"""深渊数据查询""" import asyncio import math import re from datetime import datetime from functools import lru_cache from typing import Any, Coroutine, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Dict from arkowrapper import ArkoWrapper from pytz import timezone from simnet import GenshinClient from simnet.models.genshin.chronicle.abyss import SpiralAbyss from telegram import Message, Update, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup from telegram.constants import ChatAction, ParseMode from telegram.ext import CallbackContext, filters, ContextTypes from core.dependence.assets import AssetsService from core.plugin import Plugin, handler from core.services.cookies.error import TooManyRequestPublicCookies from core.services.history_data.models import HistoryDataAbyss from core.services.history_data.services import HistoryDataAbyssServices from core.services.template.models import RenderGroupResult, RenderResult from core.services.template.services import TemplateService from gram_core.config import config from gram_core.dependence.redisdb import RedisDB from plugins.tools.genshin import GenshinHelper from utils.enkanetwork import RedisCache from utils.log import logger from utils.uid import mask_number try: import ujson as jsonlib except ImportError: import json as jsonlib TZ = timezone("Asia/Shanghai") get_args_pattern = re.compile(r"\d+") @lru_cache def get_args(text: str) -> Tuple[int, bool, bool]: total = "all" in text or "总览" in text prev = "pre" in text or "上期" in text floor = 0 if not total: m = get_args_pattern.search(text) if m is not None: floor = int(m.group(0)) return floor, total, prev class AbyssUnlocked(Exception): """根本没动""" class NoMostKills(Exception): """挑战了但是数据没刷新""" class FloorNotFoundError(Exception): """只有数据统计,层数统计未出""" class AbyssNotFoundError(Exception): """如果查询别人,是无法找到队伍详细,只有数据统计""" class AbyssPlugin(Plugin): """深渊数据查询""" def __init__( self, template: TemplateService, helper: GenshinHelper, assets_service: AssetsService, history_data_abyss: HistoryDataAbyssServices, redis: RedisDB, ): self.template_service = template self.helper = helper self.assets_service = assets_service self.history_data_abyss = history_data_abyss self.cache = RedisCache(redis.client, key="plugin:abyss:history") @handler.command("abyss", block=False) @handler.message(filters.Regex(r"^深渊数据"), block=False) async def command_start(self, update: Update, _: CallbackContext) -> None: # skipcq: PY-R1000 # user_id = await self.get_real_user_id(update) message = update.effective_message # 若查询帮助 if (message.text.startswith("/") and "help" in message.text) or "帮助" in message.text: await message.reply_text( "深渊挑战数据功能使用帮助(中括号表示可选参数)\n\n" "指令格式:\n/abyss + [层数/all] + [pre]\n(pre表示上期)\n\n" "文本格式:\n深渊数据 + 查询/总览 + [上期] + [层数] \n\n" "例如以下指令都正确:\n" "/abyss\n/abyss 12 pre\n/abyss all pre\n" "深渊数据查询\n深渊数据查询上期第12层\n深渊数据总览上期", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, ) self.log_user(update, logger.info, "查询[bold]深渊挑战数据[/bold]帮助", extra={"markup": True}) return # 解析参数 floor, total, previous = get_args(message.text) if floor > 12 or floor < 0: reply_msg = await message.reply_text("深渊层数输入错误,请重新输入。支持的参数为: 1-12 或 all") if filters.ChatType.GROUPS.filter(message): self.add_delete_message_job(reply_msg) self.add_delete_message_job(message) return if 0 < floor < 9: previous = False self.log_user( update, logger.info, "[bold]深渊挑战数据[/bold]请求: floor=%s total=%s previous=%s", floor, total, previous, extra={"markup": True}, ) await message.reply_chat_action(ChatAction.TYPING) reply_text: Optional[Message] = None if total: reply_text = await message.reply_text("派蒙需要时间整理深渊数据,还请耐心等待哦~") try: async with self.helper.genshin_or_public(user_id) as client: if not client.public: await client.get_record_cards() abyss_data, avatar_data = await self.get_rendered_pic_data(client, client.player_id, previous) images = await self.get_rendered_pic(abyss_data, avatar_data, client.player_id, floor, total) except AbyssUnlocked: # 若深渊未解锁 await message.reply_text("还未解锁深渊哦~") return except NoMostKills: # 若深渊还未挑战 await message.reply_text("还没有挑战本次深渊呢,咕咕咕~") return except FloorNotFoundError: await message.reply_text("深渊详细数据未找到,咕咕咕~") return