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synced 2025-01-09 15:02:17 +00:00
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387 lines
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import asyncio
from pathlib import Path
from ssl import SSLZeroReturnError
from typing import Optional, List, Dict
from aiofiles import open as async_open
from httpx import AsyncClient, HTTPError
from core.base_service import BaseService
from modules.wiki.base import WikiModel
from modules.wiki.models.avatar import Avatar
from modules.wiki.models.weapon import Weapon
from modules.wiki.models.buddy import Buddy
from modules.wiki.models.equipment_suit import EquipmentSuit
from utils.const import PROJECT_ROOT
from utils.log import logger
from utils.typedefs import StrOrURL, StrOrInt
ASSETS_PATH = PROJECT_ROOT.joinpath("resources/assets")
ASSETS_PATH.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
"avatar": WikiModel.BASE_URL + "avatars.json",
"weapon": WikiModel.BASE_URL + "weapons.json",
"buddy": WikiModel.BASE_URL + "buddy.json",
"equipment_suit": WikiModel.BASE_URL + "equipment_suits.json",
def choose_path_by_url(url: str, png_path: Path, webp_path: Path) -> Path:
ext = url.split(".")[-1].lower()
if ext == "png":
return png_path
if ext == "webp":
return webp_path
return png_path
class AssetsServiceError(Exception):
class AssetsCouldNotFound(AssetsServiceError):
def __init__(self, message: str, target: str):
self.message = message
self.target = target
super().__init__(f"{message}: target={target}")
class _AssetsService:
client: Optional[AsyncClient] = None
def __init__(self, client: Optional[AsyncClient] = None) -> None:
self.client = client
async def _download(self, url: StrOrURL, path: Path, retry: int = 5) -> Optional[Path]:
"""从 url 下载图标至 path"""
if not url:
return None
logger.debug("正在从 %s 下载图标至 %s", url, path)
headers = None
for time in range(retry):
response = await self.client.get(url, follow_redirects=False, headers=headers)
except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=W0703
if not isinstance(error, (HTTPError, SSLZeroReturnError)):
logger.error(error) # 打印未知错误
if time != retry - 1: # 未达到重试次数
await asyncio.sleep(1)
raise error
if response.status_code != 200: # 判定页面是否正常
return None
async with async_open(path, "wb") as file:
await file.write(response.content) # 保存图标
return path.resolve()
class _AvatarAssets(_AssetsService):
path: Path
data: List[Avatar]
name_map: Dict[str, Avatar]
id_map: Dict[int, Avatar]
def __init__(self, client: Optional[AsyncClient] = None) -> None:
self.path = ASSETS_PATH.joinpath("agent")
self.path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
async def initialize(self):
html = await self.client.get(DATA_MAP["avatar"])
self.data = [Avatar(**data) for data in html.json()]
self.name_map = {icon.name: icon for icon in self.data}
self.id_map = {icon.id: icon for icon in self.data}
tasks = []
for icon in self.data:
base_path = self.path / f"{icon.id}"
base_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
def _get_path(name: str) -> tuple[Path, Path]:
path = base_path / f"{name}.png"
return path, path.with_suffix(".webp")
for i in (("gacha", icon.gacha), ("icon", icon.icon_), ("square", icon.square), ("normal", icon.normal)):
png_path, webp_path = _get_path(i[0])
if not png_path.exists() and not webp_path.exists() and i[1]:
tasks.append(self._download(i[1], choose_path_by_url(i[1], png_path, webp_path)))
if len(tasks) >= 100:
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
tasks = []
if tasks:
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
def get_path(self, icon: Avatar, name: str) -> Path:
path = self.path / f"{icon.id}"
path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
p1 = path / f"{name}.png"
if p1.exists():
return p1
p2 = path / f"{name}.webp"
if p2.exists():
return p2
return p1
def get_by_id(self, id_: int) -> Optional[Avatar]:
return self.id_map.get(id_, None)
