON: summon_data = self.get_302_pool_data(total, all_five, all_four, no_five_star, no_four_star) pool_name = self.count_fortune(pool_name, summon_data, True) elif pool == BannerType.PERMANENT: summon_data = self.get_200_pool_data(total, all_five, all_four, no_five_star, no_four_star) pool_name = self.count_fortune(pool_name, summon_data) last_time = data[0].time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") first_time = data[-1].time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") return { "uid": client.uid, "allNum": total, "type": pool.value, "typeName": pool_name, "line": summon_data, "firstTime": first_time, "lastTime": last_time, "fiveLog": all_five, "fourLog": all_four[:18], } async def get_pool_analysis( self, user_id: int, client: Client, pool: BannerType, assets: AssetsService, group: bool ) -> dict: """获取抽卡记录分析数据 :param user_id: 用户id :param client: genshin client :param pool: 池子类型 :param assets: 资源服务 :param group: 是否群组 :return: 分析数据 """ gacha_log, status = await self.load_history_info(str(user_id), str(client.uid)) if not status: raise GachaLogNotFound pool_name = GACHA_TYPE_LIST[pool] data = gacha_log.item_list[pool_name] total = len(data) if total == 0: raise GachaLogNotFound all_five, _ = await self.get_all_5_star_items(data, assets, pool_name) all_four, _ = await self.get_all_4_star_items(data, assets) pool_data = [] up_pool_data = [Pool(**i) for i in get_pool_by_id(pool.value)] for up_pool in up_pool_data: for item in all_five: up_pool.parse(item) for item in all_four: up_pool.parse(item) up_pool.count_item(data) for up_pool in up_pool_data: pool_data.append( { "count": up_pool.count, "list": up_pool.to_list(), "name":, "start": up_pool.start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "end": up_pool.end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), } ) pool_data = [i for i in pool_data if i["count"] > 0] return { "uid": client.uid, "typeName": pool_name, "pool": pool_data[:6] if group else pool_data, "hasMore": len(pool_data) > 6, } @staticmethod def convert_xlsx_to_uigf(data: BytesIO, zh_dict: dict) -> dict: """转换 或 非小酋 导出 xlsx 数据为 UIGF 格式 :param zh_dict: :param data: 导出的 xlsx 数据 :return: UIGF 格式数据 """ def from_paimon_moe( uigf_gacha_type: UIGFGachaType, item_type: str, name: str, date_string: str, rank_type: int, _id: int ) -> UIGFItem: item_type = ItemType.CHARACTER if item_type == "Character" else ItemType.WEAPON return UIGFItem( id=str(_id), name=zh_dict[name], gacha_type=uigf_gacha_type, item_type=item_type, rank_type=str(rank_type), time=date_string, uigf_gacha_type=uigf_gacha_type, ) def from_uigf( uigf_gacha_type: str, gacha__type: str, item_type: str, name: str, date_string: str, rank_type: str, _id: str, ) -> UIGFItem: return UIGFItem( id=_id, name=name, gacha_type=gacha__type, item_type=item_type, rank_type=rank_type, time=date_string, uigf_gacha_type=uigf_gacha_type, ) def from_fxq( uigf_gacha_type: UIGFGachaType, item_type: str, name: str, date_string: str, rank_type: int, _id: int ) -> UIGFItem: item_type = ItemType.CHARACTER if item_type == "角色" else ItemType.WEAPON return UIGFItem( id=str(_id), name=name, gacha_type=uigf_gacha_type, item_type=item_type, rank_type=str(rank_type), time=date_string, uigf_gacha_type=uigf_gacha_type, ) wb = load_workbook(data) wb_len = len(wb.worksheets) if wb_len == 6: import_type = ImportType.PAIMONMOE elif wb_len == 5: import_type = ImportType.UIGF elif wb_len == 4: import_type = ImportType.FXQ else: raise GachaLogFileError("xlsx 格式错误") paimonmoe_sheets = { UIGFGachaType.BEGINNER: "Beginners' Wish", UIGFGachaType.STANDARD: "Standard", UIGFGachaType.CHARACTER: "Character Event", UIGFGachaType.WEAPON: "Weapon Event", } fxq_sheets = { UIGFGachaType.BEGINNER: "新手祈愿", UIGFGachaType.STANDARD: "常驻祈愿", UIGFGachaType.CHARACTER: "角色活动祈愿", UIGFGachaType.WEAPON: "武器活动祈愿", } data = UIGFModel(info=UIGFInfo(export_app=import_type.value), list=[]) if import_type == ImportType.PAIMONMOE: ws = wb["Information"] if ws["B2"].value != PAIMONMOE_VERSION: raise PaimonMoeGachaLogFileError(file_version=ws["B2"].value, support_version=PAIMONMOE_VERSION) count = 1 for gacha_type in paimonmoe_sheets: ws = wb[paimonmoe_sheets[gacha_type]] for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=2, values_only=True): if row[0] is None: break data.list.append(from_paimon_moe(gacha_type, row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], count)) count += 1 elif import_type == ImportType.UIGF: ws = wb["原始数据"] type_map = {} count = 0 for row in ws["1"]: if row.value is None: break type_map[row.value] = count count += 1 for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=2, values_only=True): if row[0] is None: break data.list.append( from_uigf( row[type_map["uigf_gacha_type"]], row[type_map["gacha_type"]], row[type_map["item_type"]], row[type_map["name"]], row[type_map["time"]], row[type_map["rank_type"]], row[type_map["id"]], ) ) else: for gacha_type in fxq_sheets: ws = wb[fxq_sheets[gacha_type]] for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=2, values_only=True): if row[0] is None: break data.list.append(from_fxq(gacha_type, row[2], row[1], row[0], row[3], row[6])) return json.loads(data.json())