except AbyssNotFoundError: await message.reply_text("无法查询玩家挑战队伍详情,只能查询统计详情哦~") return except TooManyRequestPublicCookies: reply_message = await message.reply_text("查询次数太多,请您稍后重试") if filters.ChatType.GROUPS.filter(message): self.add_delete_message_job(reply_message) self.add_delete_message_job(message) return finally: if reply_text is not None: await reply_text.delete() if images is None: await message.reply_text(f"还没有第 {floor} 层的挑战数据") return await message.reply_chat_action(ChatAction.UPLOAD_PHOTO) for group in ArkoWrapper(images).group(10): # 每 10 张图片分一个组 await RenderGroupResult(results=group).reply_media_group( message, allow_sending_without_reply=True, write_timeout=60 ) self.log_user(update, logger.info, "[bold]深渊挑战数据[/bold]: 成功发送图片", extra={"markup": True}) async def get_rendered_pic_data( self, client: GenshinClient, uid: int, previous: bool ) -> Tuple["SpiralAbyss", Dict[int, int]]: abyss_data = await client.get_genshin_spiral_abyss(uid, previous=previous, lang="zh-cn") avatar_data = {} if not client.public: # noqa avatars = await client.get_genshin_characters(uid, lang="zh-cn") avatar_data = {i.id: i.constellation for i in avatars} await self.save_abyss_data(uid, abyss_data, avatar_data) return abyss_data, avatar_data async def get_rendered_pic( # skipcq: PY-R1000 # self, abyss_data: "SpiralAbyss", avatar_data: Dict[int, int], uid: int, floor: int, total: bool ) -> Union[Tuple[Any], List[RenderResult], None]: """ 获取渲染后的图片 Args: abyss_data (SpiralAbyss): 深渊数据 avatar_data (Dict[int, int]): 角色数据 uid (int): 需要查询的 uid floor (int): 层数 total (bool): 是否为总览 Returns: bytes格式的图片 """ def json_encoder(value): if isinstance(value, datetime): return value.astimezone(TZ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") return value if not abyss_data.unlocked: raise AbyssUnlocked if not abyss_data.ranks.most_kills: raise NoMostKills if (total or (floor > 0)) and len(abyss_data.floors) == 0: raise FloorNotFoundError if (total or (floor > 0)) and len(abyss_data.floors[0].chambers[0].battles) == 0: raise AbyssNotFoundError start_time = abyss_data.start_time.astimezone(TZ) time = start_time.strftime("%Y年%m月") + ("上" if start_time.day <= 15 else "下") stars = [i.stars for i in filter(lambda x: x.floor > 8, abyss_data.floors)] total_stars = f"{sum(stars)} ({'-'.join(map(str, stars))})" render_data = {} result = abyss_data.json(encoder=json_encoder) render_data["time"] = time render_data["stars"] = total_stars render_data["uid"] = mask_number(uid) render_data["floor_colors"] = { 1: "#374952", 2: "#374952", 3: "#55464B", 4: "#55464B", 5: "#55464B", 6: "#1D2A5D", 7: "#1D2A5D", 8: "#1D2A5D", 9: "#292B58", 10: "#382024", 11: "#252550", 12: "#1D2A4A", } if total: render_data["avatar_data"] = avatar_data data = jsonlib.loads(result) render_data["data"] = data render_inputs: List[Tuple[int, Coroutine[Any, Any, RenderResult]]] = [] def overview_task(): return -1, self.template_service.render( "genshin/abyss/overview.jinja2", render_data, viewport={"width": 750, "height": 580} ) def floor_task(floor_index: int): floor_d = data["floors"][floor_index] return ( floor_d["floor"], self.template_service.render( "genshin/abyss/floor.jinja2", { **render_data, "floor": floor_d, "total_stars": f"{floor_d['stars']}/{floor_d['max_stars']}", }, viewport={"width": 690, "height": 500}, full_page=True, ttl=15 * 24 * 60 * 60, ), ) render_inputs.append(overview_task()) for i, f in enumerate(data["floors"]): if f["floor"] >= 9: render_inputs.append(floor_task(i)) render_group_inputs = list(map(lambda x: x[1], sorted(render_inputs, key=lambda x: x[0]))) return await asyncio.gather(*render_group_inputs) if floor < 1: render_data["data"] = jsonlib.loads(result) return [ await self.template_service.render( "genshin/abyss/overview.jinja2", render_data, viewport={"width": 750, "height": 580} ) ] num_dic = { "0": "", "1": "一", "2": "二", "3": "三", "4": "四", "5": "五", "6": "六", "7": "七", "8": "八", "9": "九", } if num := num_dic.get(str(floor)): render_data["floor-num"] = num else: render_data["floor-num"] = f"十{num_dic.get(str(floor % 10))}" floors = jsonlib.loads(result)["floors"] if not (floor_data := list(filter(lambda