def get_by_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[Avatar]:
return self.name_map.get(name, None)
def get_target(self, target: StrOrInt, second_target: StrOrInt = None) -> Avatar:
data = None
if isinstance(target, int):
data = self.get_by_id(target)
elif isinstance(target, str):
data = self.get_by_name(target)
if data is None:
if second_target:
return self.get_target(second_target)
raise AssetsCouldNotFound("角色素材图标不存在", target)
return data
def gacha(self, target: StrOrInt, second_target: StrOrInt = None) -> Path:
icon = self.get_target(target, second_target)
return self.get_path(icon, "gacha")
def icon(self, target: StrOrInt, second_target: StrOrInt = None) -> Path:
icon = self.get_target(target, second_target)
return self.get_path(icon, "icon")
def square(self, target: StrOrInt, second_target: StrOrInt = None) -> Path:
icon = self.get_target(target, second_target)
return self.get_path(icon, "square")
def normal(self, target: StrOrInt, second_target: StrOrInt = None) -> Path:
icon = self.get_target(target, second_target)
return self.get_path(icon, "normal")
class _WeaponAssets(_AssetsService):
path: Path
data: List[Weapon]
name_map: Dict[str, Weapon]
id_map: Dict[int, Weapon]
def __init__(self, client: Optional[AsyncClient] = None) -> None:
self.path = ASSETS_PATH.joinpath("engines")
self.path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
async def initialize(self):
html = await self.client.get(DATA_MAP["weapon"])
self.data = [Weapon(**data) for data in html.json()]
self.name_map = {icon.name: icon for icon in self.data}
self.id_map = {icon.id: icon for icon in self.data}
tasks = []
for icon in self.data:
base_path = self.path / f"{icon.id}"
base_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
icon_path = base_path / "icon.webp"
if not icon_path.exists():
tasks.append(self._download(icon.icon, icon_path))
if len(tasks) >= 100:
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
tasks = []
if tasks:
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
def get_path(self, icon: Weapon, name: str) -> Path:
path = self.path / f"{icon.id}"
path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
return path / f"{name}.webp"
def get_by_id(self, id_: int) -> Optional[Weapon]:
return self.id_map.get(id_, None)
def get_by_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[Weapon]:
return self.name_map.get(name, None)
def get_target(self, target: StrOrInt, second_target: StrOrInt = None) -> Optional[Weapon]:
if isinstance(target, int):
return self.get_by_id(target)
elif isinstance(target, str):
return self.get_by_name(target)
if second_target:
return self.get_target(second_target)
raise AssetsCouldNotFound("武器素材图标不存在", target)
def icon(self, target: StrOrInt, second_target: StrOrInt = None) -> Path:
icon = self.get_target(target, second_target)
return self.get_path(icon, "icon")
class _BuddyAssets(_AssetsService):
path: Path
data: List[Buddy]
id_map: Dict[int, Buddy]
name_map: Dict[str, Buddy]
def __init__(self, client: Optional[AsyncClient] = None) -> None:
self.path = ASSETS_PATH.joinpath("buddy")
self.path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
async def initialize(self):
html = await self.client.get(DATA_MAP["buddy"])
self.data = [Buddy(**data) for data in html.json()]
self.id_map = {icon.id: icon for icon in self.data}
self.name_map = {icon.name: icon for icon in self.data}
tasks = []
for icon in self.data:
webp_path = self.path / f"{icon.id}.webp"
png_path = self.path / f"{icon.id}.png"
square_path = self.path / f"{icon.id}_square.png"
if not webp_path.exists() and icon.webp:
tasks.append(self._download(icon.webp, webp_path))
if not png_path.exists() and icon.png:
tasks.append(self._download(icon.png, png_path))
if not square_path.exists() and icon.square:
tasks.append(self._download(icon.square, square_path))
if len(tasks) >= 100:
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
tasks = []
if tasks:
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
def get_path(self, icon: Buddy, ext: str, square: bool = False) -> Path:
square_str = "_square" if square else ""
path = self.path / f"{icon.id}{square_str}.{ext}"
return path
def get_by_id(self, id_: int) -> Optional[Buddy]:
return self.id_map.get(id_, None)
def get_by_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[Buddy]:
return self.name_map.get(name, None)
def get_target(self, target: StrOrInt, second_target: StrOrInt = None) -> Optional[Buddy]:
if isinstance(target, int):
return self.get_by_id(target)
elif isinstance(target, str):
return self.get_by_name(target)
if second_target:
return self.get_target(second_target)
raise AssetsCouldNotFound("邦布素材图标不存在", target)
def webp(self, target: StrOrInt, second_target: StrOrInt = None) -> Path:
icon = self.get_target(target, second_target)
return self.get_path(icon, "webp")
def png(self, target: StrOrInt, second_target: StrOrInt = None) -> Path:
icon = self.get_target(target, second_target)
return self.get_path(icon, "png")
def icon(self, target: StrOrInt, second_target: StrOrInt = None) -> Path:
icon = self.get_target(target, second_target)
webp_path = self.get_path(icon, "webp")
png_path = self.get_path(icon, "png")
if webp_path.exists():
return webp_path
if png_path.exists():
return png_path
raise AssetsCouldNotFound("邦布素材图标不存在", target)
def square(self, target: StrOrInt, second_target: StrOrInt = None) -> Path:
icon = self.get_target(target, second_target)
return self.get_path(icon, "png", square=True)
class _EquipmentSuitAssets(_AssetsService):
path: Path
data: List[EquipmentSuit]
id_map: Dict[int, EquipmentSuit]
name_map: Dict[str, EquipmentSuit]
def __init__(self, client: Optional[AsyncClient] = None) -> None:
self.path = ASSETS_PATH.joinpath("equipment_suit")
self.path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
async def initialize(self):
html = await self.client.get(DATA_MAP["equipment_suit"])
self.data = [EquipmentSuit(**data) for data in html.json()]
self.id_map = {theme.id: theme for theme in self.data}
self.name_map = {theme.name: theme for theme in self.data}
tasks = []
for theme in self.data:
path = self.path / f"{theme.id}.webp"
if not path.exists():
tasks.append(self._download(theme.icon, path))
if len(tasks) >= 100:
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
tasks = []
if tasks:
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
def get_path(self, theme: EquipmentSuit, ext: str) -> Path:
path = self.path / f"{theme.id}.{ext}"
return path
def get_by_id(self, id_: int) -> Optional[EquipmentSuit]:
return self.id_map.get(id_, None)
def get_by_name(self, name_: str) -> Optional[EquipmentSuit]:
return self.name_map.get(name_, None)
def get_target(self, target: StrOrInt, second_target: StrOrInt = None) -> Optional[EquipmentSuit]:
if isinstance(target, int):
return self.get_by_id(target)
elif isinstance(target, str):
return self.get_by_name(target)
if second_target:
return self.get_target(second_target)
raise AssetsCouldNotFound("驱动盘素材图标不存在", target)
def icon(self, target: StrOrInt, second_target: StrOrInt = None) -> Path:
theme = self.get_target(target, second_target)
webp_path = self.get_path(theme, "webp")
if webp_path.exists():
return webp_path
raise AssetsCouldNotFound("驱动盘素材图标不存在", target)
class AssetsService(BaseService.Dependence):
用于储存和管理 asset :
当对应的 asset (如某角色图标)不存在时,该服务会先查找本地。
client: Optional[AsyncClient] = None
avatar: _AvatarAssets
weapon: _WeaponAssets
buddy: _BuddyAssets
equipment_suit: _EquipmentSuitAssets
def __init__(self):
self.client = AsyncClient(timeout=60.0)
self.avatar = _AvatarAssets(self.client)
self.weapon = _WeaponAssets(self.client)
self.buddy = _BuddyAssets(self.client)
self.equipment_suit = _EquipmentSuitAssets(self.client)
async def initialize(self): # pylint: disable=W0221
await self.avatar.initialize()
await self.weapon.initialize()
await self.buddy.initialize()
await self.equipment_suit.initialize()