x: x["floor"] == floor, floors))): return None render_data["avatar_data"] = avatar_data render_data["floor"] = floor_data[0] render_data["total_stars"] = f"{floor_data[0]['stars']}/{floor_data[0]['max_stars']}" return [ await self.template_service.render( "genshin/abyss/floor.jinja2", render_data, viewport={"width": 690, "height": 500} ) ] async def save_abyss_data(self, uid: int, abyss_data: "SpiralAbyss", character_data: Dict[int, int]): model = self.history_data_abyss.create(uid, abyss_data, character_data) old_data = await self.history_data_abyss.get_by_user_id_data_id(uid, model.data_id) exists = self.history_data_abyss.exists_data(model, old_data) if not exists: await self.history_data_abyss.add(model) async def get_abyss_data(self, uid: int): return await self.history_data_abyss.get_by_user_id(uid) @staticmethod def get_season_data_name(data: "HistoryDataAbyss"): start_time = data.abyss_data.start_time.astimezone(TZ) time = start_time.strftime("%Y.%m ")[2:] + ("上" if start_time.day <= 15 else "下") honor = "" if data.abyss_data.total_stars == 36: if data.abyss_data.total_battles == 12: honor = "👑" last_battles = data.abyss_data.floors[-1].chambers[-1].battles num_of_characters = max( len(last_battles[0].characters), len(last_battles[1].characters), ) if num_of_characters == 2: honor = "双通" elif num_of_characters == 1: honor = "单通" return f"{time} {data.abyss_data.total_stars} ★ {honor}" async def get_session_button_data(self, user_id: int, uid: int, force: bool = False): redis = await self.cache.get(str(uid)) if redis and not force: return redis["buttons"] data = await self.get_abyss_data(uid) data.sort(key=lambda x: x.id, reverse=True) abyss_data = [HistoryDataAbyss.from_data(i) for i in data] buttons = [ { "name": AbyssPlugin.get_season_data_name(abyss_data[idx]), "value": f"get_abyss_history|{user_id}|{uid}|{value.id}", } for idx, value in enumerate(data) ] await self.cache.set(str(uid), {"buttons": buttons}) return buttons async def gen_season_button( self, user_id: int, uid: int, page: int = 1, ) -> List[List[InlineKeyboardButton]]: """生成按钮""" data = await self.get_session_button_data(user_id, uid) if not data: return [] buttons = [ InlineKeyboardButton( value["name"], callback_data=value["value"], ) for value in data ] all_buttons = [buttons[i : i + 3] for i in range(0, len(buttons), 3)] send_buttons = all_buttons[(page - 1) * 5 : page * 5] last_page = page - 1 if page > 1 else 0 all_page = math.ceil(len(all_buttons) / 5) next_page = page + 1 if page < all_page and all_page > 1 else 0 last_button = [] if last_page: last_button.append( InlineKeyboardButton( "<< 上一页", callback_data=f"get_abyss_history|{user_id}|{uid}|p_{last_page}", ) ) if last_page or next_page: last_button.append( InlineKeyboardButton( f"{page}/{all_page}", callback_data=f"get_abyss_history|{user_id}|{uid}|empty_data", ) ) if next_page: last_button.append( InlineKeyboardButton( "下一页 >>", callback_data=f"get_abyss_history|{user_id}|{uid}|p_{next_page}", ) ) if last_button: send_buttons.append(last_button) return send_buttons @staticmethod async def gen_floor_button( data_id: int, abyss_data: "HistoryDataAbyss", user_id: int, uid: int, ) -> List[List[InlineKeyboardButton]]: floors = [i.floor for i in abyss_data.abyss_data.floors if i.floor] floors.sort() buttons = [ InlineKeyboardButton( f"第 {i} 层", callback_data=f"get_abyss_history|{user_id}|{uid}|{data_id}|{i}", ) for i in floors ] send_buttons = [buttons[i : i + 4] for i in range(0, len(buttons), 4)] all_buttons = [ InlineKeyboardButton( "<< 返回", callback_data=f"get_abyss_history|{user_id}|{uid}|p_1", ), InlineKeyboardButton( "总览", callback_data=f"get_abyss_history|{user_id}|{uid}|{data_id}|total", ), InlineKeyboardButton( "所有", callback_data=f"get_abyss_history|{user_id}|{uid}|{data_id}|all", ), ] send_buttons.append(all_buttons) return send_buttons @handler.command("abyss_history", block=False) @handler.message(filters.Regex(r"^深渊历史数据"), block=False) async def abyss_history_command_start(self, update: Update, _: CallbackContext) -> None: user_id = await self.get_real_user_id(update) message = update.effective_message self.log_user(update, logger.info, "查询深渊历史数据") async with self.helper.genshin_or_public(user_id) as client: await self.get_session_button_data(user_id, client.player_id, force=True) buttons = await self.gen_season_button(user_id, client.player_id) if not buttons: await message.reply_text("还没有深渊历史数据哦~") return await message.reply_text("请选择要查询的深渊历史数据", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)) async def get_abyss_history_page(self, update: "Update", user_id: int, result: str): """翻页处理""" callback_query = update.callback_query self.log_user(update, logger.info, "切换深渊历史数据页 page[%s]", result) page = int(result.split("_")[1]) async with self.helper.genshin_or_public(user_id) as client: buttons = await self.gen_season_button(user_id, client.player_id, page) if not buttons: await callback_query.answer("还没有深渊历史数据哦~", show_alert=True) await callback_query.edit_message_text("还没有深渊历史数据哦~") return await callback_query.edit_message_reply_markup(reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)) await callback_query.answer(f"已切换到第 {page} 页", show_alert=False) async def get_abyss_history_season(self, update: "Update", data_id: int): """进入选择层数""" callback_query = update.callback_query user = callback_query.from_user self.log_user(update, logger.info, "切换深渊历史数据到层数页 data_id[%s]", data_id) data = await self.history_data_abyss.get_by_id(data_id) if not data: await callback_query.answer("数据不存在,请尝试重新发送命令~", show_alert=True) await callback_query.edit_message_text("数据不存在,请尝试重新发送命令~") return abyss_data = HistoryDataAbyss.from_data(data) buttons = await self.gen_floor_button(data_id, abyss_data, user.id, data.user_id) await callback_query.edit_message_reply_markup(reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)) await callback_query.answer("已切换到层数页", show_alert=False) async def get_abyss_history_floor(self, update: "Update", data_id: int, detail: str): """渲染层数数据""" callback_query = update.callback_query message = callback_query.message floor = 0 total = False if detail == "total": floor = 0 elif detail == "all": total = True else: floor = int(detail) data = await self.history_data_abyss.get_by_id(data_id) if not data: await callback_query.answer("数据不存在,请尝试重新发送命令", show_alert=True) await callback_query.edit_message_text("数据不存在,请尝试重新发送命令~") return abyss_data = HistoryDataAbyss.from_data(data) images = await self.get_rendered_pic( abyss_data.abyss_data, abyss_data.character_data, data.user_id, floor, total ) if images is None: await callback_query.answer(f"还没有第 {floor} 层的挑战数据", show_alert=True) return await callback_query.answer("正在渲染图片中 请稍等 请不要重复点击按钮", show_alert=False) await message.reply_chat_action(ChatAction.UPLOAD_PHOTO) for group in ArkoWrapper(images).group(10): # 每 10 张图片分一个组 await RenderGroupResult(results=group).reply_media_group( message, allow_sending_without_reply=True, write_timeout=60 ) self.log_user(update, logger.info, "[bold]深渊挑战数据[/bold]: 成功发送图片", extra={"markup": True}) self.add_delete_message_job(message, delay=1) @handler.callback_query(pattern=r"^get_abyss_history\|", block=False) async def get_abyss_history(self, update: "Update", _: "ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE") -> None: callback_query = update.callback_query user = callback_query.from_user async def get_abyss_history_callback( callback_query_data: str, ) -> Tuple[str, str, int, int]: _data = callback_query_data.split("|") _user_id = int(_data[1]) _uid = int(_data[2]) _result = _data[3] _detail = _data[4] if len(_data) > 4 else None logger.debug( "callback_query_data函数返回 detail[%s] result[%s] user_id[%s] uid[%s]", _detail, _result, _user_id, _uid, ) return _detail, _result, _user_id, _uid detail, result, user_id, _ = await get_abyss_history_callback(callback_query.data) if user.id != user_id: await callback_query.answer(text="这不是你的按钮!\n" + config.notice.user_mismatch, show_alert=True) return if result == "empty_data": await callback_query.answer(text="此按钮不可用", show_alert=True) return if result.startswith("p_"): await self.get_abyss_history_page(update, user_id, result) return data_id = int(result) if detail: await self.get_abyss_history_floor(update, data_id, detail) return await self.get_abyss_history_season(update, data_id)